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Trump is seriously a joke by now. He'll get out in 4 years and be one of the new string of "forgotten presidents."

Liberal judges that will oppose him on principle. What's new?



Not gonna lie, former Drumpf voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

Time for Hawaii to be an independent island again. :)

SCOTUS is gonna laugh the 9th court out of the country when this reaches them.

Trump is doing nothing unconstitutional. Libs gonna lib.

Are there any patriots in Hawaii?

I thought they were literally paying homeless people to leave Hawaii because they were ruining tourism. They also keep blacks out of some places. And they oppose Trump's travel ban?


>most articles end with "- what you need to know"
it's like they are not even hiding it any more that they treat themselves as a Ministry of Propaganda


trump is a joke

they would quickly fall apart. they have no resources except tourism. The Japanese or Chinese would swoop in a buy them out even faster if they left the US. The Japanese already own most of Oahu.

>setting precedent that any majority muslim country can't be blocked for the sole reason that they're majority muslim

The best judge ever

I was a Trump supporter for some time, but seeing how unsuccessful he is with everything he's trying to do, I am beginning to seriously question my commitment.

If I was American and voted again today, I'd have to vote for Hillary.

His inexperience is beginning to be a problem.

Kill yourself faggot

Kill yourself faggot

I don't think you know how American government works.
If this were all reversed, a conservative landscape with a hyper liberal executive, it'd be the same shit going on.

it'll get reinstated once gorsuch gets confirmed and sworn in next week


*blocks your travel ban*

Trumptards, everyone.

>Not gonna lie, former trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

Crusades soon Muhammed!

This is what you get when you are in bed with Russians and hiding your tax returns.
Hope you losers didn't try to redpill people in public, when the pendulum turns you're all just going to be left with Alex Jones and be a fucking laughing stock for whatever friends and family you have left.
You are all


former drumpf supporter here, crash and burn, nuclear codes

Confused Turk roach. Just because Japan likes you doesn't mean you need to show off some new tricks.

Do american presidents have any power at all or is it like some kind of president daycare?

Are you jealous ;^]

Trump must first Drain the Swamp by removing judges, that are above Law.

CRINOCRACY is a system, where Judges rule. They usurped legislative power and executive power, they can completely ignore any law (is it 1082 in this case?), any hierarchy.

Unless they are removed, the president is a vain and funny worthless puppet.
The true executive power and legislative power is now still in unellected judges, which is Crinocracy (and Oligarchy), not Democracy...


>Muslim ban gets blocked twice
>Next 9/11 happens
>Liberal judges imprisoned
>Trump purges the entire country
Really makes you think
Honestly if another 9/11 were to happen, the country would ascend into pure, unfiltered chaos. America would go full 4th reich.

Americans are the biggest cucks ever

Got Trump in the white house/republicans in congress, access to free speech and still cant fix their shit

>it's better to get an experienced person with bad intentions than an inexperienced person with good intentions

retards, rural and suburban.

The executive branch actually does have a lot of power. Trumpy however has no idea how it works. Believe it or not, the Constitution has more authority then he does.


What the fuck america, why can shitty low tier judges block your president like that? How does that even work, someone explain it to me.

It literally specifies in the constitution that Trump has the power to do this. The excuse for striking down the ban was literally "it's Islamophobic", perhaps you can find in the constitution where it suggests that Trump doesn't have this power?

I've read the article in the constitution that guarantees the president the power to do this. Now, what is the article that the liberal judges are using to block the order?

Well something to consider is my theory on ISIS. You see ISIS has been sending out many sleepers with the refugees, however, their purpose is to transfer their gibs back to ISIS to fund the war effort. This means their job right now is to lay low and acquire money (often through criminal means like drug dealing).

What you need to think about is what happens when Trump actually takes out ISIS and it collapses. All these sleepers no longer have the obligation to send funds anymore. At this point the sleepers will be "activated" and all of them will simultaneously start committing terrorist attacks.

So the question is, how many sleepers got through into America.

They can, temporarily. Eventually the Supreme Court decides.

I will hold onto faith until Steve Bannon is kicked out of Trumps circle. Once that happens, it truly is over, and we should enter panic mode..

Never trust a gook

What if he declares war with a country. Can some shitty judge just say 'No you don't' and then people have to wait half a year for the supreme court to decide while that other country can build up its military?

Holy shit. Quite a few sleepers I imagine with some throwing away their old ISIS allegiances after experiencing America.

You might be onto something there. Thats the scary thing about ISIS, they legit believe their doomsday theory about that "final battle" between the Crusaders and Mohamed or w/e

Obama said they could.

they don't have anything to block the order. That is exactly what the SCOTUS will say. The reason this judge is doing this is because 1. Obama visited him and told him to and 2. it makes him look good to all the other leftists. Even if it costs him face or his job, he will come out ahead in his circle.

Declaring war is Congress's job, they vote on it (they always vote yes lol). But yea I think if federal judges wanted to they could obstruct every action that a President takes, but then that would cause a power struggle between the Executive and Judicial branches.


I'm still not clear on how 1 court can block the ban for the entire country

if my memory serves, the president of US can order the Marines to attack without the approval of congress and the courts don't get any say in acts of war until AFTER the war starts.

I could be wrong on that though.


pick one lmfao


President doesnt declare war with anyone. Congress does. And if they are slow and we end up dead well, ooooooo that sucks.

Checkd and balanced.


>inplying anyone is jealous of your shithole squatter country
Call me when the Kurds take over

This guy set one of the most dangerous precedents in recent history.

A judge can rule against blocking any muslim country for no reason other than it being a muslim country now. This has to be overturned and this guy has to lose his job, this is from someone that doesn't like Trump all that much.

>in charge

Pick fucking one.

HaHa tiny drumpfy BTFO like always. wat a shithead

Nope you cant fier judges because you dont like there decision. Thats not how the law works.

They are protected against such bullying.

LAW stands above everything.

nt row fass missa trumm

They'll push Trump into a corner where if they can't outright ban muslim countries they'll have to outright ban muslims totally

Be prepared to taste bacon and draw a picture of mohammed tourists to america

supreme court he says? supreme court will crush him hard.

Well yeah. ISIS losing territory and manpower their only move would be to slither in with the refugees and wage jihad internally.

And there's a lot that got in. Read about the ISIS training camps we found south of the border. Read about how they were working with the cartel. Read about how the FBI have sleepers identified in most of our states already. Just about every other mosque is a terrorist rathole. The happenings have only just begun.

President Trump even read the relevant sections of the constitution last night at his speech in Nashville TN. Was like a civics 101 class LULZ!

German fag pretending to know anything

But we know the travel ban is legal, Obama did it too. It's obviously not about LAW.

didnt he fire a bunch of AGs? why didnt he fire all of them?

>LAW stands above everything

Tell me what the law says, Achmed.


And how is the constitution conflicting with that law?

constitution does not apply to non-citizens that are not inside the country....

They don't care what happens to the mainland.

You cant discriminate based on religion.


The travel ban is a fake tactic. It's a way of showing him struggle with the court and libs and that he's keeping his campaign promise "but they're blocking me." That's why it's only a 90 day thing every time. It's 100% eyewash propaganda bullshit otherwise it would be a legit forever ban on Saudis

>trump does something
>goes to the 9th court because liberals challenge it from that district
it'd be smart to just have a conservative challenge it in a more conservative distinct

1. He is discriminating against nations
2. That only applies to citizens of the united state

My dick is hard already.

They do, but the judicial branch has decided to abuse theirs. Trump is actually right, but it'll take some time to go over the 9th circus's heads on this. It's just a delaying tactic to get more jihadists and illegal voters into the country before the gates close. There's a reason Obomba had to go personally arrange for it, the judge fell on his sword for this one.

I had a nightmare about a terrorist attack that I am terrified to post about because it seems like such a feasible method of attack over such a broad area.

I've told my cousin who is a local cop and he said "Yeah, that's fucked up, don't ever tell anybody that."

Constitution applies to citizens not parasites.

We never let Muslims set foot in this country until the 50s retard. All the founding fathers HATED the "Mohammadens" and their ilk. I wonder why.


We can't ban Saudi's, as much as i would love that, because they won't take in refugees if we do. Obama really fucked up.

>He is discriminating against nations
Then he should never have said that its a muslim ban ;)

>That only applies to citizens of the united state
Doesnt matter every law has to go in conformity with the constitution.

Invade Iraq, fuck up the country, kill 100k people, cause the ISIS, fund them via UAE proxies, fuck up Syria

Just stop causing these shitstorm in future, murrikas foreign policie is the cause of this shit.

Now you have to tell us.

>constitution does not apply to non-citizens that are not inside the country....
There are 3 sections of the Constitution dealing with religion.

The 14th amendment, 5th amendment, and 1st amendment.

The 14th amendment guarantees that citizens and people on US soil equal will receive equal treatment from state governments regardless of religion. It does not apply because this is about the federal government and noncitizens off US soil don't have constitutional rights.

The 5th amendment guarantees that citizens and people on US soil will receive equal treatment from the federal government regardless of religion. It does not apply because noncitizens off US soil don't have constitutional rights.

The 1st amendment restricts the federal government from favoring or discriminating against a religion or religions intentionally through government act. It makes no mention of personal rights and applies to all government action irrespective of location. It does not apply because transparent attempts to fulfill a political promise to discriminate against a religion through government action don't count when the political promise was made during a campaign...wait?


American education

Nobody is arguing with you Achmed. Neocon shit is not something I like.

My dad said years ago that everything Clinton and both Bushes did was to destabilize the world so more people would come to the US and vote Democrat. I didn't think it made much sense because both Bushes were GOP, but lo and behold, they endorsed Hillary over a true Conservative. I think he was right.

>Swedish Flag
Like a pot calling the kettle black.

Trump could literally write
and he would be constitutionally %100 in the right to do so because the current laws passed by congress in the 70s say the president can deny any class of alien for any reason.

So why can't t these traitors be fired exactly?

>guarantees that citizens and people on US soil equal
These people are neither, therefore not protected

Your dad was right. I didn't wake up to this until recently. It's all true though if you look at the if policies and the direction the country has taken.

2nd graders have better reading comprehension than you, m8.

They can, but it takes actual public involvement. Depending on population size a certain number of citizens must sign a petition of judicial review to submit to the federal government before the federal government can pass it on to the supreme court who can then give the president permission to fire a judge.

I'm not an American but I want to be an American regardless to a president, Trump is OK for me instead of Putin.

>SCOTUS is gonna laugh the 9th court out of the country when this reaches them.

The travel bans are political theater by Trump, both to maintain his base and to use as a weapon against the left...

He could revise the vetting without them, but this allows his opposition to out themselves in front of the Silent Majority.