What is the counter to this?

What is the counter to this?

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I've never been to Egypt.


Christianity starts from the New Testament.

back in the day everyone were savages so there was less cultural differences

But when those foreigners don't behave like my other neightboars i will try to convince them to change . If that doesn't work fuck them they don't want to integrate

>Rape is ok - bible 7:11

I'm not religious but I would imagine that quote constitutes other Christians? Not a religion that wants you dead for being a Christian.

This is the counter.

Leviticus also outlaws fagdom.

Make up thy mind, ye Liberals

When (((we))) were foreigners in Egypt, we didn't beat our women, did proportionate lots of crime and didn't force the locals to adopt our culture and adhere our laws.


Well, let's just start working our way down Leviticus by first killing all the gays. We'll get to the immigration reform eventually.

Was this before passports? Immigration isn't a big deal, I don't think any country wants to halt immigration. Its illegal imigration and refugees that have the nationalists upset. And in the Aus's/africas case they have chinese colonizing them which I think both are upset with.

Anti-globalist views to preserve the culture.

christians follow the new testament

liberals love to pick out all the crazy shot from the old testament

like, no sweetie. we follow the NT

>the foreigner
Doesnt say "hundreds of thousands of foreigners"

>l-l-l-l-let me pic what suites me.

Fuck off trader!

Not a christian
Now get out

I don't know what it's like in Sweden but we Americans aren't even friendly to each other.

Leviticus only applies to jews. It's their covenant with god.

Anything from the Quran.

Warrant they slaves in egypt

The old testament is entirely invalid and as such the new testament is the only part of the bible worth following.

Isn't that supposed to be for the levi tribe? Those were priests in those times.


And any OT writings condemning gays. Deuteronomy is a good book for that.

It means we need to treat the ones we decide to let live among us as our native borns.

Not being a christcuck

Leviticus 19:18


I'm not Jewish, so who gives a shit

It's talking about jews.

Dont be a christcuck
or also
be a christcuck ironically

> book of Leviticus

Inform them about the Word of God's latest patch.

not being a kike


3 Red Pills

[PhD: shows why ISIS is following Islam](youtube.com/watch?v=a2b82GNh_zM&feature=youtu.be&t=2400)

[The violence and truth about Muhammed](youtube.com/watch?v=rBluWnM4bJg&feature=youtu.be&t=619)

[PhD: the Qur'an, Muhammad & Islam](youtu.be/fMJRsd8SrhU?t=51)

> are you a member of the Tribe of Levi?
> have you been ordained a Levite?
> are you tasked with guarding the physical Tabernacle?

If you answered "no" to either of those, Leviticus doesn't apply. Shittiest book in the Worst Testament. Even Jesus hated those faggots.


>Matthew 12:30: He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.
>Luke 9:50: And Jesus said unto him, Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us.

>tldr: fuck non christians

It means treat your neighbours with respect no matter where they come from. It doesn't mean let in more foreigners.

((((Marxist))) Liberals don't say that everything in the bible is bad... But christians do say that everything in the bible is good.

Don't fight for your country or your people

Lay down and take it

Old Testament is called old for reason Ahmed

>what's your counter to this
Stop believing Jewish lies

Guy is talking to the jews. Plus all of Leviticus' shit is utter nonsense.

First, that's clearly the Jewish god speaking only to the Jewish people.

Second, it's not a directive to actively increase the number of foreigners in your midst. Indeed, the very fact that the Jewish god deemed it necessary to say this is an implied acknowledgement that having foreigners living amongst your population is a distinct source of conflict and tension.

Third, there are many examples in the Old Testament which speak to the Jewish god's acknowledgement and advocacy of national/tribal borders, even going so far as to note that he created these bounds.

Pretty sure the Egyptians kicked the Jews out for a reason

The counter is to tell them to actually read and understand the bible before trying to be Mr. Theologian.

Typical heathen trying to act all scholarly about shit they do not understand.

Treat as our native-born?

We expect our native-born to obey the law, behave in a civil manner; assimilate.

The whole immigration issue is about adjusting immigration to keep people out who won't behave like our neighbors do. My neighbors are expected to uphold the values of this country, and they are treated as such.

maybe it was because they started charging (((interest))) and (((changing money)))

That was God's law for the JEWS. Why not truck off to Israel and ask them how they're doing with that one.

That verse talks about foreigners who ARE in the country.

It says nothing about importing millions of muslims from other countries.

Keep them away, so they aren't in our country

Old Testament is literally why Jesus came to earth. 99% of it is retarded, the only parts you should take into account are the prophecies about the mesiah who would come down to Earth and stop all the retarded bullshit being done in the name of god.

The Old Testament is literally word for word the same as the Jewish Torah. (There's possibly a redpill opportunity there tell these people Christians don't really follow the Old Testament but Jews do) there is no denying that at very least Jews/Judaism had a very big influence on Christianity


don't care; i'm not Jewish

So the bible wants open borders for Israel? Or is it saying Jews need to welcome foreigners into all countries where they live

How should Christians respond to terrorism? The question we must always ask is: "What does the Bible say?"

#1 The Bible says that God has established government and government is endued with God's authority to protect its citizens and punish those who terrorize them.

The Bible is quite clear about why legitimate governments are established and the extent of their authority. From the apostle Paul we learn:

"The authorities that exist have been established by God" (Romans 13:1).

"There is no authority except that which God has established" (Romans 13:1).

"Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities" (Romans 13:1).

Perhaps most appropriate to the case of the terrorist attacks on the twin towers of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon are the following:

"Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves" (Romans 13:2).

"Rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong" (Romans 13:3).

"He (the ruler) does not bear the sword for nothing" (Romans 13:4)

"He is God's servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer" (Romans 13:4).

CONCLUSION: We submit to legitimate authorities because they are duty bound to act against those who disobey the law and harm others. We also submit for the sake of our conscience. The terrorist attacks on September 11th were both unlawful and unconscionable. The United States government has both the right and the duty to God to pursue and punish those who committed these terrible acts and those who harbor them.

Source: backtothebible.org/how-should-a-christian-respond-to-terrorism#sthash.Qgyyp0Xj.dpuf

So only right-wing christians are allowed to cherrypick the bits they like from the Bible?

I genuinely don't understand the problem with charging interest. Why else would you lend someone money?

It's a law designed to make the foreigner part of the tribe. That includes holding the foreigner accountable to the laws of the people, because if the foreigner is like a citizen, then their sin is just as capable of tarnishing the community.

Reside in our land, obey our rules. Do so and we won't have any issues. If you don't, we're within the rights handed down by us from God to extract suitable punishment, just like from any other member of the community.

LOL@stupid dogmas

Leviticus is all about telling you what to do, its bs

i'm not a jew

That quote doesn't say anything about bringing in migrants. It only says to treat foreigners who are already among the people with respect.

Jews were slaves in Egypt
Leviticus is Torah (Jew bible)
This doesn't prompt me to treat foreigners well

only right wing Christian put it in its proper context. Because they go to mass.


I heard once from a swede who visited London that they had an exhibit in the Tower of London that talked about Jews being kicked out of London for cutting the corners off coins. Basically when coins were made of precious metal they'd gather really tiny chips of said metal off each coin over time and then when they had enough of said metal clippings melt them down and make more coins out of them

>What is the counter to this?
The counter can also be found in the OT - the tale of the Midians!
IAW/JHVH sends dirty Arabs called "Midians" to invade the land, and piss off anyone who wasn't being godly enough. Later, He exhorts the people to rise up and kill all Midians.
So much for kissing immigrant arse, then... I think it's in "Judges" or "Kings".


found the Muhammad

>atheist quotes the bible to me as if they're an authority on the

>There shall be one law for the native and for the stranger who sojourns among you.
>Exodus 12:49

Im sure that applies to any foreigner who doesnt hate the everloving shit out of you.

define foreigner though. in ancient times people outside your town were basically foreigners even if they came from the same empire. Hell even in large countries today like Canada people from Ontario or Quebec stick out like foreigners to someone in BC for example. It also depends what word was "foreigner" translated from

I don't know about you, but I don't let native borns run around doing stupid shit and practicing sharia law, I hold native borns to a high standard of social behaviour

>You shall have one law for the sojourner and for the native; for I am the Lord your God.
>Leviticus 24:22

Love includes tough love.

Also says foreigners must abstain from idol worship and give up all their bullshit. Lev 18.26 is one verse

> treat them as native-born
> including making them obey native laws
> instead of letting them break whatever laws they want because "muh multiculturalism"

These dudes knows what's up.

A lot of people assume that everyone in the bible was Jewish, but there were a shit-ton of other tribes and religions mulling about (Cannaite straglers, Samaritans, Romans, "people from the East", niggers, etc.)

In fact, the more I am re-reading the NT, the more I am starting to realize that Jesus REALLY REALLY hated Jews.

I am fucking up the quotes, but Jesus said along the lines of
> "Truly, truly, our father is not the same. My father is GOD, and if you do not recognize me as my father's son, that means your father is the DEVIL" [ESV or some shit]
> "Stop worshiping Moloch you stupid kikes! I am the sword mother fuckers" [POL]

etc. etc.

The last 1/5th of Matthew is Jesus straight up saing Rabbis don't get into heaven. In some of the Letters, Jesus said he would personally throw them out if they tried to sneak in. John was pretty much Sup Forums incarnate.

He used coiled rope to literally whip them when they tried to sell birds and change money in a temple he literally pulled squatter rights on.

The point of baptism was to de-Jewify people and wash away their (((sin)))

tl;dr Christ was a badass and the Kikes should feel bad about killing him, even though it's what he wanted, but fuck those guys anayways.

It's propaganda for a Greek audience meant to encourage Greeks to put up with Jew shit, just as it's used today to get us to put up with Jew shit.

Bonus: Jews were never enslaved en masse in Egypt. It's a lie.

>Love them as you love yourself

Well, do you love yourself raping and pillaging your own homeland? No? You put an end to that shit immediately.

There are other quotes in the bible that tell you that you don't just sit there taking that punishment and destruction.

I don't treat fiction as fact.


Not just this, but there's a difference between tolerance and love.

Tolerance is the devils medicine

That's not what the passage says. That's from some garbage version re-written by dipshit American protestants.

>34 But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.

Religion is for either cucks or savages

Fuck off faggit. We dont want your sharia law, pedo shit. You have to go back, Ahmud

didnt it also say in the bible that if they worship someone else thats a nono?

I'm not Jewish.

>What is the counter to this?
Tell them to go to church if the suddenly believe it so much.

Agreed. KJV is the ONLY Bible


"I'm not Jewish and never lived in Egypt."

Old testament BTFO.


That same book says it's ok to kill homosexuals.

Christians follow Jesus before all, which is the NT, and that generally will still like you to not judge Sinners, as god will.

That's not the story of the Bible. God told Moses to lead Israel away from Egypt to the Promised Land. At first the Pharaoh didn't want to let them go but after 10 plagues he changed his mind and let them go

I don't believe in God.

Christianity is a Jewish religion to pacify and control the goyim.


>Assuming I am a fucking Jew in Israel. Nigga, none of my ancestors have ever lived in Egypt.

But charge interest on loans with the foreigner but not on loans with your own kinsman

No one's advocating for treating JFs like untermensch only LARP tier cretins do that but this is clearly being used as propaganda for mass immigration which is highly disingenuous because the quote says nothing about having to let the foreigners in in the first place

High-end redpill:

The passage has its origins in the instructions from the Persian king to the so-called returners from Exile and their expected behavior towards the natives and vice versa. It was instructions for the Zoroastrian "returners" not to mix their blood or religion with the local "Jew" pagans. This is where Judaism and all its peculiarities and fixations begin.

The text of this instruction was drawn on by Jews when making up a History for themselves to show the Greeks who ruled them in the 4th century BC how wonderful and ancient they were. It also alludes to the the then more recently concocted enslavement in Egypt tale to give itself historical veracity.

That's okay. He believes in you.