Do you support your current government? I do, they turned my city from soviet shithole into this

Do you support your current government? I do, they turned my city from soviet shithole into this.

still looks like a shithole

parking must be difficult

Looks nice..just don't ruin it by stealing all the copper wire and piping

>pink building

What is that a gay bath house?

looks like a pretty average residential street

Still better than public beheadings and halal food

Sing a showtune, fairy

Go have a big gay walk around your homo town

How is my city gay you autistic gizmo?

>frilly color scheme
>narrow streets for your tiny euromobiles
>that fucking manhole cover
>no hotgod stand
>no mcdonalds

where do I even begin

Looks great, Romania is on the up and up. Should have posted a before pic for these mongos tho


Thanks bro we are slowly progressing

Well they did with the EU-western folks tax money.
Hope the EU crash soon.

Yes I'm glad we spend EU money to build a nice house while you spend EU money to feed achmeds and their kids


you hab nice house? grate i bring wives soon when no gibs in this place

Nice house with stolen furnitures ?

>into this

This street looks like the shittiest neighborhood somewhere in Milan.

t. Milan nigger

Yes but you were good and now you're shit. We were shit and now we're good.

I'm so-so on Labour. They are totally cucked on the feminism angle, jesus fucking christ they virtue signal until I want to beat Joseph's smug face in.

But when it comes to immigration they've been pretty top-tier. We were practically drowning in them before they came along.

I see McDonald's fulfilled their diversity quota

eu money created you
>the politicians turned it around
no sadly thats not how loans work
look att sweden
we were bad
then we went wealthy in 1970
look att where we are att now with the debt

ceausescu is literally the only motherfucker that created a country without debt and no collaterals
you were literally the only counry in the world with the chance of having a 100% growing economy if you were to just wait 5 more years and use the export assets

but hey
congrats on that socialism ticket
we will come to collect in 20 years
>where do you think we will send all the western "migrants" when our borders close

Can't argue with that. Maybe I'll be lucky and find a nice romanian wife and move there

Yes. I am a good goy,

Romania is a cucked shithole where foreign interests do what they want unhindered, I hope Germany turns Europe in a federal state, it would be a literal upgrade in dignity

And I am Marie of Rumania

Good luck
Maybe in south

>maybe in the south
does Romania have the North-South divide as well? Where the South is a poor shithole but still retains it's culture while the North is rich but a multicultural shithole, as it is in Italy.

Mai functioneaza Ulpia?
t. hunedorean

Yes exactly
Da, unde stai?
