Lady Faces Unusual Challenges

Anyone know what country this happened in?

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hooolyy shitt

Kill it with fire.

What is this krokodil addiction or something?

Probably russia

evidence of god

sounds like chinese or some shiet

whats that green thing ?

Last time I ever try eating while browsing Sup Forums. What the fuck.

I would give her mercy

Looks like acid continuously thrown into someone's face.

Gee. Could have happened anywhere.

how the fuck is she alive though?

some shit hole that needs some god damn democracy

Damn. China's facial censorship is getting pretty good.

Asian country for sure. Probably china.

How does she eat? She can't smell or see. She probably has a lessened sense of taste, saliva should mostly dry out, what happened here?

>What is this krokodil addiction or something?
no and not even close
She in not sound like russian, but there is clear.


Tubgirl, goatse, countless death and gore videos. Nothing in my past has prepared me for this moment. I haven't felt that feeling since.... I guess since age 13 when I first saw a shock image. I'm going to have nightmares now. That was otherworldly. I'm impressed. I guess I still do have feelings.

>there isn't clear


Listen to the other woman's voice, sounds like an Asian language



You don't need eyes nose or the roof of your mouth. Her brain, heart, lungs and digestive system are still intact along with her circulatory system.

The only thing that shakes me anymore is that fucking brick through the windshield video


You mean the one where the wife dies? That one is brutal.

That's a horrible photo, user.
Here's a nice pic of loveliness.
I'm not even going to play the vid that you linked.

Yup it's Chinese. Not sure which one though.
0:43 confirms it

Thanks for reminding me about that nightmare fuel

cyka blyat

Can I put my dick in there?

Where there's a hole, there's a way

Oh god I love the liveleak comment section.

This one?

>bitch, fuck

Fuck that

If she could speak or write, she would probably beg for death every second of every day.


She and the other woman sound like they speak Vietnamese or Thai. I'm not so sure.

I don't think they are from Vietnam though. I don't recall seeing this on local news.

>Rule 34
The day Sup Forums was wrong.

I guess you can say she couldn't FACED the truth that needed to stop taking drugs.

Chink here.
Yeah they're talking in Mandarin with some odd accent, probably southerner.

Someone tell me whats in that video

Do you even know your own language kek

Did the driver from the truck intentionally throw the brick or was it an accident?

>Watch it muted the first time
>Don't get it
>Watch it with sound

looks like the mutilated kids they send out for begging in Beijing.


what is all the buzz about? How is this worse than gore?

ah, so that why it felt underwhelming for me. Not gonna try it with sound lmao

>people have already fapped to the video

They do sound like they speak in Huế, Quãng Ngãi or some other Northern accent, at least to me. I'm not so sure.

I'm from the south. You northern commie shit all sound the same to me.


At this point, gore does nothing in terms of shock. But to hear the shrieks of someone like that over a loved one is a different story.

you're a fucking larper, shut up

Yes, and just think about the kids.
If that happened to my mother I would just fucking kill my self.

edge aside, that video was gnarly as fuck

How do mistaken Commie Vietnamese for Chinese?
Also, Unikey. Fancy.

Pretty sure this is Cambodia, it's a face eating infection, caused by a dodgy dentist who removed her tooth.


Too chickenshit to watch this. Plz someone give me a quick rundown on this video.

lol why should I? All the (((old))) fags from Sup Forums and Sup Forums know several of us Vietnamese have been here for a while now.

Shit, my face even got included in an Sup Forums group photo.

some lady takes a brick to the face and dies

Makes a good case for voluntary euthanasia...
The lords will be against it, but fuck me that's horrific.

Just play the audio then

Brick flies
Mom dies

Poor old lady, I want to sit there and hold her hand so she doesn't feel alone.


Brick from truck infront flies into the windshield and crushes the wifes skull, husband screams in horror, i think there are also kids screaming mommy or some shit, watched it a long time forgot the most but i will never forget the husbands scream.

>family driving on highway
>a brick crashes through window from a truck
>instantly kills mother
>husband starts going into panic mode into one of the most horrifying shrieks while crying and calling for her name
>children in the rear seat are crying in shock and confusion

I'm from the South you twat. I'm not used to Northern accent. And how CAN you be so sure?

What's a waste of good digits

family is driving, brick flies in through the windshield and kills the wife
it's just devastatingly sad more than anything

I need someone to talk to please.

I was recently released from prison after a 2 year + stint inside and I'm feeling hopeless and unironically considering suicide.

>defile the laws of karma
>get what i deserve

evidence indeed

that's fucked up

r u gay?

Fuck This reminds me of that circus chicken in the 40s that got like half its head cut off but managed to live normally by being fed through a tear dropper

Nature is fucking amazing

Christ, that sounds awful. Glad I didn't watch it. What a waste. Surely the brick that flew through the windshield was an accident? Nobody threw the brick, did they?

Fuck you.

I've heard it's his mom, but ye, it's the only thing that still gets to me.
It's not like a horrible torture between gang violence or some fucker in bumfuck nowhere with horrible deformations, it's hard to empathize with them.
That video is so relatable and normal

It looks like someone threw Piranha solution in her face. What the fucking fuck...

Rare n underrated

Because I grew up with all the rich white people. Their secondary language was mandarin in their schools. Fucking heard it everywhere.

It's underwhelming if you're expecting gore. A car is driving on the highway with a dashcam (why the fuck does everyone in Russia have a dashcam? is it just so they can post the atrocities that happen to them and the occasional meteor on the internet?). A brick falls out the back of a truck hauling construction materials, bounces and flies through the windshield of the car. Hits a 29 year old woman in the face and breaks her skull open, but you don't see any of that, all you can hear is the bewildered crying of the husband and the terrified shrieking of the kids.

It's unpleasant, but only rattling if you still have a functioning sense of empathy. It's not like the camera turns and shows the gaping hold where her face was or something.

Awful and sad, but not really shocking, compared to a lot of videos.

Basically a video that's up there with the dagestan massacre video its really sad

gonna guess this.

No gore. dashcam showing the brick break the windshield and the guy and what sounds like his kids screaming in horror for a while. Not good

If that happened to mine I'd just sue the living shit out of the company that was responsible

The. Use the money to stress eat,spend it all on hookers and if I'm not over it by then, then I kill myself


It's amazing the detail that feminists are putting in to their vagina hats these days.

Извинитe, нe вce Aмepикaнцы тaкиe кaк oн. Heкoтopыe из них хoтим cдeлaть дpyгoй c Poccиeй. Пo-мoeмy, мнoгo людeй нe знaют чтo "cyкa блядь" пo-aнглийcки. Oни cлышaли и дyмaют cмeшнoй.

Aмepикa и Poccия- Бpaтья.

>the rich white people
>secondary language was madarin

The fuck now?

It seems like a bad case of mucormycosis, wich is a flesh eating fungus infection. Speaks volumes on the horrific state of asian medicine.

Go watch Jordan P. Peterson's explanation of Evil vs. Tragedy.

Sort yourself out. Venerate your father. It's no joke.

Try Self-Authoring. Understand that you can "kill yourself" without killing yourself. Good luck, user.

>it choked to death on a piece of rice

watch some of Petersons' videos

Hong Kong maybe?

Anyone see that recent Brazilian prison video where inmates jellify an inmates arms and start waving them around while he screams in pain until he passes out?

This desu

International Schools.

>lets give
democracy in the form of a hydrogen bomb

Moar please


This, I haven´t physically blocked my screen with my hand in ages. I tried just going with it but no. She should work in exorcism movies though

Why are you keep stealing doubles?

Also, where are you from?