Can we get a leaf hate thread going? Dump any anti leaf pics and sentiments here

Can we get a leaf hate thread going? Dump any anti leaf pics and sentiments here

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Go fuck yourself yank cunt. The leafs are better than you

Eww go away.


t: leaf under proxy to avoid
>a fucking leaf
when posting. You cowards are so easy to spot. You gives yourselves away right quick.
NO ONE on this planet will jump the the defense of a leaf. Especially not on /pol
Except a leaf

OP I had a folder but the hard drive I have it on stopped mechanically working, Won't spin and read. Sad.

why is it always americans who make canada hate threads ? Cant handle being inferior to us ?


I'm English :/

>>The New York Times
So, fake news then?

Shut the fuck up you wannabe french poof.

Whatever you say muzzie, do you like Canada or Syria better?

Make Canada Great For Once!


canada has barely any muslims

fuck your flag and fuck the queen, queer

Canadians have less niggers than the US

Check out these immigration policies, man. Shit is cash.

Got a very sad life if you defend leafs.
They'll happily mock your teeth and anything else they can think of about England if you didn't act like a lap dog cunt. Like you are.
>I luuurv Canadarrr! I'm an English Muffin Head.

>But user, he's a Quebecer!

A Quebecer who wants to get rid of transfer payments!

But more muzzies ;)

You're Canadas Northern Ireland. A money pit that thinks they are someone else.
kek, I don't care mate

No more dairy mafia. No more maple mafia. No more grain mafia.

We'll be able to get cheap milk again without having to import it from fucking China.

muh antagonizing countries instead of globalism.

>pic related
Im happy about living in switzerland.
But NYPOST is a shitshow, run by MARK THOMPSON. He was in charge on BBC until JIMMY SAVILES death. And assumengly covering for this sick pedo-necrophile, like the royal family.

Having been called a "retard", I'm literally shaking right now. Completely demoralized.

Tired of getting shat on by politicians and the RCMP because you own guns? Well do I have good news for you!

>having to import it from fucking China

but damn leaf proxytards :p

sure sure, but you guys sure pay muzzies well

QC is the 2nd strongest economy in canada. dont talk about shit you dont know about retarded mouthbreather

Quand la reine vient a Quebec elle se fait huer et on lui lance des déchets LOL

Good bantz actually.
A leaf won't get it. They think Ireland = leperchauns, fiddle music and whiskey.
They have no idea about the geography or people or differences.

Day of the rake when


Doesn't Ireland have the best gun laws in the Isles?

You lying fucking faggot, Montreal here is overrun with third-world GARBAGE.

I just went to Stockholm and it was amout 1/3 as cucked as this hopeless piece of shit noncountry.
Stop LYING you little bitch.

I love the smell of burning leafs in the morning.

Lets make this happen!

Sick and tired of fucking Leafs.

>You lying fucking faggot, Montreal here is overrun with third-world GARBAGE.
I know. im specifically talking about muslims.

There, there. All he meant is that you're special, very special.

C'est quand la dernière fois que tu as visité une autre province ou pays Anglophone? La Floride ne compte pas. :)

In Ontario, the MAXIMUM a single white male can get is $819. And that's only for 6 months. After it drops to $706

A WHITE CANADIAN FAMILY only gets 1200 a month. Or something close.

>Canada, white red pilled land that takes care of it's own

>mfw the NYT tries to make it like socialism is why those countries are better and not because they're much whiter

>DARRRRRR they shouldn't needz that god damned welfur anyways eh??
Says the welfare case who gets disability, so it's not really welfare

There's a shitload of Muslims. 250,000 Arabs alone in this city, you think most of them are Christian?

Can we get a burger hate thread going? Dump any anti burger pics and sentiments here

>tranny capital of the world
>invented and normalized modern feminism, nu-liberalism, and social justice
>culturally genocided themselves even harder than sweden has
>pop media and hollywood is filled with degeneracy
>second biggest gay pride parades in the world by proportions (topped only by Brazil)
>lose control of entire cities to liberal rioters
>police get gunned down by angry niggers
>only white country to elect a nigger, and twice
>most crime-ridden white country
>majority voted for a corrupt crook solely because she's a woman and then needed a good but outdated system to save their asses and elect trump
>11 million illegals, 20 million children born to illegals
>10 million muslims
>40 million blacks
>60 million hispanics
>american media is the most corrupt in the free, western world

>3 million muslims

>10 million

I dont care about 1 specific city. theyre at most 3% of the country.

You and OP are both shitheads.

its just banter mate

i love the usa



Make your own thread you bitch cunt loser.
Don't try and over take this thread cause you're an asshurt clown from loser land.

Do you fuck heads seriously think Canada is better??

NO rights. You have NO rights. American Rights are for Americans.
You get less products to buy compared to them
You have to pay more for everything
Canadian dollar gets you less
Taxes on everything
Cold shitty weather.

Please, in all honesty, tell me the benefits of being a Canadian.
I can't see any.

You guys are really just America's hat.

Doesn't like 90% of your country live within 200km of the border? Isn't your entire economy and food dependent on America? But you still sell off everything to the Chinese for a quick buck to fix your ever expanding welfare as you import more people from 3rd world shit holes to virtue signal to America?

3% is a lot, and they're concentrated in specific neighborhoods of cities, which in mant cases they already dominate.

Their fertility is higher and they become more aggressive as their nunbers grow, this has happebed everywhere they were present.

See why it might be an issue, faggot?

America is the most diverse western nation, also the most successful and you hate us for wanting to replicate that diversity and therefore success?

Fucking idiots.

why do you try this hard to be right ?

why do you assume that im happy with 3% or that i think theyre not an issue ?

i only said the guy is retarded to think we're flooded with muslims

Your just mad that Canadas total population is less then the amount of niggers you have in the states but I will admit our leader is cucked and we need to be saved

All you leafs ever do is shit talk them, their success and country.
Why would Americans like leafs??
>hur dur, Mericas hat eh?

Buddy, you're a loser. Total fuck up. Good for nothing. You're a greedy pig. You're fat. You're ugly. Your house is shit.
Wanna be friends?

That's how you leafs act about America. Don't lie. I live here. I heard it all my life.


This we still have a slight hope to uncuck our selves we just need a real leader but at least we don't have pigme bush niggers everywhere chimping out

Content is lacking

Because in many places we ARE flooded with them already. I'm not even sure the official numbers can be trusted, their presence everywhere has increased so much in the last 2 years alone.



These appear full size on my monitor. If they are tiny I dont know why.
Just image searching "day of the rake"

>36 million population
>3 million muslims
>8% of population

>population of 324 million
>10 million muslims
>3% muslims

Try harder next time faggot

you might be able to rake us all up but fall comes every year, and a new wave of fresh leaves will fall upon you. You cannot win


"your ever expanding welfare as you import more people from 3rd world shit holes to virtue signal"


Man these are easy to find.

People from all over the world, take time out of their day to make anti-leaf hate propoganda.
Brings a tear to my eye.
God Bless you meme wizards of /pol




webm related is an alpha-male in canada


>pic related: your typical LEAF broadcaster
There are so many LEAFposters here who really want to be raked. Are they secretly Quebecois?

Meme Wizards, add a bunch a canada flags where the cups are.

I agree with the hate on Canada, but the real issue is city leafs. The ones that still have conservative values don't live in cities like Toronto, Vancouver, Ottawa, Calgary, etc. The cosmopolitan cancer is more noticeable in Canada because of the overall low population, and most of it being in cities.


These two posters are a bong using a leaf proxy, and a leaf using a bong proxy.

USA, country of the gays and transexuals.

How is that anything to be proud of?

By the way, can anyone tell me what this rake stuff is about?

This can be some spoopy OC

Wish I knew photoshop and shit. Just ms paint

It's Gavin McInnes of (((Rebel Media))) owned by (((Ezra Levant))).

Do you think I'll have a future once Trudeau is done? Canada will become an Islamic country in my lifetime at this rate. Our dollar is consistently shit. Housing is insanely expensive, so expensive I've just had to force ignorance of it to find motivation to work.

I just want to live a happy life with good food, travel, and no Muslims. Why does he want to stop that?

We are internet Jew and you will never holocaust us you fucking leaf hater. We control right wing medias all over the internet :
-Rebel media
-Stefan Molyneux
-Lauren Southern
-Jordan Peterson
-Steven Crowder

The mention of our country drown leftist women in their own body fluid and now we own the right wing media. Breitbart will fall. Inforwars will fall. 1812 WILL COMMENCE AGAIN IF YOU OPPOSE LEAF SUPREMACY

This actually annoys the shit out of me because it's above the disability assistance rates.

Refugees are considered more needy than the disabled.

Ummmm, you named where everyone lives.....
Small town canada is ghetto as fuck. Poor and drug riddled. Fentanyl is a huge problem in small town canada.
It's literally small white trash towns of junkies on welfare.

I'd post a pic of outside but some psycho internet autist will use it to trace my location and doxx me cause I think canada is shit

Leafs why did you elect a cuck?

What have muslims done to you?

Seriously why did you elect this faggot?

Cause millennial women

Rake yourself leaf

>>psycho internet autist will use it to trace my location and doxx me cause I think canada is shit

You don't know how to make sure your pictures don't carry that info when posted?


Fuck you Muslim, we look down on you.

Shut the fuck up leafs

It's actually impressive how hard the police cracked down on the Vancouver Hockey Rioters. They publicized the shit out of this most wanted list and everybody in BC saw this poster. So many rioters got BTFO.

Incidentally a friendship I had with somebody broke apart because someone in his family got arrested and I said I didn't approve of how they attempted assaulting a police officer while drunk off their ass with not the greatest tact.

>As if America and Britain don't riot over sports

I honestly prefer jews and poo in loos over leafs.

Leafs are the worst posters on this fucking board.

I would laugh in your face. I was born and raised here and I'm probably more patriotic about Canada then you are. If you don't like Canada then get the fuck out.

Justin Trudeau
Charisma and Good looks of
>Fidel Castro
>Mick Jager

Margret fucked a Rolling Stone. HUGE news in Canada.

You're not part of Canada or the West.