Purpose of life

So what's the purpose of life, this everything? Why do anything? How to live a good life? Studying and working? WHY. Why do we care about our politics or saving the Western civilization? This thinking has been killing me for the past months. The only moments I'm happy is when I'm not thinking. While having dreams in my sleep, showering/sauna, listening to trancey music, or when drunk. I've not drunk alcohol in months because I can't afford it, and I'm sadder than ever. Is not-thinking the pill for satisfying life? It sounds so stupid.

Am I just lonely? I can easily go a weeks without saying anything but ''hi'' to the cashiers. I feel better when visiting parents, when I'm continually bothered and unable to fall into deep and dark thinking.

Other urls found in this thread:


You are your parent's mistake.

It isn't your fault.

Try to make the best of it.

At the very least, continue to spread awareness of this problem, and help others realize that the Human condition isn't one of trial in pursuit of growth, but rather one generation after another making the same mistake of procreation.

As you've come to understand, life hasn't gotten any "easier" from the point of view of an ordinary participant in society. Even after millennia of innovation and cultural development, everyone is really still foraging for food (some more successful than others, but its all the same no matter what social class you are in).

A colossal waste of potential, really. All of us could instead journey wherever our interests guide us and still move the species further than anyone could imagine today - contributions only from those who cared to make them - instead of finding ourselves still obligated to basic needs that have remained such since the beginning of recorded history.

You sound like you have depression and a bad case of nihilism, bro. Remember, user: the nihilism is supposed to just be a transitional phase. You have to realize that since nothing really matters, you are the author of your own destiny and can choose what matters to you.
It's kind of cliche, but things that really do work are dressing yourself up, exercise regularly, and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. I am struggling to do this too, but It is empirically proven to work.
Stay strong bro. Decide what makes you happy, what matters to you, and what is worth protecting to you and what is worth improving your life for.
You can do it.
A fellow user

the purpose is to go forth in life to make white babies

This, too.

The void is really a blank canvas.

Penicillin from moldy lemons, etc...

>Am I just lonely?
Yes. Among other things.

Don't eat those blue pills!!!
Spit them out now!
Doc says -More Red Pills for you!

>Is not-thinking the pill for satisfying life? It sounds so stupid.

Because it is. You're not thinking hard enough. You sound like your thinking is trapped in a drain, swirling around an empty center, returning to the same thoughts but never actually going anywhere. Okay, so there is no inherent meaning. Now what? There are so many answers to this question, people have been trying to answer it for thousands of years. Plato, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, etc. Read some philosophy.

But also You need more in life than just your thoughts. You need people you relate to, and activities you enjoy.


We are not meant to be alone thats why your family makes you happy. Integrate your life with other people. Family is usually the first choice because blood can be a bond that others do not have.

Just kill yourself already faggot

I've been thinking about anarcho-primitivistic ideas too, and you got to admit at least people didn't use to feel this lonely among their tribe. Neither did they have the time to think about useless stuff. Stars and everything was a mystery, nowadays superficial knowledge of our universe forbids all magical thinking.

>the nihilism is supposed to just be a transitional phase
I've tried to think myself out of this, but I've been unable. Nihilism and moral relativism is where it always slips down. There are no cornerstones to build on when everything looks relative.

Reading philosophy is one of the only things I do daily. Hoping it would result in something, and althought it does, the meaninglessness hasn't disappeared.

Family doesn't live near a university town, and because 'free education', not getting a higher degree is not an alternative if you want to work. I used to have some friends, but I isolated myself.

It's this OP --> I was Nihilistic for about 5 years. It was the darkest, lowest point of my life. Nothing had meaning, nothing had purpose...everything was suffering. I could only focus on my own suffering, and the meaninglessness of everything (we're a speck of dust and nothing we ever do will have any importance).

I read a lot of Nietzsche, I watched a lot of Peterson (luckily a friend took his class many years ago and turned me on to him, so I've been able to sort through his work over a long period of time).

By doing the above, and really trying to figure out what matters for me, even if it's not sanctioned by a God or gods, I was able to turn my life around. I have accepted that what I do will never leave a mark anywhere, and that we live in a life whose essence includes a lot of suffering (we're angry evolved chimps in an environment where the sun, the animals and plants around us, other people, are either indifferent or actively trying to take advantage of us, to harm us). But in spite of this, I learned that living according to what matters to me, however unique or useless it is, brings me great fulfillment. Trying to spend as much time on things that put me into Flow State (google it), that make me grow in areas that I care about, is what has turned things around. I focus as much as I can on those things, and on improving the things in my life that I care about (my health, my friendships, my families). I am thankful for what I have, thankful for who I am and what I've struggled through, because they've made me stronger.

Don't give in to the nihilism. Think hard about who you are and what matters to you. Struggle. Take on challenges that matter to you, and focus on your progress in these areas. Those who go through nihilism are few, as the mindless mobs never even approach it, but those who make it out are stronger, better, more incredible versions of themselves than you can ever imagine. You can get through this. Bless you user.

Don't let your intelligence be a mistake of evolution. You must think positively of life, or be rejected by it. Regain your will to power.

Nihilism and moral relativism are normal slipping grounds. What I learned from Nietzsche is that yes, different systems of morality exist and it's hard to differentiate. But even though there are different versions of morality doesn't mean that any of them are wrong. They work for different groups of people who face different genetic histories, different geographic realities.

Nietzsche's thought centers around Reality, and us ourselves, being, in essence, will to power. Reality is not a cold, dead thing. It is constantly moving through time, becoming, and it's movement is always in a way towards expansion and greater manifestations of capability. Just like the galaxies grow and evolve, simpler elements fusing into harder ones, so do the trees grow higher and taller, and humans grow from babies into stronger and wiser beings.

Moralities are simply the guideposts that have emerged for humans to help us grow in a society that has permanence through time. Everything is about growth. This has meaning. Grow yourself according to your own characteristics and virtues. Analyze and discard what is weak. Invest in what is good about you. Align yourself with the flow of life towards greater manifestations of power, capability, learning, understanding.

*simpler elements fusing into more complex



Come, alchohol is much cheaper here pekka

Google INTP. Understand how you think. Then find a job that let's you use your functions to think. Get payed. Use it to buy gadgets and the like to keep building and thinking. All I say will make sense when you read on what I've told you.

I've felt the same for almost a year.
I feel ya

Nietzsche and Peterson couldn't be more familiar to me, read/watched almost all content from both great men.

The inablity to get into the flow-y kind of state is what might be part of my problem... something to do with my guilt for being a failure, hard to dive deeply into anything when you've dragons to slay that you don't know how to slay. The chaos dragon has been growing over the past year into such proportions I'll probably have to confront it.

I can imagine myself getting a bunch of children someday, why not a wife too, perhaps in 10 years, but that seems too distant and insignificant in the grand scale to motivate me in the present moment.

Thanks ya'll for answers, had to sort out some thoughts.

Our purpose is to live a Christian life, take up our crosses, and give up all that we have, that we may never die. You should prepare yourself for the removal of this world.

More practically, you should begin reading the Bible. Start at Genesis and read everything, including the genealogies. Don't stop reading it until you finish it. Find a church and confess your sins to a priest, and if you are not baptized, go find someone willing to do it. Join Christ's hidden army and prepare for his coming, which is soon! Remember his words! "The Son of man will come when you do not expect him"

Once you have learned, teach others. What you have taught, go relearn. You will never know these feelings you have again.

I don't know if you understand Nietzsche, but any person who read him should understand at least that subjective morality is a symptom, and not a reality.

It's normal to feel deeply ashamed and guilty for feeling yourself to be a failure. This simply means that you care. You're not one of the mindless idiots who goes along in life failing and either ignoring it or crassly blaming others for it. This is good. It means you take responsibility for who you are and what you do.

Use this self-criticism and anger to propel you forward. We're all failures. We come into this world as stupid little babies with no skills, and more and more we're raised in societies that have no idea how to harness the power of the individual. We raise snowflakes instead of warriors.

My bet is that over the last little bit of time you've been feeling depressed you've actually made progress in some areas. You can only fix problems if you can identify them. You've identified them. Now instead of thinking all at once about the giant dragon we all need to kill, think about small steps, small improvements you can make. Focus on the next step. We become stronger slowly, not all at once. We've got to build ourselves into warriors ourselves, and that process takes time. Fight the small dragons first. Then you'll get stronger to take on bigger dragons.

nothing matters in life (thanks capt. obvious) so do whatever you want, we are a blip on the timeline of earth and the universe

after all matter collapses and the universe is just black holes, those will collapse as well and form infinite new universes

thats used to freak me out a lot but now I use it as motivation

Can you explain further?

Moralities (to both Nietzsche and Peterson) are super-individual spiritual structures that provide the frameworks for us to behave in. I agree there are no moral facts, only interpretations, but even so they both see them as having real impacts on humans.

In all honestly, get out of this place if you're depressed. I'm in good mental condition and reading the amount of hate that people let boil up inside themselves and pour out into this forum stresses me out and affects my temperament.

Being aimless or depressed is something that people with conceited political agendas prey upon, please user, don't let the online hate get you down further into the dark.

I recommend putting on some music and running if you're up for it. It's an essentially pointless activity, but working on your metabolism will help you rewire the reward centers of your brain and that's what got me out of my last bout of depression. Best of luck user. LOOK UP PROJECT BLUEBEAM, DON'T BREATH THE CHEMTRAILS

Purpose of life is to evolve your personal consciousness.

I'm not talking about his philosophy really, I'm more discussing the implications of his proclamation of the death of God. The society in which "God has died" is one in which subjective morality exists. It does not exist in a society where God is alive in men's hearts. There is no real subjective moralist, even among the skeptical or the "rationalist" in the Middle Ages. You just don't find them, nor do you see it anywhere in the major societies of the time. To them, God was a conspicuous presence in a physical sense. The Church was the power. They had the knowledge, the ability, the strength, and they spoke with the authority of the divine. The average man had an ever present reminder of God's existence in his daily, physical life; and so could not even begin to imagine a world ungoverned by Laws beyond mankind, even if they didn't entirely embrace the existence of God.

Nietzsche suggest a different world, in which the daily, living reminder of God has been destroyed, and so the natural state of man is a world ungoverned by Law; a world at most governed by law, and increasingly less of even that; until we reach catastrophe. Subjective morality then is a symptom of human behavior, and not any kind of "real" basis upon which to put a philosophy.

I understand that on a shallow level, but I can't ''trick'' myself into fully living by it, i.e fully believing in it. Wishing for the lightbulb-moment to pull me up from this relativist-nihilist abyss, ''this is absolutely correct, this is how it is'', but that has yet to come.

Have you not heard the news? God is dead and we have killed him, the absolute madman said so. Dead for a large part of humanity. Believe me, 20 years of materialistic atheism and scientism shapes one in a way I don't think anything can make one have true belief in a God anymore. It's too hard-wired by now.

Maybe the Overman will make his appearance within our lifetime and tells us the goal of life with authority.

This is the moment in which it is most important to have faith. When all others abandon it; then and only then is it valuable. It is so easy to believe when there is belief everywhere; and even the coward finds courage in strength of numbers. Only the brave and the strong can taste glory, for only they will dare even further and risk even more when the light of hope has fallen dim. "True-belief" is for women and children. It is nice to have as a man, but we do not need it like they do. We can hold ourselves as rational, masculine beings and have honor even when our spirit is tired and wavering.

He will make his appearance. You will see him. This is already assured. You need to be ready for him, or you will be swept away and it really will all be meaningless.

Ahh I see. Thank you for expanding on that.

I'd interpret the same as saying - before the enlightenment, we more or less, as groups, believed in roughly the same morality as dictated by the Church. With the Enlightenment, advent of rationality, and the rise of Protestantism, we've entered into a complete schism of the Western mind. Now what was more or less one unified belief in morality has splintered into a multitude of quasi-Christian moralities (ranging from the Catholic through to the Marxists, everything at root is still based on Christian thinking).

So in that sense, in that it's more schismatic and personalized, it's more subjective. And in this sense many of the schisms have gotten rid of the true Christian mindset. Those who have done so are running on the fumes of Christianity.

N. tried to replace "Christ in the heart" with "Overman in the heart" to some extent, and knew that the masses would never attain this and would fumble around with nihilism and totalitarianism. Peterson I think has given new life to Christianity, but I'm unsure whether we'll get back to a unified morality.

I for one have started going to Church (been twice now), and it's truly been a remarkable experience. I have Nietzsche and Peterson to thank for that one.

I'd take Peterson's approach of saying "it's not what you think or say you believe, but what you act out". When I realized that there was no way out of the sufferings produced by the constant need to grow and expand, I decided to realign what I did in life to be more active. Instead of sitting around thinking all day, I would add in productive activities. I run, do yoga, go to the gym, have real relationships with friends, work on hobbies, DO things. Training the mind is one aspect, but since the mind is not separate from the body, you need to do things in the world as well to benefit from knowing that the world is will to power.

>1) depressed
>2) grappling with an existential crisis
>3) making it worse by hanging out here
Memes like
>pic related
are_no joke.

Identify the enemy, and you'll realize a large part of your existential crisis is caused by them. Find meaning in simple things in life, get a hobby, and start exercising. Drinking is a form of self-medication, it's like taking ibuprofen for cancer, it'll kill you.

I agree with very much of this.

exp , as god we know all thus there is no challenge.
we gave up our god hood to have limitation to create need thus gaining exp threw labor.

The purpose of life is to live a life with purpose. Saving the white race from extinction is a great purpose. Serving God is an even greater one.

I'm in similar situation. Although I don't have problems with money I just don't feel like doing anything. I have few small hobbies but outside of that I spend most of my time working, reading or drinking with friends. I don't even really like them that much I just force myself do go outside.

In the past I wanted to accomplish "something", but now I don't want antyhing more than have provided my basic needs.
Frankly nowadays my biggest dream is to have posiblity of dying in a way that wouldn't hurt people close to me, I know it sounds autistic but I'm hoping for war in the next 10 years so I can die with gun in hand.

I thought about joining military, but I suck at performing orders and I would spend my time sitting in baracks insted of home, so it isn't big improvement.

I don't think I really love my family, but I feel like I owe them for raising me and putting their money and effort into it and I don't like to have unpaid debts. It's one of the biggest thinkgs keeping me from suicide.

I do indeed take responsibility for my failure, I've no one to blame on. You guessed right with that I've made some progress, admitting the problems has been a huge step. I hope you're not JBP. But there is still a structural, societal element to this, I know that because of so many young people here, especially men, are equally sad creatures as me. Lone living, lonely NEETs living off the goverment bux... there's a reason why here is a strong chan-culture.

I believe I can pull myself up and create obstacles for myself to necessite my growth into becoming the warrior I want, but how about others? Sociology and evolutionary psycology has been really on my mind too for this reason. The problem is more prominent with Finland and other socialist-like countries, but it's universal to all Western civilization. This despair, meaninglessness. A political solution, a great transformation in society, is what I think will be needed to end this civilization of nihilism. Having a meaningful life shouldn't be this hard.


Is that really him on the left?


I think so.


I know your pain brother. I live in Toronto, which is filled with beta's and SJW's, and the people who have true potential are not taught correctly on how to improve themselves. There is a great risk for those with true potential, that without the right obstacles and mindset, we give in to nihilism. This is all the more true because life in Socialist places is too easy, and no one around us understands the issues we face. We feel like the only ones to aren't "living it up and enjoying life" because everyone around us is mindlessly pursuing the pleasure that is so amply around them. For people like us, hard work, challenge, and protracted dedication over long periods of time is what gives us fulfillment. Our societies don't cater to that.

But they are around. You can find people like you. On the chans, perhaps even in your life. Amongst my friends, no one is really into the self-development thing. They're into wasting their lives chasing money, or playing video games. I try to subtly help them improve by offering an example to them of alternatives. I invite them to pursue hobbies with me. Instead of getting philosophical with them in talking about purpose, I gently "bully" them for being degenerates. I've found that leading by example like this is better than the explicitly elucidated approach. This pursuit actually has also given me a lot of meaning - many of my friends deal with aimlessness and depression but can't describe it, but "acting out" the new hobbies, bullying them to change their degenerate behaviour has worked wonders for them, and given us a lot more as a group to be thankful for. Now when we hang out, it's less about griping about our problems, and more about celebrating the great (although meaningless) strides we're taking in life.

And no haha, I'm not JBP, just a disciple.

I never really loved my family either, until the last few years. Other than my Dad, I've never really been close to my family. They don't "get" me, and therefore we can't really have a relationship like I would with my best friends, where there is much more of a commonality of soul than with anyone else.

But when I realized that they were still people who I was bonded to, and that they had their own interests and challenges in life, I've decided to make more of an effort to appreciate them and love them. There's nothing in common, but whether they know it or understand it or not they've all done a lot to shape who I am. At the end of it, while I wouldn't want to hang out with them all the time, I've decided that when I do I try to be the best brother/son I can be, just because that's better than the alternative. I have a better time, they have a better time, and everyone is better off that way.

You should look into pursuing a hobby that you care about. Like reading? Start writing. Like drinking with friends? Try and make better friends, or try to find more in common with the current ones to improve the friendship. Try to be more active in trying to improve the things in your life. I got bored reading all the time, so now I'm trying to produce content. Even if you start out terrible at it, you'll get better. No one is born a saint.

>So what's the purpose of life


>How to live a good life?



I care about my family rather deeply, they're good people, I just don't think that I love them. And if that's love that it really isn't anything special.

Same about friends, I like them and enjoy spending time with them. We have a lot in common, similar interests and views. I just enjoy spending time alone more.

I have some hobbies, they give me fullfilment, but every time when I think about that I realize how insignificant it is.

I don't like spending time with others, all my relationship with people were started years age, and now I don't try to meet new people because I don't feel like I need more.

And about writing? I actually tried, have some good ideas, but I suck in writing in my won language, and suck in English even more.

If I could simply just snap my fingers and dissapear, or for example join army with knowledge that I would die, I woud do it without second thoughts.

This user hit the nail on the head. The best thing you can do is mind the things you can control: your fitness, your appearance, and your mindset towards change.

Keep all those things in mind and I think you'll find you don't have time to be sad because you're too busy living a fulfilling life.

It worked for me.

A good solution is a final one.

the purpose of life is to reproduce before your metabolism runs out, that's all it's ever been.

The purpose of life is to leave behind a mark of your existence. To do something that wouldn't have happened without you.

Jordan Peterson is your answer

While fixing myself, I'll see if I realize along the way how to make it ''easier'' for people like us to make something out of the potential. Smart, young men should be the strongest forces in society, yet there are things in our environment that make us the victims.

I've had plans to start lifting/running again after I've sorted out the dragon, and I'll certainly start bullying a friend of mine into joining me. In the hopes it would result in us externalizing our motivation to each other and take turns in forcing the lazier one to come along.

>So what's the purpose of life
The purpose of life for any and all living organisms on earth is the same: To spread your genes.

There is no point other than that, you are just a biological machine created by your genes for the purpose of gathering raw material and using it to reproduce the genes.

Read "the selfish gene" by Charles Dawkins, it talks a lot about this.

I thought similar, but then realised that it really is not important in the face of time. After few generations nobody will remember that you existed.
And even if you mange to became famous, what this will achieve? Childrens will learn about you in school? Is it really that important?
Purpose of life is what you belive is purpose of life.
Sometimes you just don't have any purpose.

>the purpose of life is to reproduce before your metabolism runs out, that's all it's ever been.
and to procure resources in the form of wealth in order to prolong your survival

>fuck bitches get money

are black people right about LITERALLY EVERYTHING?

I know those feels. My work explores the relationship between nihilism and post-traditionalist subcultures. With influences as diverse as Nietzsche and Thomas Aquinas, new variations are manufactured from both mundane and transcendant dialogues.

Ever since I was a pre-adolescent I have been fascinated by the endless oscillation of the history. What starts out as yearning for order soon becomes corrupted into a hegemony of defeat, leaving only a sense of chaos and the chance of a new beginning. As societies become frozen through boundaried and critical practice, the people are left with a testament to the darkness of our era.

It's just how it is.



this speaks to me deeply


That's an inherent purpose, the animal drive. But how does consciousness play into it? If you utilize "free will" do choose not to reproduce, then what is now the purpose of life? If your lifestyle consists of a tiny bubble where your job consists of menial tasks not substantially important to society or even to life on the planet (e.g. you work as a means to and end, to sustain yourself within society), and you simply eat, sleep, and repeat, then how does than have any purpose whatsoever? And once you're made aware of the existence of the universe, how is such lifestyle significant when there's galaxies far away and physical aspects of nature yet to be comprehended by science and society? Basically, how can you get up in the morning and do sterile STEM homework, or contribute to a job only relevant in the moment to a insignificant portion of society, learn a tiny, tiny facet if all available knowledge there is to learn, and then die, while never realizing the true nature of the universe? What's the point of learning anything when everything you've experienced will die with you in no time at all?

I feel that nihilism is an absolute truth, and the only way to get by is to delude oneself, to continue on like all animals do without thought, only inherent instinct. Because if an animal could realize these facts of life, they wouldn't feel the need to continue trying at life; it's the brains evolutionary purpose to conceal the truth about existence, for the good of procreation.

Redpill me on these based balloons.

May I ask what do you work with?

I'll soon apply to university but still unclear what I want to study. Probably philosophy or PolSci is what it'll be, but I'm terrified the one I pick turns into being something very different I expect it will be.





Study AI nigger. Also you need a high IQ or you're fucked and should just go into a trade now.

I had this same existential crisis couple of years ago and I still do. I dunno man. We all gonna end up 6 feet under some day just rotting away. But in the meantime we can enjoy living life...maybe

I have inverse-nihilism.

I know, with absolute certainty, there are good things in this life that are worth fighting for. I also know, with absolute certainty, those good things are being systematically destroyed by evil, and this evil is being carried out by people who other people think are "good" and will fight to the death to defend, even if they themselves don't know why.

Faced with the destruction of everything right in this world, and seeing nobody else willing to fight it, I'm slowly giving up. I don't think Trump is some great Western savior, I think he's a momentary pause before everything we love is shoved wholesale into the shredder by enemies we've had for centuries that everyone has simply just forgotten.

WW2 was the end of Western Civilization. Everything afterward has been a firesale.

Science is the purpose of life ! Y'all fags!

Hey sorry on my phone now. One thing to keep in mind re: killing your dragon before going to exercise.

I often found myself spinning my wheels trying to kill my Dragon, analyzing it to death, figuring out what was wrong with me, instead of actually doing anything. Id feel guilty and horrible, and then not do anything after thinking about it. Now, often, if i start to get down i just shut that up and go for a run. Often that energizing activity puts the problem into a better perspective beacuse in my depressed state id be blowing things way out of proportion. This led to thinking problems were totally overwhelming.

Put things in the right perspective (helped by exercising, sleeping well, eating well), be a bit easier on yourself (still identify the problems but chill a bit - we all have issues), and know that all good things take time (problems probably arent as big as you think, and are solved by taking action (directly (eg fixing yourself) or indirectly (going for a run to clear your mond))

Try hate.

Find something that you find absolutely abhorrent. Something that makes your whole brain get on fire and then freezes it cold. Something that gives you a tunnel vision to your target.

And when you find it think about how you can erase this thing from existence. If you truly hate you will act. Because there will be no space left in you for depression.

I believe in Reincarnation and that the purpose of live is to keep the chain of rebirth going.

“You never enjoy the world aright, till the Sea itself floweth in your veins, till you are clothed with the heavens, and crowned with the stars: and perceive yourself to be the sole heir of the whole world, and more than so, because men are in it who are every one sole heirs as well as you. Till you can sing and rejoice and delight in God, as misers do in gold, and Kings in sceptres, you never enjoy the world.

Till your spirit filleth the whole world, and the stars are your jewels; till you are as familiar with the ways of God in all Ages as with your walk and table: till you are intimately acquainted with that shady nothing out of which the world was made: till you love men so as to desire their happiness, with a thirst equal to the zeal of your own: till you delight in God for being good to all: you never enjoy the world.”

Then you should probably know the current track of Earth is for the global population to be reduced in intelligence to sub-human levels and used as fodder by an elite overclass who view it as their religious imperative to enslave mankind to their will. And then the history of humanity will thereafter be nothing but pointless toil for ruthless depraved hedonists, until some far off merciful day of extinction finally arrives.

>God is dead

Doesn't matter. The answer is the same as when he was alive.

Phillipians 2:12

>Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

the purpose of any biological organism is to reproduce, everything from the cells in your fingernails, to the mold in your bathroom, to the trees outside, to your dog

other than those cuck ants that are sterile and only there to work for the fertile ones, which I guess are what most of Sup Forums are

The purpose of life is to be free,but to live by some rules,principles and morals.

Rules,principles and morals are there to keep you astray from not becoming degenerate.

Evolution of consciousness. All the cool kids (the elite) are doing it. Look into Kabbalah/Hermetism/Theosophy/Occultism etc.

Or don't, there's no going back once you realize it's all true. :^)

>So what's the purpose of life?
Not to let those fucking kikes win!

>Wah, I don't like my life.
So change it, keep changing it till you do.

u give life meaning, life neither reaps nor sows on an instinctual level

if all else was a fail 4 u, u could just make ur dream basically the same as every1 else's: help humanity return to Eden/sacrificing urself so either ur kids or some1 else can live a life more convenient & freer than urs was

Find a new hobby or try volunteering maybe? if u have enough $$ to get the ball rolling, id suggest watching the market in stock like bitcoin, major commodities and precious metals; so u can ultimately make a choice thru ur own wisdom and discernment what to invest in

w.e u do just dont get bored/b inactive

be nice to others and halp
+ remove kebab

Even if there is nothing beyond death, which is just a guess, we can't say anything about it not even precentage wise, there could be anything, you transcend your live in every act done with purpose to make you transcend live. A thought, a love beyond the physical, a poem, a Moment or an interaction which means more to you, your asthetic senses and so on. Live has not one, but infinite purposes and many don't see them or want to accept them. Even nihilism is itself a way to transcend life, because in a Sense your self pity becomes borderless and you the Most important thing in the hole universe by carrying all of it.



Personally, I just take the nihlism in stride. If nothing matters, then nothing doesn't matter. So, I just kinda throw myself into hobbies and studies, and let what will be, be.

You need to get out and appreciate the world. Not drinking, not drugs, just go spend some time in nature, a path, a mountain, beach, whatever you have. Don't think of the constraints of the system for a while. Don't think of what people are thinking of you, just enjoy the world for yourself. You're focusing too outwardly. Its suffering to be alive, yes, but its only worthless if you let it be. Go out sometime, user, it'll help.

1. Crush your enemies.
2. See them driven before you.
3. Hear the lamentations of their women.


If there isn't antyhing after death, our lifes are pointless. We can try to find meaning in life, but there isn't some universall purpose. It's only a belief, concept that we create to feel better.

And if there is afterlife, it's almost always described as neverending. Our deeds during life are insignifiicant in the face of eternity. And if afterlife is based on our life on earth? Is eternity of living happy life in heaven better than ethernity in hell? How many years it take to became indifferent to that? How many centuries till we go insane?
Human mind isn't meant to exist infinitely. And if after dead we "adjust" to living eternally, we lose out humanity. It's so abstract concept that we really can't create any conclussion.


Start at 1:09:00

Best 5 minutes of Jordan Peterson on the internet.

You should read some existantilism. Heiddeger, Sartre and De Beauvoir. Nihilism is only the stepping stone before the true revelation of existentialism

Life has no inherent purpose. You can see this as a burden, or you can see it as liberating, freeing you to decide the meaning of your own life. Wouldn't you hate to find out the "official" meaning of life is something you don't care about?

That said, there are certain things that are important to a good life, and you're unlikely to be satisfied if you exclude them.

- Family, interpersonal relationships, are the most important thing. When people are on their death beds, they most often cry out for their parents and loved ones. Appreciate every moment you have with the people you love, and do what you can to support them in every way.

- Struggle towards a meaningful goal is essential. We didn't evolve to live with overwhelming plenty. We evolved to struggle for survival. Figure out what's most meaningful to you, what you would regret the most if you found out you were out of time, and dedicate yourself to it. If you can't get paid to do it, do something else for money and spend your free time on this personal goal.

- Responsibility is a key to a good life, especially for men. Accepting responsibility and doing for others. The more you run from responsibility, the more unhappy you'll be. This doesn't mean you need to knock up a woman ASAP, but don't neglect your duties. You would only be screwing yourself.

Nihilism is disappointed seriousness which has turned back upon itself. A choice of this kind is not encountered among those who, feeling the joy of existence, assume its gratuity. It appears either at the moment of adolescence, when the individual, seeing his child’s universe flow away, feels the lack which is in his heart, or, later on, when the attempts to fulfill himself as a being have failed; in any case, among men who wish to rid themselves of the anxiety of their freedom by denying the world and themselves. By this rejection, they draw near to the sub-man. The difference is that their withdrawal is not their original movement. At first, they cast themselves into the world, sometimes even with a largeness of spirit. They exist and they know it.

>if there isn't anything after death
There is always something after something, at least for us humans this is understood as causality. We don't disapear energy isn't lost, what Happens to our consiousness is likley more the point in all of that. On a bigger scale causality runs into logical antinomies, likley time is a illusion with which we can work quiet well at "times". So this neverending isn't a big thing. What we think beyond live is much projecting of our current state Mixed with some good and some bad dreams.

Great quote pham.

- Remember to feel gratitude for what you have. Everything you've ever been happy about in life, everyone you've ever loved and everything you've ever enjoyed, is due to your privilege of being here alive. Reflect on this and appreciate the gifts you receive just from being here, and cultivate gratitude in yourself.

- Understand that suffering is a necessary and essential part of existence and always has been. Don't feel personally persecuted for your hardships. They come to everyone. Happiness and suffering are a package deal.

>nihilism is seriousness
No it isn't means wanting to make yourself the center of everything (or in theological terms a way to become like god). Nihilism inflates your significens in a melancolic way and it's anti intellectual you pretend to be at the goal, while you haven't really started at all.


You make your own purpose, sounds cliche but its true

To ascend in spiritual consciousness closer to God.

Materialistic and jewish mindsets lead you closer to "not God"

Pic very much related. Spiritual ascendance is consciousness density.

Oh, and don't neglect spirituality, if you naturally possess any. You don't have to be religious to be spiritual, but the spiritual baseline you return to doesn't have to be rational either. Maybe it even means something as simple as humanism or "mindfulness" for you.

Spirituality is mankind's natural state. The human animal did not evolve to be purely rational, so don't neglect the spiritual side of you, whatever that is