Our fate is sealed. We will go extinct within two to three generations

Our fate is sealed. We will go extinct within two to three generations.
We import millions and millions of young shitskins and we don't breed enough to combat our demographic collapse. :(

It's ironic. The very thing Hitler fought for will be doomed because of him and the following indoctrination.



Hitler won through elections.

Elections wont save us no more, revolution and only revolution.

We have one last chance.

So long

Do what you can.
I do believe that at the current rate we must save our European nations through extreme measures.

Wish for Nat Soc

>N O W

>Blaming hitler for trying to stop the inevitable jewish works
Way to be a fucking retarded faggot OP. if you want to blame someone, blame the anglo and american kike puppets

Resort to violence for fucks sake! You start killing them, then they start retaliating, and then your people will join in

>implying America isn't about to go full Nat Soc and save Europe, whether they like it or not

good thing I was born in a time where white girls still exist :^) they're gonna get latin'd by mee

You'd be surprised how fast a political climate can change to the point where it shifts to ethnical cleansing. Not all people are defenseless sheep.

your words stir hope in my heart, stoic waffle.

Flemish Nationalism is on the rise for a while now to the point where even "normies" are starting to question what's going on with immigration. Anti-mosque marches get larger crowds, Youth factions of nationalist parties are increasing numbers and people take pride in waving their Flemish flags again at sport events/festivals etc. Stay positive my friend, you guys got Trump we're bound to get someone too.

Do something about it then. Holy fuck

Correct. People are so indoctrinated by democracy they think the majority have to get in revolution mode for something to happen. It only takes 0.1-10% depending on what we are talking about. Most people sit on the sidelines when these things occur.

This is what the Jews want. Your dependence on democracy and "muh moral high ground" has made you feel helpless. Oswald Mosley already made the mistake of trusting democracy, and look where that got him. Democracy is firmly under the control of Jewish lobbyists and their pet goyim.

It's not over until it's over. Keep hoping, keep struggling. "Praise the lord and pass the ammunition" kind of deal

bye germany

I thought the same about NL, but yesterday's election results demoralized me

>election results
The best you'll ever get through elections is kosher nationalism & melting pots.

I would rather not have to deal with this shit , but if war breaks out in my country i'll join in and give my life for the cause.

What can a single person do?
This nation is cucked.

It was all for nothing. The human race will be mongrelized and whites will be a thing of the past. Islam will dominate the world in the future. WW2 was lost F

Hehe. U are gay. :DD

It sounds demoralizing at first, but you have to consider PVV is a party that wants to BAN ISLAM that's a very extreme statement and they still manage to get 19/20 seats. If you look at the birth rates in your country it doesn't take much to realize the problems regarding integration/segregation are only going to increase. The worse a situation gets, the more likely people are to support an "extremist" agenda. You haven't lost user, you just got started and this is the start of a long campaign to take your country back. We'll talk again in 15 years, trust me friend time is on our side.

>We have one last chance

No we don't. Hitler's run was the last chance. We're doomed.

Keep shoving it onto "hitler" just because you guys care more what people think about you
same kind of guys who are lurking on english videos about germany
Im tired of those fucks
do you think our ancestors gave a fuck when they marched into france or poland

this is literally the biggest problem
Oh and also hitler did more to save germany than all of those cucks combined

There are right-wing groups in Germany. PEGIDA, Identitarian Bloc, etc. Join them, try to expose the more cucked members to the truth. We can't just wave signs around and whine about Muslims anymore.

Gen Z will be the last stand. after the race war and all whites are dead; THEN it's actually over.


You know , i admire you Germans and i admire your ancestors even more.

You really need to sort yourselves out.

I think you still have it in you to turn things around , Siegfried.


I have hope anons. The fact of the matter is; as time goes on, only highly nationalistic and redpilled whites will have kids. Anti-white propaganda has the effect of weeding out weak genes, leaving only the mentally strongest to survive. The white race will be backed into a corner, and in our hour of desperate need, we will appoint a king to lead us in righteous battle to take back our homelands, Spanish reconquista style. We've been here before.

Join the youth faction of a party (or the actual party if you're too old) that goes with your political agenda. If you're deemed capable you'll get opportunities on a local level and perhaps even higher in time. Obviously I'm not shilling for people to become politicians, but for now that's our best shot until a better alternative comes along and I don't need to explain what that is I'm sure.

Tripels confirm.
Thanks belgium friend.

Yes, we're all fucked. I feel sad for whatever gets left behind when we're gone. It's gonna be hell. Not this spiritual, literal hell. Constant death and destruction.