If 20% or more of the population of your country is lactose intolerant, you are L I T E R A L L Y not white

If 20% or more of the population of your country is lactose intolerant, you are L I T E R A L L Y not white.

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What about the African country

>African country of Nigger is literally white

slavs are not white

prolly fake as shit, everyone drinks milk and I've never met a lactose intolerant person in catalonia

Honorary Aryans.

they are r1b (white race)

so we get people to drink a pint of milk at the customs office?

depends on how they define it, in he strictest sense it's anyone not able to >fully

Heavy cream.

Anglo-saxons, Nordics and ruskies only white tier races confirmed?
I can explain it as this countries had cows since always so they have bigger tolerance to lactose, natural selection and shiiieeet

If your country doesn t produces at least 300 different kinds of cheeses, it has no culture.

includes turks and shit in european countries, but excludes it in usa
you are a fucking retard

Sorry I don't believe Jewish genetic tests.

I know you just were looking for any opportunity to insult the USA; but all you had to do was point out that in the map, the USA is the only country with a racial breakdown.

unpasteurised with a layer of double cream

>Argentina same color as Brazil

I literally don't know anyone who is lactose intolerant. That map is shit.

which proves the background color is wrong, 74% black and 53% hispanic is already more than 20% of the population

>only 300


Pretty much everyone in my family is lactose intolerant but they still consume milk and don't complain about it, so you'd never know they were lactose intolerant and neither do they. It usually starts at around age 16.

Ah. I see. You are retarded. My apologies.

Mexico is the "whitest" country in latin America?

Doesn't Sup Forums always hype up Poland for being so ethnically homogeneous and white, yet have a lactose intolerance greater than 20%?

A good example of this is china, china is actually pushing it's people to consume milk despite the fact that they are intolerant. But "intolerant" in their case means they don't get any nutrition from the lactose in it, it doesn't mean they get sick.


can't wait to see your maths

MFW Niger is the whitest nigger nation.

B-but Russia isn't white..

What the fuck is going on in Niger

Are they a secret bastion of white people?

74% of American niggers are lactose intolerant
53% of Hispanics
87% of Indians
13% of whites

Pic related

Dang... Europe isn't white according to this chart.... I wonder how they think about this. . .

Who cares about the opinions of nonwhites? Lmao

lol at argentina

everybody is lactose intolerant , lactose is a sugar that is processed by lactase, and you only have so much lactase enzymes

so drinking 5 liters of milk will give you the shitter even if you are "lactose tolerant"

even natives can drink milk here this is fake as fuck

I love how posting the shopped version of that image has become the norm.

This is so fucking bullshit
I have never met a croat that is lactose intolerant

>Poland 37%
looks legit desu, slavs aint white

I literally never met anyone lactose intolerant.
This map is pure bs.

Dont mind me

Bullshit map
I've met 1 (one) lactose intolerant person in my life and I drink a lot of milk everyday.

I'm more white than you'll ever be. Full aryan. Fuck off scum.

>Europe over 20.
wtf is this shit, everyone in Europe uses diary. Lactose intolerance is a non issue here.


So you are telling me Niger is white?

WTF is love Niger now

normal map


what the fuck are they even

>Alaska not white
>Niger white

America has to have separate values for different races. Gee wiz wonder why niggers?

>lactose intolecucks

Also bullshit. Lactose intolerance is almost nonexistent here.
And that division in the exact middle of Brazil makes no sense.

so your saying mixing with north pakis/afghans/persians is ok?
can i COLONIZE them?

Is this legit?
Because milk is obviously one of the most consumed drinks in this country. I guess I would know if more than 30% of the population were intolerant to it.

Seeems fake.