Why Are Intelligent People Keynesians While the Dumb Are Savers?

I know Sup Forums loves right-wing nutjob economics of "SAVINGS IS GOOD SPENDING IS JEWISH" bullshit but why are all smart people spenders and all dumbasses are savers. For example Doctor Strange is a fucking NEUROSURGEON and "spends money as fast as he earned it" meanwhile we got dumbass savers like Lex Luther who fucks up everything and is a saver. Explain this.


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>all the smart people are spenders

wew lad

The smart people are shareholders and business owners collecting paychecks from the consumers

No they aren't. Shareholders and business owners are dumbfucks. Look at Lex Luther.

>uses superheroes in an econ debate

what are you, fucking 12?

>comic book characters
>unironically thinking this is a valid argument

We're reaching autism levels that shouldn't be possible

He is a leaf which I'm afraid is even worse

thanks for clearing that up, latvia. On top of that though, we got a turbo autist leaf

>applying keynesian theory to private economics
Please tell me how blowing all my money on thots and drugs as soon as I earn it is going to stimulate my economy?

They relate to real life

Because they are going to spend it which are going to spend it which are going to spend it. Everytime that goes through it employs someone.

If only we had a way that banks could loan out a fraction of their reserves so savings could help drive investment and economic growth.

Maybe we could call it fractional reserve banking?

>Stephen Strange
>magical powers and mystical items
>relatable to life
>relatable to economics

Saving unlocks future goods (in terms of quality or quantity) sought for consumption or extending/reinforcing the structure of production. Civilization would not exist if people lived in the moment 100% of the time like a bunch of niggers. Delayed gratification. Learn it.

>The smart people are...
..rent seekers and people who somehow parasite their pay off other people's money without contributing anything of value.

But is that really the kind of economy we want, all the decomposers leaching off the producers?

No since that would crash the economy.

I mean before he gets the power

No actually. Learn keynes

They are all dumbasses

>shareholders who risk their capital to fund new businesses and drive technological innovation are leaches

>Implying anything but Godley vs. Hoppe is debatable in economics

>shareholders who risk their small loan of a million dollars to create new business aka steal from people aren't leeches

Those two are morons.

ITT people who never opened a book about economics.

>Fractional banking will crash the economy

Your money is in a fractional reserve bank



Second one is better IMO

Fuckin retard. The jews know that saving is the only way, spending is for the stupid consumer.

Why do you you think jews are so greedy and cry about interest free loans after holohoax? They know better.

Jews know to never pay interest or spend. Thats just for stupid people like us.

You know nothing about economics

Stop crying

Second is way worse and more bias.

>businesses steal from people

Is Tim Hortins holding you at gunpoint forcing you to buy donuts you fucking leaf

In a way. They buy property in which we have to GTFO or the police which are corporate controlled will put a gun to my head.

You are the leaf who occasionally trolls with
obvious low quality Keynes-shilling threads.

I highly recommend everyone to stop replying.
Sage goes in the options field.

I have already made sure you will be banned for your trolling

>private property is theft
>promoting Keynes


Might as well be promoting communism while also promoting free markets

Communism is pro-free market. Capitalism isn't since it encourages monopolies

Keynes was a faggot.
Monetarism is false and he knows it.
Look at the EU. The European Central Bank is flooding the market with money yet there is no inflation.

Yes goy, spend all your money, give it to me...

You know what you're saying is bullshit.

No it's not.
Both theories state that LEL LETS FLOOD THE MARKET WITH MONEYZZ xD will lead to inflation.
Actually it's not.
You need to increase the unit labor costs, too.

So you agree printing money is good for the economy.

If you need inflation because let's say your exports are skyrocketing like they are in Germany, yes.

But you just said printing money doesn't cause inflation. HOW DENSE ARE YOU MOTHERFUCKER

And inflation encourages IMPORTS DUDE. If that was the case China would be printing money rather than buying USD

There's literally no one fucktarded enough to "think" like OP does. Do. Not. Feed.

I said you need to print money AND increase wages.

You're a bad troll bruh


Sorry about that, I just slammed my head on the keyboard instead of facepalming

>Because they are going to spend it which are going to spend it which are going to spend it. Everytime that goes through it employs someone.
Which is going to improve my situaton in what manner?
Are you legitimately stupid?

You just wanted to know if it's good for the economy senpai :^)

Give you a job dumbfuck, oh right you don't want one dumbfuk

Yes goy, keep spending. While you're at it, how about a loan*.
*265% APR

The problem with China is that their unit labor costs are sinking which is really bad if you want more imports desu :^)

The thot and the drug dealer are going to employ me?

We differentiate between personal finance and macro economics for a fucking reason.

Keynes doctrines is what the world follows ever since ww2 and we are in a massive death spiral of debt.
Need I say more?