Trump is now starving immigrants...we can't let him get the nuclear codes


Praise Lord Jesus for Donald J Trump!

Wew wapo is cancer

Both headlines please me

They don't deserve to live anyway.

it doesnt even make sense anymore

just thinking about these starving illegal fuckin freeloaders being hungry and afraid of getting the boot gives me a stiffy

lol silly journalist, the internet sees every little slip up of your bias, even if you change the title you're not exactly subtle about it...



I thought illegals couldnt get food stamps?

It isn't even really a newspaper anymore. Jeff Bezos, Amazon fag bought the paper, and he keeps pumping money into it to keep it afloat as a liberal propaganda organ. It can't survive on the revenues it makes from ads and subscriptions. Bezos pays the bills, he pays the salaries, so everyone who works there is beholden to him, not a dedication to publishing real news. This is why Trump calls it fake news.

They can when they all share the same SSN :^)

So when does the MSM officially jump the shark? or have they already?
Can this ridiculous shit go on forever?

Reminds me of this

canada should take these starving people away from the evil americans that refuse to feed them

I never thought we'd win this much

A good 90% of the mexcrement I see are obese, they could stand some starvation

That ape doesn't need any more food... jesus christ

>Welfare leeches are avoiding some benefits so they arent caught and lose all benefits.

Well gosh golly gee sir.


I'm sure he was given instructions at a Bildeberg meeting

>nukular codes

This shit always makes me chuckle


Looking God in the eye can be a life changing experience.

So they are admitting that illegals are abusing our welfare programs.

Fuck em.
>round them up into military bases
>strip searched and examined by health professionals
>healthy candidates given old uniforms and a mandatory two week battery of drills
>other candidates given tests to determine proclivities and talents for other training (subsistence farming, healthcare for example)
>after their in-processing, treat them as POWs, but dissenters publicly whipped, FUCK Geneva.
>send them all back in batches based on home of record with basic supplies
>on drop off, issue one crate with two hour time lock
>two MREs per person per day for a week
>one dirt tier rifle per combat course grad, with four mags (optional/hidden devices optional per higher)
>Orders to stay there and fix their shit, rentry into the following nations means kill-on-site designation

I should be in government.

her article - 'undocumented' aren't eligble & don't get SNAP
her twitter - 'undocumented' only have to provide a valid SSN to get SNAP

and TANF/USDA lunch are federally funded like SNAP and kids of illegals get that in schools no problem despite it being against federal law.

Wow fucking Bezos is a globalist faggot

canceling? should it be cancelling or have i always spelled that wrong?

>immigrants getting benefits illegally
This has been known about for years. Can't wait till the illegals are no more.

wtf space pennies

Praise kek


The future is looking bright.

so he is already saving us money? wow.
protip, if you can cancel your food stamps you don't need them
also this.
everyone is brainwashed and think he is racist, he is rounding up ILLEGALS not 'mexicisns' persay

lol derp

you coloureds and your crazy ideas

Not gonna former here hilarious watching burn this but seriousness can't nuclear

do it starve them all go home.
i would rather shoot them.

>implying there's a problem with this

alright CIA



Don't fucking tease me. If you have actual GOOD NEWS such as "beaners starving" (they deserve to be punished in this manner) then post it. This is nothing but hystrionics.

Crap, it's not like they're human. They're cockroaches and we all know what needs to be done to cockroaches.

Now if we could just starve the niggers and SJWs too.

>can't afford food
>seek help
>denied food due to budget cuts
>this costs money

Is it really illegal's fault or shit politicians fault?

Should we hold Clinton, Bush, and Obama era politicians or Juan and Maria and their children?

This is the first thing today that actually made me a little giddy. Perhaps next they could protest by getting the fuck out of our country?

here's what's curious about this situation

if this is legitimately happening it means that either immigrants would rather die than be deported (gonna go ahead and assume this isn't the case) therefore it must mean these immigrants could have found a way to feed themselves without federal aid, which is tantamount to fraud and leeching

this really makes me think to be honest

they could call it #withoutimmigrants


He should know and have memorized every launch code and if he needs to nuke a shithole country i would support his decision.

Literally Hitler

Looks like all the food is going into a black hole.


Yeah, spics are definitely going hungry

One "L" in U.S. English, two "L"s in U.K.

P.S. Potential spelling mistakes are hardly the most important thing here.

TFW you realize that the law still applies to you despite being brown

Paid for by your CIA.

t. NEET living with his mother.