Research shows Islam will be the most popular religion by 2070
>The world's population will grow by 37 per cent over the same period. If those rates of growth continue past 2050, Muslims will outnumber Christians by 2070, the report found.
Just kill me now

Other urls found in this thread:

allahu akbar

Does the research include the upcoming wars?

full report here:




Terrifying if true.


>Does the research include the upcoming wars?
Yes, the one we lose and get our shit handed to us

good luck to them, they will need it.





It's happening.

We are seeing the rise of Judeo-Islam.


The west will lose the capability to feed and cloth them long before that and their population will level off at a sustainable point.


They pushed it back by 20 fucking years.
This is good. Keep pushing it back by another 20 years indefinitely and it'll just be bullshit.

My research says that most muslims will be dead within 7 years, that it will take 7 months to bury their bodies, and 7 years to burn their weapons.




Maybe you are getting rolled over when the tides turn, but America should be there to liberate you with the help of Russia and China. Try to get out before the Muslim whorde gets you.

How will Buddhists ever recover?

>the scam cult started by a pedophile sandnigger from the bronze age will the default religion of the Solar System



My Jew folder has 510 fucking images, this is fucked.

Wherever degeneracy rears its ugly head, the Jew is holding the reins.

I never believe those X WILL BE REALLY IMPORTANT BY 2070-research memes.

Why? Because it's 53 years in the future. And all they do is take the current rising line in a graph, continue it until the breaking point is found and spout bullshit.

Imagine the world 53 years ago. Then imagine the world now. Is it the same situation? Of course not. Society changed drastically. Conditions changed drastically. Countries disappeared, new countries appeared. New challenges appeared.

It will be the same shit 53 years from now. There's literally no way of saying anything about population growth or growth of a religion.

When I was in primary school, 20 years ago, I learned that by 2005, Africa would be the richest continent, because it, at that time, experienced a strong economic climb. And is it the richest continent? Of course not.

This is bullshit, fear mongering, and it should go away.

We need to promote kekism


Isn't China becoming christian very quickly?



The question is are they becoming real Christians or judeo-Christians?

>the jews are dying out
This is a good thing, right Sup Forums?


Not true, they are having a population boom.

and most of it is going to be people in 3rd world countries. the reason why islam is going to become the biggest religion is because africa is going to almost triple in population by then, especially the muslim parts

is there a difference between muslim africa and christian africa?

Well it already is the worlds largest religion. The catholic and Orthodox Church are the only true churches, and if you ask me only Orthodox. Islam outnumbers Catholics and Orthodx but a wide margin. However, these numbers include secular Christian churches like baptist, Presbyterian, and Methodist, which frankly aren't Christian.

It's just scare tactics. But of course Islam is always the fastest growing religion. If you have a child in an Islamic country they are automatically a Muslim. Anywhere else they have to choose to be a Christian, because, you know, free will and all.

***...which frankly aren't Christian. But using the secular churches allows Christianity to be the #1 religion on earth even though it includes literally hundreds of denominations

Yes, so is South Korea.

George Soros brokered the corporate merger between Islam and Catholicism.

kek will prevail

>Australian Government acts like it cares about Aboriginals
>Brings in Muslim """"refugees""""
>""""refugees"""" commit crimes and go to jail
>"""refugees""" now converting dumb aboriginals to islam in the prisons


"Let your nations be invaded by Satanic Mohammedans or you are not Christian, oy vey!"


"Oy vey, you can't have children, goyim! You have to make space for the new Europeans!"

"Oy vey, there is no such thing as an Islamic terrorist, goy!"

I don't get this agenda. White people are the best goyim anyway. We are peaceful people. Just let us work with comfortable lives and distract us with entertainment and sex and we will be fine with being "ruled" over.

I don't really care, so long as they stay in their own countries.

They can't take the risk that we won't chimp out at the last second of being replaced.
However they are idiots if they think a Muslim majority will be at all friendly to Israel or their media/banking schemes

Yes, I can see allahu akbars prospering in winter countries, when they couldn't build working infrastructure in summer countries.. For sure they aren't just going to collapse on themselves and subsequently destroy themselves.

The Jews have such an irrational hatred and racism towards whites that they don't realize they are killing their protectors and cash cows at the same time.

It will be their undoing eventually.

Do they honestly expect niggers, Arabs and mestizos to toil their asses off to pay taxes and then put on uniforms to go to the other side of the world and invade countries for no reason?

They are really screwing up by genociding white people.

>be me rich brat of wealthy businessman
>only son in family line
>dad also right winger
>no mother to inherit(passed away)
>will prob buy house in iceland
>iceland last aryan refuge
>poorfags will get overan by mudslims

I'm glad cuckstianity is dead.

I know. As soon as America falls, Jews are fair game for everyone.

Thank fuck im gonna be dead by then.

I still hold more trust in the average Arab Muslim than I will ever have for the common Western White Atheist/Christian male. Most of them are comparable to Sup Forums, with a "watch the world burn" mentality, a far more dangerous worldview than ISIS hopes to be. Obama was right: domestic terrorists are more of a threat to national security than foreign ones. The government must deliver the same merciless treatment they enact on ISIS towards the citizens who conspire to dismantle societal stability, and most of them are White males...

you need to take life expectancy into account
muslims don't live long: poverty, lack of hygene, terrorism, traditional killings, wars, inbreeding....

jews inbred, which results in mental problems, thus thinking they can control anything.

t. shekelmonger

they were in bed together since crusades
nothing new
semites need to be exerminated

orthodox have high birth rates but their kids dont go into IDF so they are just useless NEETS

>in a smith machine
t. /fit/

I will squatting 100 LBS would get me a QT gf too


>assuming no other variables change in 53 years
you never learned about calculus did you?

this faggot doesnt even lift.

I wonder how many millions it took them to figure this OBVIOUS answer out.


Just further dragging them down.

Pretty sure those arent even 45lbs each

They'll be trendy Muslims at most. A lot of Muslims are as liberal and degenerate as everyone else.

most of the muzzie growth is gonna be in nigga parts like Nigeria as well as chink parts like maylasia and singapoor. Chinks are normally pretty zen nigs are gonna nog

Just imagine that a world so PC that we eventually have a Muslim president.

>smith machine
>one plate
>small arms

The fact that religion will still exist in 2070 is a good case to end humanity now

>America should be there to liberate you
>America will be embroiled in a civil race war

I cant wait for him to be gone. A fictional TV pope is far more Catholic than he is.

In 2070, I will be 95, which probably means dead for 25 years already. I don't care if the population of the entire planet only worships and eats freshly-aborted fetuses by then.

>every single one of them has soulless eyes
Synagogue of Satan indeed. Jesus.

the thing about islam is that muslims like islam and are proud of it,
whereas a jew or a christian tries its best to keep it on the low.

No, they're going to use Muslims to start a war from within.

Niggers are useful idiots. Make anything about race and they follow.

>extreme stupidity is common
Is this news?

We has all the invisible jet planes.
Zerg rush is failed tactic.

According to this, I'm the antichrist. It's so hard to see the number of the beast appear on your own scalp, so I had no idea... but what an honor!

No, you're just a run of the mill antichrist.

Anyone who denies Christ is an antichrist by definition.

>1 John 2:18 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.

The Beast, the son of perdition, the true antichrist of antichrists has yet to come.

Zerg rush worked for the Russians.

Only because of lend lease.

I'm not denying that, just saying that even if they get their way and Muslims become a large proportion of the population, nothing good will come to them. The average Muslim is much more red pilled on the JQ than the average European

Sure, in WW2. Let's see how that works out for them against a couple of M134's

good thing we have nuclear weapons

Ah, the everyday, pedestrian variety of honor, then. It's like getting a crossing guard of the week award. All I literally have to do is just not be Christian, so like half the world is the fucking antichrist right along with me, most of them by default, maybe not ever even hearing about christianity. I would think I'm a little more antichrist-y than them at least; I do it by choice. Thanks for ruining my night, though. I was looking forward to the telepathy and shit that comes along with antichrist status.

No special powers, just a curse.

>1 Corinthians 16:22

22 If anyone does not love the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be accursed.

Well, I guess that's not so bad. I don't believe in anything supernatural, so threats of the supernatural variety have no effect.