ITT: Share political compasses and debate about current topics that affect the USA

ITT: Share political compasses and debate about current topics that affect the USA

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Also me


Jews and trannies must be gassed!
No pic for my political compass since I'm not home but I think ya'll get my political views.

Probably alot like mine




US should be white again

>so many blues in this thread
absolutely beautiful

Anyone else feel like this compass has it backwards? Left-right isn't really about economics but about the goal (human equality for left wingers, or human greatness for right wingers).


what site is this from?


Another brick in the Sup Forums

> inb4 liberalcommiescum

I don't even consider myself hard left. I still support capitalism.

App called Vote 1

I've grown more right and more libertarian than I was a year ago. Always interesting to keep a tab on it.


Every test I take I'm always +/- 1 to the left or right

>pro-homosex pro-abortion atheist marijuana user

Savior of western civilization quadrant checking in.


- Mostly pro-gun. Background checks at the most.
- Universal healthcare is good.
- Take care of the poor with a generous social safety net/welfare.
- Let LGBT people marry, or at least get the government out of it. Churches can be allowed to deny a gay couple from marriage if they wish.
- Private businesses can discriminate for any reason they want (they don't have to bake the cake for a gay person if they don't want to).
- 3rd-wave feminism and PC culture is toxic to society.
- Federal Reserve should be ended.
- Anti-establishment.
- Drugs should be legalized and the War on Drugs should be ended.
- Non-interventionist foreign policy.
- Anti-TPP/NAFTA and pro-protectionism.
- Against NSA Spying/mass surveilance

Basically, my underlying principle is freedom for everyone, but true freedom cannot occur unless everyone's basic needs are taken care of. Also, I believe that genetics do play a role in IQ scores and crime statistics, it's ultimately one's environment that really affects their behavior. That's probably my main disagreement with most people on here. Nature and nurture both play a role, but nurture is the ultimate indicator.

if you aint survivalist anarchist you aint shit

debate me faggots

wtf I hate myself

not even sure what I am

What's your most liberal position?

Get b& faggot no underage kids allowed

non-blues are all degenerates

How many children have you purchased on the dark web?

It's weird how we're basically the same person in terms of premises but radically different in terms of conclusions. I'm directly above you, btw: >- Mostly pro-gun. Background checks at the most.
>- Universal healthcare is good.
>- Take care of the poor with a generous social safety net/welfare.
>- Let LGBT people marry, or at least get the government out of it. Churches can be allowed to deny a gay couple from marriage if they wish.
>- Private businesses can discriminate for any reason they want (they don't have to bake the cake for a gay person if they don't want to).
>- 3rd-wave feminism and PC culture is toxic to society.
>- Federal Reserve should be ended.
>- Anti-establishment.
>- Drugs should be legalized and the War on Drugs should be ended.
>- Non-interventionist foreign policy.
>- Anti-TPP/NAFTA and pro-protectionism.
>- Against NSA Spying/mass surveilance
I completely agree with all of these, word for word. How do they in any way, shape or form map onto Donald Trump? He seems to respect private business owners rights and gun rights and at times seems non-interventionist but then directly contradicts it by declaring himself an extreme hawk. Everything else is directly the opposite of anything he has publicly declared himself to be in support of.

I voted for Jill Stein since I live in MA and my vote is symbolic anyway. If I lived in a swing state, I might have voted for Shillary because she seems somewhat left of Orange Hitler at times (though also to his right on foreign policy).

Rate me, lads

Wasted digits on such mild political views

please kill me


Sup Forums am I white?

>Also, I believe that genetics do play a role in IQ scores and crime statistics, it's ultimately one's environment that really affects their behavior.
I forgot to mention that I disagree with this most of all. I naively believed this to be true for many, many years before discovering the HBD sphere and the reality of genetic IQ. While it sucks being born in a shithole with terrible education/opportunities, people CONTINUE to live in shitty environments because they're stupid, not the other way around. See: Africa. Impoverished, uneducated villagers stay impoverished, uneducated villagers for a reason. If they possessed higher genetic IQ, they'd have found a way to improve their conditions.

you're a proud mediterranean man, better than a white

We basically overlap on the compass, it's crazy. I didn't vote for Stein or Johnson because they didn't have a chance to win. I hate saying it, and I hate when people dismiss 3rd party candidates, but the truth is that if you're not in the debates, you have no chance. That's the only way Jesse Ventura won his gubernatorial race in 98' - he was in the debates. It's a corrupt system, though, so until we fix the debates, 3rd party candidates have no chance.

That leaves Trump and Clinton. I would've still considered voting 3rd party if it was something like "Romney vs. Obama", but Trump was just decent enough and Clinton was just evil enough that I had to vote for Trump. I still smile thinking back on how he won, especially considering it was one of my votes that won him PA.

Main reason I voted for him is because he genuinely gives a fuck about America and its people, like Sanders did. Helps that he's not a Fed puppet either.

too left

Hypothetically speaking...would I be welcomed to live in Italy?

Pretty much the same for me for thee opinions.
>Completely pro-gun, defund the ATF, repeal the NFA & Hughes amendment
>Welfare should be reserved only for disabled, veterans, and elderly.
Also adding Pew Research Center test results

yes, you only need to prove that you have italian ancestors born after the unification to get citizenship, and we're a very welcoming people.
to other whites, that is.

>oppose all war (except for funding Assad against ISIS as ISIS is our fault and responsibility)
>cut all foreign aid to Israel, redirect it to Iran, Syria, Iraq, and Libya as reparations
>expand the freedom of speech so that no opinion may be illegal, allow people to incite violence and encourage crime
>defend against pollution and climate change
>ban birth control pills to preserve our psychological and physiological health, fund all abortions as an alternative
>ban pornography (but it's far more important to remove the demand in the first place)
>require rigorous physical and mental conditioning in schools, ensure the young are healthy nationalists with good genetic hygiene, take the hormone-loaded processed poison out of school lunches and punish parents who give their children soda just as we would punish parents who give their kids cigarettes
>send fat kids to weight loss camps
>use tax dollars to fund fat shaming and slut shaming
>expand food stamps so that no American may go hungry, but limit them so that they cannot purchase junk food
>universal healthcare for people who eat healthy, are not fat, and do not use drugs
>deploy massive oversight on harmful chemicals/hormones in environment and food, thoroughly control food and water
>regulate big business, deregulate small business
>separate church and state, abolish marriage and make it a religious decision
>use diseases, water contamination, sterilization-for-cash, etc to depopulate the third world
>nationwide stand-your-ground and concealed carry
>eventually make firearm ownership mandatory
>build a wall, but only deport illegal immigrants that have committed further crimes
>publicly fund elections, end lobbying
>build a space elevator

R8 me, m80s.

I had lighter skin when I was younger but it has tanned a bit. Also, I have light brown hair and brown eyes, would this be considered white?

Not sure if this helps but I have a Caucasoid shaped skull...


Yeah, I'm honestly as pro-gun as it comes myself, I just say that having background checks is my absolute last compromise criteria. Don't even own a gun, but it's too important a right.

>I think my race is superior
>nationalism is good
>gays shouldn't get married or adopt
>I like the environment, not for global warming reasons, but because I just think nature is beautiful
>I also think business needs some regulations
>I think art is pretty cool
I know my views have really mellowed out since about a year ago. I have no idea what's happening to me.

Wish we saw more in-depth answers like this in these threads. Far more interesting than just the compasses.

half of our country looks mexican man, we're not autistic nordcucks that only consider blue eyed people to be white.

I just did one online and it says im a social authorian am i a giant faggot?


What do southern europeans consider white?



>oppose all war (except for funding Assad against ISIS as ISIS is our fault and responsibility)

all caucasians

>use diseases, water contamination, sterilization-for-cash, etc to depopulate the third world
ignore this, I don't believe it at all, leftover from a satire pasta


I like this app. Has a small library of political books aswell.

im actually pretty liberal in terms of social stuff. pretty much pro drugs pro lgbt rights and all the rest


fuck you queer maybe when youre older youll stop being an edgy authoritarian and realize which part of the compass is for real men

I respect that. My view on economic freedom is just more nuanced.

>oppose all war (except for funding Assad against ISIS as ISIS is our fault and responsibility)
History has shown quite clearly at this point that our involvement has only exacerbated the problem. It's not our conflict, we ought to stay the fuck out of it.
>cut all foreign aid to Israel, redirect it to Iran, Syria, Iraq, and Libya as reparations
How about we tell them all to go fuck themselves and focus on fixing our own domestic problems instead.
>expand the freedom of speech so that no opinion may be illegal
>allow people to incite violence and encourage crime
Eh, what?
>defend against pollution and climate change
Prove that climate change is a direct result of human activity. It wouldn't be the first time in Earth's history that something has just naturally fucked up in the ecosystem and caused mass species die-offs without any human or otherwise intervention, and it certainly won't be the last.
>ban birth control pills to preserve our psychological and physiological health, fund all abortions as an alternative
I think you got it backwards there, buddy. Abortion can cause serious physiological problems that prevent women from ever being able to have a kid again. Birth control pills just regulate a woman's period on top of its obvious effects.
>ban pornography (but it's far more important to remove the demand in the first place)
Why and how?
>require rigorous physical and mental conditioning in schools, ensure the young are healthy nationalists with good genetic hygiene, take the hormone-loaded processed poison out of school lunches and punish parents who give their children soda just as we would punish parents who give their kids cigarettes
Okay, I can agree on that.
>send fat kids to weight loss camps
Same as above.

A post worthy of pocket aces. Checked with respect. I hold very similar beliefs. If only other users posted with such quality.


Now that you put it that way, I agree with all your points. Dunno about art though, it's so subjective. Modern art (the painting with period blood and shit -type) is shit, traditional art (almost anything from western countries, pre 1950) is great.

I got that too even though I'm a national socialist. I feel like there were too many irrelevant questions that dragged me to the left.

one of the most accurate I've seen so far, Simpsons truly has encompassed the entirety of human experience

Here's my issue with those on the authoritarian side of the compass. You think you can force people to live a certain non-degenerate lifestyle and everything will be an episode of Happy Days. Here's the problem. Most people don't respond very well to being told how they should live. Making degeneracy illegal will only delay the societal progress you want to see. Why? The pocket of society that doesn't want to live in your definition of a pure society will always resist those in control. Eventually, more and more people will rise up and take the power back.

tl;dr - You can't control people by force, at least not for the long-term. You can only lead by example and allow people to make lifestyle changes by themselves. That's the only way true change can ever happen. Want to stop degeneracy? Show people there's a better way by living the best non-degenerate lifestyle you can.

The political compass put me very slightly left even though I take a right leaning stand on most issues. Is it a meme or should I kill myself?

>use tax dollars to fund fat shaming and slut shaming
Wouldn't that just cause mental health problems? We should encourage people to live healthy, moral lifestyles rather than shame them for not doing so. That way, they would be more likely to actually want to.
>expand food stamps so that no American may go hungry, but limit them so that they cannot purchase junk food
Personally, I'd rather try to find a way to make sure people are able to find employment and take care of themselves so they don't have to be nannied by the state.
>universal healthcare for people who eat healthy, are not fat, and do not use drugs
Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose. I think that we should let businesses compete and lower the price that way, but also make sure that no one company manages to acquire a monopoly.

We're pretty much in agreement on everything else. Except,

>eventually make firearm ownership mandatory
I don't know. We need mandatory training, background checks, and psychological evaluations because there are always going to be some people, no matter how ideal the society is, that really REALLY should not have access to firearms under any circumstances.

Disregard the climate change debate, isn't it better to invest in new cleaner energy? Oil will run out eventually and pollution makes some cities near unlivable

Please define "real men"

Yeah, modern art is pretty shit. One of the statements on the test was basically "Modern art isn't art.", and I strongly agreed with that one.

>t. Jamal


Friendly neighborhood paleocon

>>use diseases, water contamination, sterilization-for-cash, etc to depopulate the third world
I forgot about that one. I would say something about that one, but it's obviously a shitty maymay.


>Drug war is retarded (legalize all drugs in recreational amounts)
>Non-interventionist foreign policy
>Disabled people should be sterilized
>Gays should have rights but businesses should be allowed to refuse to write/speak pro-homosexual messages
>Whites and East Asians tied for best race
>SJW Marxist bullshit is going to start a race war and feminism is ruining western civilization
>Everyone except violent felons, muslims and negroids should be able to own guns

>Wouldn't that just cause mental health problems?
Yeah, that was just meme wording. Encouragement is far better than shaming. Hitler had the right idea with strengthening the youth.

>ban pornography
There's nothing good about it. It's an industry that profits off of the direct abuse of tens of thousands of women and breeds sexism and unhealthy views of relationships.

>Prove that climate change is a direct result of human activity
I don't pretend to know more than the scientists, the risk is not worth taking and we should start protecting the environment and using clean energy regardless of man-made climate change.

>How about we tell them all to go fuck themselves and focus on fixing our own domestic problems instead.
Their problems are our fault.

Of course, but we've kinda already been doing that. We still haven't found anything even remotely viable in the event that we run out of oil though, and unfortunately, there aren't a lot of moneyed interests that are, well, interested in funding that pursuit. Personally, I'm in favor of building a Dyson sphere around the sun. It'd take an assload of money, but it would pay for itself relatively quickly, the construction effort would cause employment to shoot through roof, and we would end up with an unlimited (from a human perspective anyways) source of clean, renewable energy. We've already got Elon Musk and SpaceX saying that we'll be able to put a man on Mars at an economically viable cost within the next decade or two. At this rate, I don't see why the construction of a Dyson sphere couldn't be accomplished, or at least started, by the end of the century.

please explain how national SOCIALISM is on right.

>one of the better personality types
>83% turbulent
Why even bother?

Technically, National Socialism is economically a middle-of-the-road philosophy. It combines aspects of both the Right (Corporate Capitalism) and the Left (Government Control and Regulation) to create its own sort of economic philosophy.

My country

Test link?

Only problem is the energy requirement to build the sphere, personally I think nuclear power is our best bet for the transition. There's a lot of fear mongering around it that's pretty unfounded if you really look at it, especially since new technology would make it so much safer than it used to be at the times of the few incidents people think of

>Maymays this old

Being turbulent and insecure makes me constantly push to improve myself. I rarely get INTJ, INFJ is much more accurate.

Spekr is biased toward lolibertarianism. It was made by an ancap.


private roads faggot. people still have the right to autonomy. you cant rent out a room in your house to someone then not allow them to walk to the bathroom because you own the hallways

real men as in men that dont need a bunch of hugo boss wearing pussies to do stuff like force out immigrants and regulate culture because of "muh degeneracy"

National Socialist