Why is it easier to uses memes to summon an ancient Egyption chaos god and use said god to elect a reality tv star to...

Why is it easier to uses memes to summon an ancient Egyption chaos god and use said god to elect a reality tv star to the presidency and in the processes cuck the Bushes and Clintons than it is to get a girl friend?

What is manifest destiny?

>insert joke about a genie and a 1000 mile bridge to Hawaii etc...

Alternatively, maybe no one memed anything and Donald Trump won because people really didn't like Clinton and really wanted to shake up DC.

we didnt meme gfs for ourselves

A woman is supposed to bring order in your life.
A god of Chaos has no business in relationships nigger.

Shes kinda hot in a wierd way. Would plow depending on what kind of person she is.

You cannot use Kek for such selfish desires

When did Sup Forums merge with R9k?

last thursday

Apples to oranges.

If thousands of men put their money together they could definitely summon a bunch of woman to put on a hell of a cam show, that's how porn works.

If thousands of men put their memes together to entertain/summon a chaos god, that's not god might also put on quite a reality bender of a show.

But either way, you don't pool together the efforts of thousands of men to get a girlfriend. Just as pooling the memes of thousands won't make a chaos god your bitch. So apples to oranges.


She's going to scratch the finish on the car with those washing methods.


Serious answer: the thing about magic is, that you have to have the right state of mind. The things that hinder you are the lust for results and self doubt. The people who really wanted Trump to win didn't evoke Kek. The guys who meme just for the lulz are the real magicians.

Hey you, robot from the other thread ;)

Rhetoric vs dialectic. Memes are distilled rhetoric. They work on people on a visceral, instinctual level.

Relationships are dialectic. You have to convince someone through interpersonal interaction that you're a suitable mate. Unless you're a natural alpha, this is usually a difficult process that requires lots of trial and error.

Choas is choas my friend, sounds likes youre lookin for some normalcy.

>implying memes had any effect outside this echo chamber
Probably the reason why youre a virgin neet.

>our combined autism and wizardry created a entire new dimension of time and space where our memes are now mainstream
>have elite deep state Moloch worshipers baffled
>still can't create a reality where we get GFs

Because most women are instruments of Satan

go back2reddit with your underaged nonsense please