Should a chimpanzee be treated as a person with legal rights?

Can the world get any more ridiculous?

New York court to determine if chimp is legally a person

>That's what attorney Steven Wise tried to convince a state appeals court in Manhattan on Thursday.

>two chimps named Tommy and Kiko should be freed from cages to live in a mammoth-sized outdoor sanctuary in Florida

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>New York court to determine if chimp is legally a person

Did they miss out on the 14th amendment or something? Chimps already have rights.


why not? this fucked anyways and monkey rights aren't going to make a difference

We already had one in the White House, so sure why not.

They're trying to bolster the "niggers are people" argument
A fail-safe, if you will.
It's just crazy enough to work


Ho boy now we owe them reparations too.

Also (((Wise))). Really makes you drink...


Rights also come with responsibilities which chimps are unable to perform.


Humans are separated by millions of years from chimpanzees while white and black people are only separated 40,000 years or so. Are you really so dumb that you think black people are more related to chimpanzees just because they have the same skin color? In that case, I have some bad news for you, you're probably dumber than a chimpanzee yourself...


We should stuff heaps of monkeys into the inner cities and give them food instead of welfare.

See how the niggers enjoy living next to chimps with a unnaturally booming population

I'm at the end of my tether.

I feel like I'm going to snap.

Everywhere I go it's all immigrants. I barely ever hear English in public anymore. Faggots and degenerates everywhere. I saw a Muslim doctor at the hospital today dressed like an Afghan villager. I feel as if I'm at a fucking breaking point.

You are all so unaware if your human privilege. Learn to recognise it. Become an ally of the chimps.
I demand equality!

>Swede not knowing what a joke is

There are a couple of jokes in this thread, and Sweden is one of them.

Actual chimps are smarter than niggers.

Well there's already precedence for this because of the civil rights movement for blacks.

why not?

Okay, so given that it's a joke you will concede that you are more related to a black person than they are to a chimpanzee, that black people should obviously be treated as equal human beings, and that any suggestion that there is any difference in intelligence based on the pseudoscientific concept of race is bullshit? Thanks. Good joke.

Christ, take it down a notch Sweden.

>you are more related to a black person than they are to a chimpanzee

I wouldn't go that far.

Rare chimpanzee-gorilla hybrid was allegedly quite man-like, called "Kooloo-kambra"

Yeah you did that with niggers and see where it led to.

>Mammoth sized
Isn't that a little small for two chimpanzees? I mean a mammoth is only like 10ft tall.

>closer related
I think its more like blacks should be treated closer to equal than chimpanzees

its rediculous, but still only niggers and gooks have no empathy for animals.

Considering you're arab, you prob like to torture animals, but the civilized work looks down on that.

If this happens, can I also sue to released from my cage and given a sanctuary in Florida?

chimps and gorillas cannot breed so this is bullshit.

>chimps and gorillas cannot breed so this is bullshit.

It was discovered by paul du chaillu

swede buttblasted over his BBC

we're already there OP

Chimps deserve welfare and housing provided by the state.
You guys are racist for thinking otherwise.

they are smarter than much niggas, so,

why not?

I thought we freed them in 1865?

In america niggers have rights so chimps should have gotten accepted long ago

An Argentinean judge ruled in November that chimps have habeas corpus rights.

After libs legalize pedophilia, they will push for welfare for chimps.

Look at who came out to be all high and mighty. 100 years of being treated as an equal really made you forget that your people were considered the black people of Europe for hundreds of years, did it? The exact same arguments that are used against black people were used against your people, that you are swarthy, lazy, less intelligent, barely a member of the human race. This was a widely held consensus among scholars at the time. It's easy to forget when you're no longer the one being targeted, isn't it?
>"b-but this time the psuedoscientific studies are actually right!".
Yeah, sure they are, paddy. Racist piece of shit.

jenk is real

If you consider, that interbreed man with monkey (niggers) is already considered a "person", than it is not a surprise to declare other "persons" a "person"...

(Since man comes probably from Yunnan and later Europe as a Neanderthal and Apefricans are interbreed men with apes, the "out of Africa" theory and all "Homo sapiens sapiens" is just a scientific propaganda?)

Soon you will find, that 99% of genetic identity of chimp and man entitles them to be called human too... But >95% genetic identity with pigs is also a substantive agreement, and that >90% genetic identity with rats and similars also makes them "human" enough for lieberals...


Were all human arent we?


Whereas that the man in your photograph has a Juris Doctor degree, a long experience in policy making and most recently served as one of the most well-liked presidents in the history of the United States... the author of your post seems to struggle with basic biology and elementary school arithmetic. If one race is superior to the other, please let me know which one you think it is and I'll tell you what kind of idiot you are.

>should be freed from cages to live in a mammoth-sized outdoor sanctuary
If they care so much why not make a chimpanzee sized sanctuary instead of reusing the mammoth sanctuary?

Your "Juris Doctor degree" claim - I've heard that the degree was false, same as birth certificate...

> struggle with basic biology and elementary school arithmetic
Basic biology - it is a question, what is biology and what is propaganda...
Arithmetic - there was no arithmetic in my post...
(genetic similarity percentage? try to look up something about that...)

> If one race is superior to the other, please let me know

It always depends, which scale you select, since "superior" or "inferior" requires a selected direction.

European race is much better in intelligence (cooperation, planning). African race (subspecie!) is usually better in muscle strength and running speed.
The difference is far more than skin deep, the color of pigmentation is not among the most differing traits between the races...


>I've heard that the degree was false, same as birth certificate...
You've heard that, have you? Well we all know nothing is more reliable than hearsay from a biased racist on the internet.

They're already letting chimps vote.

Everything you posted is pseudoscientific garbage that has been debunked over and over. Some of it you have to be pretty dumb to believe in the first place. Obviously European admixture is going to be a good predictor of how successful a black person is; the darker skin they have, the more discriminated against they are, and the more likely they are to have at least one rich parent.

A typical LIEberal swedish scum
> pseudoscientific garbage
Without even bothering to really lookup the sources and scientific works...

Can you tell me, what is "pseudoscientific" on this and who debunked it?

Race difference denial is worse and more dangerous then Holocaust denial !

Animal rights (including humans) should be on a scale based on the intelligence of the species, a chimp or a dog does deserve some rights, less than humans do but more than a fish would also.

> Obama .. hearsay from a biased racist on the internet.

> I have always wondered why NO ONE ever came forward from Obama’s past saying they knew him, attended school with him, was his friend, etc. NO ONE, not one person has ever come forward from his past.
> ...
> this false claim has been forwarded widely in recent days

This is a political issue and not a racist one...
They disprove it somehow.
It is a question, how reliably...
> President Barack Obama’s love of secrecy has, by this point, become a favorite rhetorical cudgel for the President’s opponents. And perhaps no set of documents is more coveted due to its total unavailability than the President’s college records

They explain it, that during univeristy time, Obama was socialist left-wing radical and that's why he hides it...