Destiny the Cuck

What can we do to BTFO this cuck?

stop giving him attention and views for one

Naked Ape, an amateur debater already BTFO out of DesTINY


JonTron BTFO him and anyone who says otherwise is an idiot.

hes a 26 year old man with a 12 year olds body.

god has already btfo him out more than any of us could.


For al jontron shortcommigs in the debate, destiny literaly said "what's wrong with communism". He kinda BTFO himself.

this is literally just a signalling for him. He's a fucking faggot.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with communism lmao

He's destroyed everyone you've thrown at him
You can't win

stop making destiny threads

stop killing better threads with this retarded garbage you fucking cock sucking nigger


The most blatant cash grab I've seen

I voted for Trump, but Jon clearly lost the debate, i'm not saying anything about the context of the debate but Jon was clearly projecting so hard at the end of it if you think he won you need to start doing some thinking for yourself buddy

I agree with Jontron obviously. But I don't think the debate went well for him. Destiny was using call to emotion and no arguments, but I don't think Jon refuted it well

KEK, very true, just Google DesTINY sc2 dick


>1 post

>literal argument was "poor and rich people all get fucked by immigration"

yeah no dude

Have somebody actually capable of debating go up against him, All it Wil take is somebody smart enough to point out his own logical inconsistencies and fallacies, Jon tron recognized them but he didn't effectively point them out. I can't say I blame jon tron for not doing well, his job isn't political commentator or professional debater, just a dude who plays video games and happens to be redpilled, destiny is actually a pussy for not debating a person on his level, imagine molyneux against this cuck

I'm perma-banned from his stream...I wanna call him out.

He's a 5'5 manlet, genetics already BTFO'd him.