This is what the typical jewish man looks like

this is what the typical jewish man looks like.

This is what the typical goyisch man looks like.

How can the goyim even hope to compete?

sure thing goyim

LOL no.

How can goyim even compete?

Not posting Kirk Karwoski...

Am dissapoint.


Sorry goyim, jews are just superior to you.


Holy shit! that kike doesn't even look human, it's like he is a skinwalker, or somekind of alien poorly smashed into a human suit. Why don't Jews part with a few of their shekels and fix that Proboscis monkey nose?

No match for the genetically superior muslims.




this is what goes on in the synagogue

Typical goyisch female


She is only attractive when she is airbrushed, as most Jewess are. Take them out of the magazine shoot and they look like a 6/10 at best, but more often than not they look like fucking smeagol.

Typical goyisch man, lol.

Don't worry ur lil kopfs, we will protect you from the scary muslims :^)

Dead weight?

>pulling sumo
typical jewish cheating

Accidentally went on a date with a jewess the other day. She had on fake blue contacts!!

reminder that europe was GAY AS AIDS till the chosen people taught various pagan perverts how to fuck vaginas rather than assholes.

Typical shiksa


disgusting. Perfect opportunity to go dutch on the bill, though you might get trampled in her mad dash out the nearest window.

Hollywood conditions men to be attracted to Jewesses through mere saturation

is curly hair a jewish trait

Jews are so fucking hideous

Jesus Christ, that kike hardly even resembles a human being. How can people still delude themselves into thinking that Jews aren't evil as fuck?

Looks like Kevin O'Leary

So so true!

what was his name?

Poor form, poor posture, he's probs going to slip a disc doing dumb shit untrained.


>criticizing ed coan's form

lmao this dyel

Dunham and Pareene are ANGLO name, degenerate goy.

actual non-jews

(((for the blind)))

Sorry goy, pareene and Dunham are gentiles. And the footballist, Mitchell Schwartz is a real mensch!

Jewish isn't a race

He must know how he looks like.
He probably does it on purpose to intimidate/creep out people he's muscling in on

Dammit OP you aren't getting paid for this shit, go back to starting slide dreads and posting comments about how much you hate Trump on Facebook.

Niggerest song, niggerest soundcloud rapper.

What hoist movement is this man performing? Doest look like a DL

>lifts sumo


this is one of the creepiest, most evil faces i've seen in a long time

muh ancestor

THIS is what a typical Jew looks like.

You got to be real sick in the mind to have confidence in that body.

>probably lifting more than you

get in the gym you fat fuck, we've got a race war comin'

I was going to make a funny joke and post an image of a super ripped, hulk-like Jew and say something like "wrong pic OP", but google images didn't have anything even close to OP's pic. I couldn't even find a moderately muscular Jew

Well built, lifting insane amounts of weight, needs hernia belt because body is stronger than organs, relatively attractive with female swooning on bottom left...

Confirmed master race


The nose is a general middle east thingy

Since they are descendants of white people who moved back south, instead of reverting to a flat, wide nose like blacks the nose just got longer, i guess for heat dissipation or something

You sound like fucking retards when you parrot this. Is it supposed to be post-ironic?

>muh Talmud

Forget I asked.

hey this lil guy is an inspiration

>sugar... in water

we should do this with every retard and make them fight our wars for us

>tfw no matter how much i lift, i will never be retarded happy


Does anyone have that meme of a fucking Pillsbury can of biscuits opening up next to this picture?

I almost died and went to fully white Christian Heaven when I saw that shit the first time.

>poor little white goy: the post

pls no bully