We have millions of people who are leaving school deeply in debt...

We have millions of people who are leaving school deeply in debt. It's time to make public colleges and universities tuition-free.



It's time to stop giving them loans

Maybe The Donald should put forth a "Trumpcation" plan that makes tuition free by stiffing the fuck out of the universities like Obamacare did to doctors.

Don't loan them money and they won't go in debt lol

We have free tuition and people are wasting 10 years in college with out ever getting a degree and if they do it's useless African-Women Studies that serves no purpose.

or we could just try to make school not cripplingly expensive. not like the jews need more of our money anyways

All liberal arts degree programs should be banned outright.

Of course, free liberal propaganda.
Seems like a great idea

You heard of the economy. you see thanks to the economy if that were to happen the value of jobs will heavily decrease and will eventually crash the economy.

Stop giving money to Jewish admins and you'll solve half the problem right there.

It's time to stop requiring Masters Degrees for jobs that a high school drop out could sign on for 20 years ago.

Most of their debt isn't from tuition fees, it's from partying constantly

> colleges should be debt free
> signing a loan with a 35% interest rate so you can party, ride the cock carousel, and get a useless masters degree in African Women's Studies of Interpretive Dancing against White Male Privilege.
> Holy shit you guise we made a huge mistake that you have to pay for
Fuck off. College used to be affordable, but they wanted banks involved. You shouldn't sign something without reading it. Why do you Millennials want everything to be handed to you? Anything given has no value. So you shit all over everything and expect others to clean up your mess. Fuck that.

Durr we have forced a Hegelian dialectic upon you and now you all need to accept the pre-planned solution to the problem we have deliberately created durrrrrrrrrrr

Liberals will unironically complain about government subsidies for corn because corn is now in everything but seem to have no clue that the same rule applies to student loans. Now school is expensive as fuck and you need it to do literally any job.

If you subsidize something, you get more of it.

Haha banks aren't the problem. You can get private student loans with good interest rates but they don't offer you a damn thing unless it's for a good degree program and you also have a cosigner.

People would never be allowed to take out loans for jewish basket weaving degrees if it wasn't for government involvement. Doesn't mean they're not retarded for doing it though.

Stop forcing other people to pay for your retarded education decisions.

>Socialist scumbag

Stop making colleges luxury resorts with world-class sports teams.

Shareblue seems to be learning, more then one post

>free indoctrination for all!
>not really free as taxpayer picks up the tab
>gender studies degree for every American!

What they should do is make certain ones free, the ones that are needed in society.


So we're going to enslave university professors and administrators?

Back in the 70's it had been

On the plus side students over 25 can get Austudy which is pretty awesome. Won't pay rent but it will pay tuition + books. (I can even pay $50/week for private tuition of Russian and $40/week for Mandarin - on top of that I study Russian at uni and am almost done with a double degree in history/education.)

So things are looking pretty good if you study in Australia. They had arguably been better off with Whitlam though

>We have millions of people making poor decisions.

Maybe retards shouldn't blow 300k on foolish majors that will net them 28k annually and then ask you to pay for their personal errors.

So that libs fresh out of college will have it easier and be less likely to starve to death? Why would you do that?

Going to college, especially in the US, is fucking retarded. People who do that deserve to be slaves.

>I took out 400k of student loans for my feminist Chicano studies degree I got from Harvard and can't find a job
>I now regret that decision
>free college for all, man

Honestly, slavery is too good for most of them...

This. So many jobs now require a lengthy post secondary education with so much superfluous padding so the school can squeeze as much money out of students as possible when they could learn everything they really needed to know on the job in a few weeks. Or even if it was something more complicated, once upon a time a person would enter a business or industry by getting a job there starting at the bottom and learning on the job while they work their way up. Now the impetus is put on the individual to first spend years of their lives and thousands of dollars to train themselves without ever being guaranteed even an entry level position when they're done. Pic unrelated.

Free tuition + salary only for the best students of the STEM fields, economy, business and law degrees
The aforementioned degrees have their tuition fees cut in half and students can ask for loans if they are not model students
The rest of the degrees (useless) have their tuition fees doubled and can't ask for any loan

>I now regret that decision
>College is rape

Or, stop wasting time in university. You fucking idiots.

nah , pay your debts, i ain't subsidizing shit with my taxes

They're probably going to lower tuition because there's less demand since no international students want to come here anymore because Donald Trump has proven that our country is a bunch of buttfuck stupid backwater obese loudmouth pieces of shit and a few millionaires.

They don't have to directly translate into work positions. Even putting aside that it's worthwhile to study things just for the sake of studying them, say someone did study "Chicano Studies" that should make them qualified to work at some sort of cultural center or be a subject specialist at a library or something but nope, now HR people are so "busy" sending out e-mails reminding everyone not to bring jalepenos into the office and sending "inspirational" quotes they can't be bothered to assess someone's ability beyond "ooh yeah but you don't also have the 2 year office admin degree and five years experience already doing what we won't hire you for not having experience in when anyone under 40 knows how to use god damned Microsoft Office.

>Turning universities into job corps centers
Jesus Christ how fucking horrifying I've already went there once. The way that shit is run is enough to make my skin crawl.

I love how people complain about student debt while the national debt continues to rise. That's 60k per citizen or over 100k per working citizen.

Taxpayer funded subsidies on college allow tuition to skyrocket. So your private debt is actually higher due to government taking out loans (backed by you).

Then you have people who want to remove private tuition debt, but they don't have a way to do this without racking up public debt which you still have to pay off.

>Every year tens of thousands of Americans leave car dealerships with interest rates on monthly payments that throw them deeply into debt
>It's time we make comfortable transportation a right for EVERYONE and subsidize car ownership for citizens

The industry is out of control. It will reach a point where the bubble will burst. The collapse will be delicious.

Also: EMMA

>It's time we make comfortable transportation a right for EVERYONE
They probably should since the past 50 years has seen urban development been these awful suburbs where everything is so spread out and perhaps purposely non condusive to public transportation systems with their labyrinthine designs that without such, many people are caught in a cycle of unemployment.

Boston will become a barren hellscape with a Chinese enclave surrounding Harvard and MIT when this happens.

So much of this city's economy depends on people getting subsidized loan money from the government.

yup in a lot of places you can't get a job if you don't have a car but can't get a car if you don't have a job.

Worked a lot of telecom in and around Boston, been all over those campuses, you aren't kidding. I couldn't even begin to compute how drastically all the surrounding business would be impacted by something like that.