Why is the African American community such a massive fucking failure?

Why is the African American community such a massive fucking failure?

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The Negro is largely a dumb and savage race.

They have been oppressed by white people for hundreds of years.

Because white people keep them down, prevent them from getting education and jobs, and abuse/imprison them.

Why is the American community in general such a massive failure?

And it has absolutely nothing to do with them having the lowest iq in the country, right?

>this thread again

descendants of slaves, laws preventing them from doing shit for a long time, just a couple generations ago they were getting fucked with so their offspring is shit because of it. treat the father like an animal and his offspring will grow up to be animals.


>don't talk to us or our sons ever again

No fathers.

There is no such thing as IQ.


it didnt happen in a vacuum

try it out in your mind.

raise a kid like total shit, prevent him from doing normal things. how well off do you think his kid will be. i know you would like to think of them as just dumb but theres more to it. unless youre just a russian troll.

Because le fucking dumbass shitskin niggers le lololol XDDD!!! Le praise le_Donald Kek be with him 1488 420 Hitler le did le nothing wrong le XDDD!!! Niggers!! Le niggity nigger 62% shitskin nigger nigger nigger!!!! Nigger nigger nigger nigger XDDDD!!!!11!!!!!!

White people enslaving them for many years, and segregation and violent racism will that to you.

don't forget their disenfranchisement aligned right during the crack explosions

Will smith is gay

science is a social construct.


yeah... cultural differences that make niggers suck at math... right

>a couple generations ago they were getting fucked with

i think this part covered that


Nice try nigger sympathizer

The crack explosion caused by the CIA

I hope a Muslim kills your family and rapes your children.

more like

Africa... explain that shit.

Why is everyone here so fucking obsessed with niggers? I don't understand it.

you fool, call them whatever you want. how do you answer OPs question?

Betrayed by your own kind for guns and alcohol.
Betrayed by your urges to rape white women.
Betrayed by your community to sell drugs.

Same reason the British are.

you explain it.

Too bad the sources given don't backup that picture.
20 of the 1000 people is jewish.
around 9 of these earn more than 100k, but that doesn't make them part of the top 1%.
The data only says that they earn more than 100k but not how the religions are split in the 100k+ segment.
This picture is therefore FAKE NEWS

Everyone here has had a bad experience with them at one time or another. It's easy to like niggers when you haven't had to spend much time around them.

What about Jews then? They were kicked and killed out of every country and are the most succesful group. Or Asians who were put in fucking concentration camps are 5x ws succesful as blacks?

are you seriously going to compare their experiences? not even close.

No shit

Dem Numbers be racists. Gibs.


excluded from GI Bill

LBJ told CIA to fill inner cities with drugs after Civil Rights were approved, so they vote Democrat for 200 years.

Pretty much. This board is nazi cancer.

Systematic Oppression.

It also effects women and mexicans too. Women and Black men should just go ''fuck you!'' towards the system, and then just live with each other. White men can die as virgins for all I care.


kek, autism leveled up.

They've been slaves since the Epgytian days and never had to evolve to be anything more. They still are today, to an extent. Slaves to the state. They just don't have the capability to see it.

Sorry, I was implying that the 1st and 3rd should see the 2nd.

I'm a nazi, btw.

They're fine.

How is it not even close? Enlighten us oh great KANG. Tell us about your Buffalo Soldier trials and tribulations.

That's what happens when you try to uplift a species not ready for it.
We should send them back to Africa and implement a prime directive not to interfere with their natural development.


you're a huge faggot

why bother? you dont care and have already made up your mind.

So he enjoys a dick up his ass, big fucking deal.



So have you. But it hasn't stopped you from pretending like you're here to make a difference. Walk the walk or get dunked on, blackie.

seems like you think black people were the only people to be enslaved. Seems like you've made your mind up.

I thought the same

The Jews were an nomadic people, though. They survived by convincing groups of people, other tribes, or civilizations to let them in. Im sure you understand what happens afterwards that keeps causing them to get kicked out. The black Africans weren't nomadic. They were settled in their own territories and were content with it.

did I say I like dicks?

stay mad, idiot

Many factors has contributed to this but right now the biggest issue is the self hating community itself. It's very common for niggers in the black community who are offended by other blacks who are making it. This usually could result in assaults, robbery, and murder. Look at Chicago and the music that comes from there. There has been multiple times when one was just about to break out for his career to only get killed by some nigger who jealous.

>Tfw know this feeling personally when I went to college and lost a large chunk of black friends.

A lot of races have enslaved them, they are just that, salves, thats what they were created for and now that the have rights and are treated like human beings they will couse just problems, because they were not made to get educated, thats why they are such a failure race

Per the lefts’ new definition of racism, that a race which has superior power above all other races in a society can’t be racist, does that mean that Jews can’t be victims of racism, due to their over-representation and total domination of western society?

Furthermore, despite that Jews were the most viciously hated and despised minority in white, western civilisation since the Romans kicked them out of Judea, they ultimately dominated and over-represented themselves at the top of all societies they existed in. Does this disprove the concept of white privilege?

Is it a co-incidence that a race’s average iq is diametrically similar to that race’s success in society? Is race realism the true and final redpill?

What are the moors and refugees for 100, Alex.

the great society instituted by lyndon johnson.


what version of history do you believe? youre going to assume interment camps is the same as generational enslavement. youre pretending if you think the japs had the same experience as blacks. it just wasnt the same.

no i never said that. lots of races have been enslaved but not all have had the same experience where you can compare and contrast to say "see, the jews didnt turn out so bad!"

>The black Africans weren't nomadic. They were settled in their own territories and were content with it.

That's bullshit. They were nomadic asf.

The final redpill is accepting that Jews acts Jewy because they're rich, not because they're Jewish. The real enemy is the 1%, and getting distracted about ((them)) just helps the plutocrats keep consolidating their power in plain sight.

you're just wrong kek

I can't belive how fucking raiciss we are mang, Do you have any idea why we hate niggers so much?

>why are belgian muslims in particular such a massive failure?

>lots of races have been enslaved but not all have had the same experiences where you can compare and contrast


1. Comparing and contrasting is best done on unlike things

2. Even though all races have been ensalved by one another before, your race's experience is the most special because you are a KANG

Really activating my cashews there, bud.

because whites relaxed, and stopped suppressing their natural animal instincts.

notice how blacks were nowhere as violent when whites actually did oppress them. now they know whitey will do nothing, and they have no fear of retaliation, so they act out

there was oppression of blacks in the past, and for a good reason. just look at africa or any inner city

Yep, and the CIA controlling their culture. Also the community is pretty dumb to start off with, through nature and nurture

Niggers are annoying

whats your answer for OPs question?

Genetic inferiority.

what are they doing??

i understand where youre coming from.


Black people are the experiment in social conditioning.
SOC-JUS eliminates racial discrimination

Then incentivizes dependency on government entitlements in addition to eliminating good paying menial jobs to pull oneself up by the bootstraps.

Voila decades later socialist have a group perfectly dependent on government and blanketed from criticism by the politics of victim culture

Take a bunch of house dogs and set them loose. Eventually they'll go feral. Those that don't learn to kill and fight will starve, and, given a couple generations, you've got packs of wild dogs roaming around.

All people are animals, we just have laws and culture and morals and family all telling us to act like people and not animals. The black population in America, with some exceptions, basically had all their culture and families and background washed away to be slave labor, and were then left adrift once slavery ended. The government did fuckall to reintegrate them into society, and it took multiple generations just to end legal discrimination and oppression. Add in a welfare system that allows subsistence existence in poverty, and you get what we see today.

The only way to actually help the AA community is to massively reform welfare and education so that people only get help if they help themselves and so that the shitheads of the community aren't dragging everyone else down with them.

Welfare and the minimum wage.

Blacks had a higher employment rate prior to the implementation of the minimum wage AND welfare created a welfare state where they can rely on the govt. to fund their lives and pretend their lack of activity is the result of racism -- which has been drilled into their heads by Dems who, of course, pushed for more welfare.

Not factual,
Jews were oppressed by Africans for thousands of years and they are more often than not they are smarter than a Negro.


someone got there marching orders right I see.

Do they have all 10,000 of you in one building or you working from home for .05?

youre one of those huh?

>some one must be getting paid to say things that are opposite of what i believe because theres no way some one would do that for free.

If stupidity is caused by oppression why did Galileo figure out heliocentricism and the Earth's gravity while under house arrest?

Explain Africa, home of the oldest "civilizations" on Earth, being a shithole. Literally no engineering before Europeans or Asians showed up.

lol wtf.
>galileo vs black slaves and their descendants

man you already have the answer. you think theyre inferior so that should explain it all for you. youre either tossing out their history in the u.s. or you dont think it would affect them today.

i dont know about africa. if you believe theyre inferior then that is your answer. as for u.s. blacks, they have a history here that affects their present situation. are you one of the ones that denies that?

They're not. They made the US adopt their culture and beliefs and made the US a failure. The vast majority of young people today copy blacks. It was unheard of for their to be proud single mothers and legit whores, now the majority of women do all that shit. Everybody loves rap and Beyonce. America is a non-white shithole now.

This, most of my generation has way too many wigger traits. I can't really see these people holding up society.

>that id...

niggers are literally the black sheep of the human race

>sad but true

this is the only acceptable answer aside from niggers just being niggers