Why do lefties get triggered when you tell them Stalin killed 66 million and Mao 100 million?

Like, fucking communist apologists who don't believe on it but still defend it.

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b-but real c-c-communism hasn't been t-tried yet!

How many millions does someone have to kill to be a real Communist?

>Stalin and Mao killed Slavic trash and subhuman Chinks
Worthless scum. Good riddance

>Hitler, the one-balled impotent virgin loser, killed Jews. Jews are 0.1% of the world population but hold 22% of all Nobel prizes
An irreparable loss for mankind



all of them


Because these numbers are completely retarded (especially for Stalin, but they inflated the number because they were butthurt he purged the jews from power). It's like saying capitalism killed millions people by counting people who died of elderly.

Mao and stalin each killed more communists than hitler

"literally Hitler did all that" you fascist loving fuck!

For real communism you have to kill off 93% of the world's population. It hasn't been tried yet guys! Give it a chance!

Not really dude, Stalin basically genocided entire countries moving them to Syberia and starving them to death.

Kys poo

Yeah, the jews did die but tell them the facts and they screech autistically

a french communist lmao. i cant think of a lower human being

Starving people to death is an argument?

Come back to post when you are smart enough to use toilets.

at least they got free train rides, he wanted to be sure they got to experience modern transportation, just couldn't afford to bring them back


I have an inbuilt radar where I can automatically determine a lot of personal traits by looking at the skin and body type, and I can assure you that she smells horrible if she doesn't wash daily.

I've been seeing alot more "It wasn't direct killings so therefore Capitalism = Africa Starvation GENOCIDE!" retorts in the past year or two.

> Poo in Loo calling others subhuman

Because it's 6 gorillion-tier bullshit

Kys. Rats like you are the reason our country has gone to shit.

How can you smell anything with Romania right above you?

Praise KeK

come back when you don't have zika

That makes it even better.

Just imagine her sitting on your face after a long sunny day of work.
And suddenly


>obama holds a Nobel prize for being a nog in his first year of office, which they later wanted to revoke. I don't really put much stock into using Nobel prizes as an objective measuring tool as worth.

WW1 Deathtoll + Civil War Deathtoll + Stalin (+ famine) Deathtoll 66 million + WW2 Deathtoll

Please tell me how the region could have population growth

coming from you hahaha

Top monkey banter.

her name?

>the smell of parmesan cheese and fish

>democide denial is okay when it's done by leftwingers

Removal of the wellfare state.

being able to use the toilet
being able to cure a disease
which of those is harder I wonder?

you must be an immigrant

They say it's CIA propaganda. Same if you point out how communist countries usually murder faggots. Of course, because transgender surgery is mandatory for faggots, they're bastions of progressiveness.


Ape shall not kill ape

No idea m8, sorry.

Try google image search.

I can confirm that the nobel prize committee is full of out of touch corrupt retards

I really wonder where did you get those numbers from.
Any source?

>Stalin killed 66 million

He killed a third of his own people? What kind of a moron believes this?

Communism took a failing backwater shithole and made it the 2nd most powerful country in the world.

Fascism took the most powerful country in Europe and turned it into the 5th most powerful country in Berlin.


Well, bodies are private property. So you have to kill anyone who's unwilling to have their body made public and it's used centrally planned by the state for the greater good.

No idea, but I did find this:


How does this explain that the population in the USSR was growing (excluding newly added territory obviously)?

I'm not. Why would I have to be?

Gulag Archipelago.

stop racism

i just broke my teeth from biting so hard after seeing them breeding hips

motherfuck i wish my cock was pulverized by those i dont care

>Fascism took the most powerful country in Europe and turned it into the 5th most powerful country in Berlin.
American education at it's finest.

>the most he ever accomplished was becoming a webM on a Cantonese basket-weaving forum


He killed 1/3 + WW2 deathtoll under his reign. Still they had population growth. Rumours say that Stalin himself impregnated a million women that all got triplets.

Just because communism/socialism fails consistently, 100% of the time it's been applied....god I can't even troll with it. It's just a stupid ideology. The only way it works is with massive nationalistic support, which the followers of the ideology actively work to suppress. They provide NO INCENTIVE for anything!

How's the mud slide, perucho?

Those numbers are too big. Communism has killed about 100 million people in total.

More of pic-related OP?

I always wanted to know, who is that girl?

>Why do lefties get triggered when you tell them Stalin killed 66 million and Mao 100 million?
But they don't?

Not even my great-gramps (rip) who was a die-hard commie and a party memeber denied it.

I don't believe he uses numbers like these and;

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, winner of the 1970 Nobel Prize in Literature, who survived eight years of Gulag incarceration, gave the term its international repute with the publication of The Gulag Archipelago in 1973. The author likened the scattered camps to "a chain of islands" and as an eyewitness he described the Gulag as a system where people were worked to death.[3] Some scholars support this view,[4][5] though this claim is controversial, considering the fact that with the exception of the war years, a very large majority of the people who entered the Gulag system left it alive.[6] Natalya Reshetovskaya, the wife of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, said in her memoirs that The Gulag Archipelago was based on "campfire folklore" as opposed to objective facts.[7]

Discarded. Solschenizyn was an author but he's far away from any facts. Provide an actual scientific source.

>unironically placing value in jew awards

holodomor alone killed millions

>muh 66 gorillion


Kys commie apologists.

Add in Pol Pot and North korea and we are well over 200 million.

Not commie. Just tired to see retards butchering history as it was a fucking fairy tale.
The big starvations happened before Stalin was in charge alone. It was easy to blame him since he was one of the few goym at the head of the soviets.

>Tags: public_use

>Commie apologists
Doesn't change anything. Feel free to say Stalin killed 60 billion, it's just as believable.

Commies also tried to clean off the Jewish menace from Soviet Union. You are really blinded by American Liberalism.

Through his retarded WW2 tactics and Gulag, 1/3 of his nation died.

80% of the males born in 1923 died.

Russia's population Triangle looked like a fucked up Christmas Tree in the 60's

Personally I only get mad if they're dumbasses who spout 'but stalin!' or 'but mao!' in an attempt to either excuse Hitler or claim that everyone left of Ayn Rand is an omnicidal maniac.

In your case I might be able to spare some mad for the fact that I think you've inflated the numbers a bit.

Depending on what you're counting, that kind of argument does work.

Personally I'm inclined to give the governments the blame for the Holodomor and the Great Leap Forward famine, because in both cases the famine was generated and enforced by government policy.

Communists removed the welfare state? Sweet troll sis.

>dumb amerifat believing his idiotic grandpas fairy tails

kek everytime

t. German/Slavic rape baby mongrel.

Good goyim doesn't understand who awards the Nobel prizes.


You can kill as many people as you want if they are not minority

and much like the holocaust there's zero verifiable evidence to back up those death counts

>b-but the communist shoahs were real in my mind

>Add in Pol Pot and North korea and we are well over 200 million.
Highball estimates for Cambodia are 3 million, North Korea 3.5 million.

In what world is 45+66+3+3.5 > 200?

>Commies also tried to clean off the Jewish menace from Soviet Union
'Jewish menace' being 'shit Stalin made up because he'd run out of anyone the people would believe were capitalist pig-dogs or nazis'.

>Through his retarded WW2 tactics

Sorry, but Soviets killed by poor tactics on Stalin's part actually go in the 'murdered by Hitler' column, same as Chinese killed by Lysenkoist agriculture go in the 'murdered by Mao' column. You don't get to treat famine as a volitional act and actual Nazi death camps as an environmental hazard and be taken seriously.


OP is inflating the death tolls for Mao and Stalin. The Holocaust has been independantly verified using multiple sources and vectors.

The Fascist country nearly wrecked the Communist nation.

K/D ratio for Germany 1.8
K/D ratio for Russia 0.3

Course both of these niggers were decimated by the USA with a 4.0 K/D

Want to know something ridiculous? Winter war, commie fucker.

Russia 0.2 K/D
Finland 7.6 K/D

Ski troopers destroyed nearly Russian 9,000 tanks.

>The Holocaust has been independantly verified using multiple sources and vectors
I'll take "things that are wrong" for $550,000, Alex.

$1 for every Jew living in Germany pre-Holocaust. They somehow killed 12x as many, but ONLY in the camps behind the Iron Curtain where we couldn't investigate until decades after the fact :^)

Anyone have her name? Good image search only comes up with "thick arab girls"

>The Holocaust has been independantly verified using multiple sources and vectors.
Oh so they found the alien technology the nazis used to vaporize jews and teleport the ashes to their moonbase huh?

I had an asian religions professor who stated that a conservative estimate of deaths in Mao's cultural revolution was 20 million...But immediately after, and implying that that "official" number was too conservative, she said "Try something like 100 million".

She spent many years of her life living in Taiwan and China--very educated about that part of the world.

Google searching the cultural revolution will get the police knocking on your door whilst in China. Regardless, I think it's safe to say the gommies have a vested interest in keeping those estimates/numbers low and destroying info which suggests otherwise.

That's because "objective facts" became nearly impossible to produce due to the gommies destroying information about the death tolls and suppressing dissent massively. Finding legit "scientific" evidence of that period for death tolls is a nightmare because of this.

Because they're apologists who can't accept the fact that gommunism is brutally oppressive. It doesn't matter what the actual numbers are, the point is that people en masse are killed, oppressed and impoverished every time a socialist state comes into existence.

Social Democracy is the only exception to this(via the Nordic Model; which uses free market economics).

Who cares? all lefties should be rounded up and exterminated.

brapfags need to die

It's a nightmare because of propaganda from both sides, true. However, when Western History claims that Stalin killed 20-60 million, it's more likely that the USSR sources that claims like 120k-1 million is more accurate - as anything more than """just""" 5 million killed (on top of WW2 casualties) would be hard to prove or justify statistically.

Who is this thicc boxxi?

>when you try to shit in the streets of London but the Shariah police doesn't let you because you're an Indian

Google says its Sana Khan.

Sana Sandiq but her twitter is privated

well that sucks


it's because comparing any left-wing policy and communism is "hyperbole", yet comparing any alleged right-wing policy and fascism is entirely within reason

The Nazis moved Germany's borders significantly (especially to the east) and imported large numbers of Jews from Axis countries which were not officially part of Germany. If they weren't killing them, where were they after the war?

You're just saying that because you're hoping you'll get to be in the gas chamber.

Nah Stalin didn't kill 66 million. Just another Jew lie.

the Soviet Union was run by Jews.

wrong pic

Would racemix with this Armenian