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Go talk about it on twitter. Reported.
I hope she gets raped by blacks.
Post red boipucci.
This narritive is too fucking much.
>its not okay to have free speech in 2016
lol what, ok
I thought this was fake false flag Sup Forums operation, this is real?
Good thing it's 2017.
This has to be fake.
Paddy's day parade's theme this year is literally "diversity".
This is a grill with such low self esteem she is negging Irish boys to come put her in her place.
Desperate raised to the power of desperate. Christ even I could probably fuck her in that state.
niggers gonna nig
Gee..why is the alt right and white nationalism on the rise...I just can't put my finger on it..hmmmm
>While its true that Irish people were oppressed at one point the reality of today's america shows they benefit from white privilege and the fruits of white imperialism
this is a great narrative to push imo
Are all the faggots in the parades white supremacist queers then? Neat.
Here's a question to libcucks.
What is ''white''?
I mean, I see us as caucasian. Weather we're italian, iberian, anglo, slavic, arab, or whatever. So tell me libcucks, white mean ''white''? Where's the border? Where's the middle ground?
If you libcucks hate caucasian, then you hate arabs and a lot of your muslim friends too.
Just end it all
So...we're making up new words now???
OH, so it's fine to compare the Irish to niggers again?
white is an american term. it's stupid and racist. Im not "white", Im swiss. my skin colour doesnt define me.
Was just thinking this myself
what the fuck
war when?
You can have pride in your heritage as long as it's not white. Then it's supremacy. Nice logic there.
because "white" culture is by definition superior
St patricks another excuse for OIRISH to get drunk what a bunch of cucks
this is satire, right?
>tfw not considered White
>tfw can watch cumskins being outbred by us and Muslims
Whites were a mistake.
>saint Patrick's day
>White pride rallies
What a fucking retard.
This is bullshit, can't we have one day to celebrate us? Fucking niggers ruin everything
>tfw superior white culture
>tfw the whole world lives and dies by what whites do
>tfw this causes inferiority complexes globally
>tfw watching these mental gymnastics
Fuck that, every race has the fucking right to celebrate that which they deem worthy to celebrate about their race.
Pic related, I know it's not a Guinness but it will have to do.
Happy st. Paddies fellow degenerate potato famine survivors. God knows being down is a bitch. The nice thing about being down is that with sheer determination anyone can rise.
t. Black man enjoying inkunzi e mnyama
Enjoy lad
newspeak, they hate that whites can vocalize complex concepts
Whiteness is more than just skin color you mong
the irish have never faced discrimination
Will try my best mlungu
it's literally just a colour. just an American invention to take credit for all the shit people did who happen to have white skin.
>Skin color
Why are so many people deficient in anthropology? I thought I would automatically be less educated than Europeans, but you fuckers are retarded.
I have no idea if this is an actual SJW or some kind of draft our daughters 2.0: electric boogaloo
Bitch needs to check her privilege and learn Irish history.
this is the endless cycle
>have a distinct cultural tradition in a white culture
>white culture gets cucked and opens its doors to foreigners
>mandates diversity in all their cultural norms, waters down them to make them palatable to non-whites
> Otherizes
We're physically differential in bone structure, cranial structure, IQ levels, a metric shit ton. We evolved differently, it's even true that your evolutionary pattern dictates culture. You're either not white, or retarded.
The Irish Catholics were one of the most hated groups in this country because:
1. They were Irish
2. They were Catholic
They didn't bitch and moan. They built their own shit and took over the police and fire dept's in most major cities.
Fuck I hate leftists
>americans think the irish are white
>hey lets just enter an unwinnable uphill battle of semantics over a colour
wow, great idea.
>Whites have no culture
>End White Culture
Guys can we confirm this is not a Sup Forums prank?
I'd feel stupid if we raided it for no reason.
You guys bring it unto yourselves by being "nice", wipe that fake smile off of your faces and man up. Let it be known that you tolerate nothing but substance from the next guy, the non whites will learn to respect you again. Only for the substance you bring yourself of course
It's not winnable because you're wrong, not because you think skin color being comparable to physical taxonomy that anthropological and concrete scientific truth is "semantics".
just say "of European decent" and the discussion is over, you ape.
>implying nationalism is bad
>implying non-white's opinions matter
White is a lot easier than saying "european and the descendants of european settlers and colonists in the new world" you stupid pussy.
This is excellent, it pits the plastic paddy normies against the sjws.
Nice and subtle too, it's not much of a stretch from the usual antiwhite rhetoric.
>Irish slaves meme
Do the Portuguese even have schools?
it's not because fucking mexicans can be "white" if they are pale enough, duh. or turks, or arabs
no, ethno. switzerland is not white, it's swiss. there are enough "white" people (mostly from the balkans) you dont want in your country.
I'd deport all whites who agree with her statement to random non white countries. If they were ever allowed to come back, they'd be red pilled and nationalistic as fuck.
For you!
It's black power all the way this side of the equator
FAF and gay
Caucasoid is the anthropological term, don't get pissy because you can't absorb the information that goes against your really stupid view of race being skin alone. You can't refute the science, so you'll just keep sperging out.
Don't fall for the memes, you're white.
I'm Irish too, and I've been accused of white privilege by shitty brown people in my grad program. If you have blue eyes and a dad you are a part of the evil white patriarchy.
do you consider irish people white?
w2c sweater
you are an idiot, that's why you have an american flag. politics is about perception and not about scientific facts.
No, they can't. Although some may be caucasoidal, the majority are Mongoloid, like US Natives, and that's why we desperate them.
Based Serb.
A you for you
Is this sarcasm?
Why are you suddenly talking about politics as if it's relevant to the discussion? There's no way throughtout that conversation you didn't know he speaking the entire time of scientific conclusions.
You're retarded or what?
>tfw people don't know about the millennium long war between the Jew and the Gael (who were also kangz, cf. Leabhar Gabhála Éireann)
Are turks and arabs the descendants of europeans? It's not just skin color, Ahmed. You are being willfully stupid to try to prove your point. What should we call whites, Westerners? Would that make you happy?
White hispanics are primarily spaniard, and are pretty much white. Notice they run all of the south american countries that are full of brown people.
>Politics are just my feels
Race is very political, but it's also biological. It has scientific truth. You can't form your political view around what is true and what isn't, so there's no reason to take your politics on race seriously to any degree. Go feel your way into a /leftypol/ thread.
This HAS to be an ingenious Sup Forums false flag
I applaud you lads, this is VERY nicely done, keep it up.
good thing this kind of SJWism is still a decade away from reaching here
sometimes its unbelievably beneficial to live in a country that goes 15 years behind in every aspect
>While its true that African people were oppressed at one point the reality of today's america shows they benefit from black privilege and the fruits of white imperialism
Fernand O'Martinez.
Potato Niggers get out, gas the paddies.
Well what? White people can hold pride rallies and celebrate their race just like any other race.
Potato niggers
I'm ok with the Irish, but St. Patricks day is largely meh.
No, it's one of our ops.
sauce? I feel like you're just purposely adding fuel to the fire by spreading such bullshit.
This desu
Ethnicity and culture are far more important than race.
Wow fuck them. There is no "white culture". Each country has their own culture. How hard is this to understand?
potatofag checking in.
Made me chuckle/10
Also niggers
NIGGERSSSSSSSSSorry I'm drunk I Just love saying niggers
Post Go Fuck Yourself Pablopucci