Casey Neistat is asking for 1 million dollars to give aid to Somalia because they are starving and if we don't do...

Casey Neistat is asking for 1 million dollars to give aid to Somalia because they are starving and if we don't do something millions of people are going to die.

It made me think, how do we help Africa and prevent all the famines that happen every year?

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Why don't we airdrop some condoms? They keep making kids they can't feed.

It's a scam. Money will land in the hands of the Clinton Foundation.

The only way to stop their starvation would be mass sterilization.

They are filling a plane with $1,000,000 worth of food and water, every cent will be given to starving Somalians.

>Donate to Somalia
>A literal warlord country

All that money is going to fund more weapons

We should start a Sup Forums fund for 1 million dollars to arm Somalian child soldiers with weapons


That's a face I wouldn't get tired of kicking.

He makes about a million on ad rev alone, im sure he can afford it :)

That's not realistic, also it's immoral.

Wow! ONE million dollars. That'll do the trick. Surely after ONE million dollars, Somalia will solve all its problems and become a stable country full of healthy industry, employment, low crime rates, and a well nourished citizens.

>TFW they get kidnapped

Send some Farmers

>flying over food to africa ad infinitum is realistic


They're doing fine.

I remember he said Hillary paid him $4mil to do that vote for Hillary video.

Link for the curious:

you stop giving them money and they all die off and then there is nothing to worry about

so how are they going to deal with the warlords. do they have atleast $250,000 worth of security and guns

its immoral to prevent more suffering?

If you want to help Africans, stop sending them aid. They'll become dependent on us and never develop their own civilizations

Stop feeding them.

No living Niggers = No starving Niggers.

It's that easy.

Got just looking at this fucking goblin makes me angry.


It's kind of him but it won't fix any problem in the long term.

Can we just bomb them and claim it's really late term birth control?

Didn't he just sell his app for 25 million?
Couldn't he just give, say, some of his own money OH WAIT

Give a man a fish, feed him for a day...

Just because he's jewish?

>develop their own civilizations

Good joke.



By creating drought-resistant and nutrient-dense varieties of crops, getting them access to the internet so that they can more easily research agricultural techniques, market prices in surrounding areas, purchase or acquire the plans to manufacture equipment, etc. Literally just help them help themselves.


>use money to build pool
>infect pools with aids
>get niggers to swim and die from aids
>close the pool

Damn, what happened to this guy's face?

Give him a million bucks and he'll feed thousands for a day.




They can buy expensive food and water, and ask for kickbacks from the manufacturing.

This type of corruption is so easy its funny how many gullible retards or virtue signallers there are.

This dude looks like Ninja's gay cousin

2006 Solutions don't work in 2017

you cant help black people, how many years and how much money does the west piss away trying to get these idiots to stop breeding on mass?

I'll donate $100

> "Yah think ya hot shit don't ya?"

Look into your heart you know this is true.

Give a nigger a fish, feed him for a day.

Teach a nigger how to fish and he'll kill you and steal your fishing rod

this is a goblin. this is not human.

>That's not realistic
au contraire, it's the only realistic long-term solution

He can give one million of his dollars to somalia

>when the Zyklon B hits

>"Get me Sean Penn!"
>Unfortunately he's out of our price range, although, I do know someone else...

Giving away money to Africa has never helped. Negroes will always be starving unless they learn how to farm and take care of themselves instead of relying on the west to keep on sending them shit

>give millions to Africa
>millions of Africans don't starve and shit out more children
>ten years later
>now we need to give billions to Africa or billions of people will starve

The best thing we can do for Africa is to give out food laced with something to chemically castrate half their population (at least half in fact). Other than that we're just kicking a can down a hill. Sweeping leaves on a windy day. Literally accomplishing nothing just to make ourselves feel better.

get rid of niggers and give the land to white people.

>"Hey Ethan lemme maskyou summin. Do you like use Hila in a lot of videos like put her ina thumbnail or somethang...?"
>few days later Ethan gets Hila to cry to make his fans give more money to them

That is not a cargo plane

>trusting a man with fetal alcohol syndrome with any money whatsoever

Because the cucklic church blocks any efforts to give Africans condoms

Just let them fucking die already, Christ.

By leaving them alone instead of handing them free gibs and forcing them to fix their own problems, you retard

Giving aid to Africa has only made it worse by making the place somehow even MORE dependent on foreign aid.

We need six gorillion bottles of wattah or the Africans will starve OY.... erm oh no!

>every cent will be given to starving Somalians.

uh huh sure

>rusting a man with fetal alcohol syndrome

He doesn't have fetal alcohol system, he is jewish. You can trust him.

No. Sending them food is causing the problem
Teach a man to fish vs give a man a fish.

Casey deserves to hang for perpetuating the biggest population crisis of our time. All he is doing is prolonging death and suffering.

Sam Kinison had the solution.

>implying the money won't immediately be taken by a standard nignog warlord and used to buy weapons

Was thinking about this quite a lot recently, have they not realised that decades of giving these people trillions of dollars and shit tons of food has done NOTHING?

Save a thief from the gallows and he will help to hang you.

How can you not want to help people in a famine? You are Irish.


somalians are monkeys with no IQ

Why Somalia? Why not Yemen or Sudan?


Also, every year is Africa's worst famine.

Every year whatever money or supplies get sent to them gets stolen by corrupt nigger warlords.

Maybe niggers shouldn't have danced to the international marxist jew's tune and KILLED ALL DEM RACISS ASS WHITE FARMERS.


You guys tried that, so did the Dutch

What happened when you guys did that for the poor Africans, by colonizing?

Oh, right, your people suffered genocide at the hands of those savage googles

at this point foreign aid to africa is basically slapping a band aid on a spurting artery

>help us create another generation of retarded tribals who will be dependent on foreign aid instead of learning how to farm and hunt
why can't libtards think two steps ahead?

I wouldn't trust someone with a nose that big.

Damn he's got a big ol nose

If you have 8 children and 5 die of hunger, your population will grow slightly over time. If you have 8 and the foreigners save them all, then your population will explode, just enhancing the problem, but buying some time. so our grandparents can die with a good conscience and we'll have to either take in, or watch them burn.

>implement christianity
>make everybody go to church
>teach values like get education, dont have kids before marrige, work ethics, be a decent human being
>implement capitalism

Anyone who gives this mutant money is a fucking idiot. You know 95 percent is going into his pocket.

He'll kill other nignogs reducing the number of mouths to feed, sounds like another solution to me.

Why are we artificially keeping these people who cant look after themselves alive?

Just let nature do it's job, jesus.

That nose HAS TO BE shooped



You could give them 20 years worth of crop seeds and teach them agriculture techniques but 9/10 times they would probably turn the seeds into some shitty seed flower to make some shitty bread with that would feed the village for maybe a few weeks.

There's a reason a wall should be built around Africa with no one being allowed in or out.

And so it will be the chinese too


I can see us maintaining a global population of maybe 1,000 niggers on reservations, or however many needed to avoid inbreeding. They are fascinating creatures but obviously not human and should not be treated as if they were.

What are the actual charities involved?

Because before the famine we were surviving just fine. We didn't butcher eachother, we weren't the scum of the earth, we had a cultural revival after the famine. If we do prolong the lifespan of these savages, what will they do? They will butcher eachother, squander whatever resources we give them, and wipe out whatever remains of their culture because they're too stupid to advance.

Well how fortunate, he just made 25 million dollars off CNN! Maybe he should put some of that hard-earned money towards it.

why don't starving somalian refugees jsut migrate to Europe?

Might cut out the middleman and just start sending money directly to the warlords

I haven't seen such a kike for a long time

>be a millionaire
>demand a million from plebs to give to plebs

I wish I could be this jewish

throwing money at a problem will solve it right guise??