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Women are used to being stared at and being in front of cameras.



Women are weak OP. They love their Big Brother.

women are fucking idiots.

Their motherly instincts yearn for a powerful figure to care for them and her family.

Ask stefan molyneux

I ain't never seen a pepe like this round these parts I reckon'

Modern women marry the government, and the government provides for their needs.

Because they want to shove all reaponsibility onto someone else's plate, and when for things go wrong for them, they have someone else to blame.

Women are fucking pussies
the 19th Ammendment was a fucking mistake, and the Ayyrabs were right. Put the sluts in fucking full body wool rugs and keep em chained to the fucking oven.

Are you trying to start an argument?

Or you know...
Any of the other people that do that too...
Why are you trying to create this narrative against women?
If you look at the last 20 years most of the surveillance was enacted by Republican legislators in response to terror threats.

People freak out way too much about surveillance anyway. Its really the only way to ascertain the "Truth" these days. If we had cameras on every corner in cities and cops wearing body cams crime would plummet even more than it has.


It's in their nature.

Because in a state of nature, women have much more difficulty surviving alone, (which is why the term "lone wolf" is almost always a male connotation). As a result, women, in order to empower themselves, need a government (i.e. a bunch of armed men) to replace the husband as the primary breadwinner in her family unit. This is the only way she feel independent: by getting anonymous police/bureaucrats (men) to provide for her.

You mean single women and wives of cucks OP. These are people who lack a strong figure in their lives.

Unironically, women shouldn't have the right to vote unless maybe if they own property.

They vote with feelings not with facts and after so many years, they've started to cuck men into it too.

Watch more Molymeme, the concept is so logical when you think about it a bit.

In short and simplified: Women need a provider and protector. A man can never be as rich or as strong as the state.

They are voting for a proxy Husband / Daddy. Additionally they vote for "being good mommies" via welfare state / sending aid to Africa / lefty equality meme and rights groups which are literally cultural marxism subversion.

Finally and the reason how all this happens: They do not introspect, research and ponder properly, at all. Also lack natural tribal and even in group loyalty. They have some loyalty if redpilled and some to women in general by virtue of the "hive mind" psychology.

Never forget this image

>Or you know...
>Any of the other people that do that too...
>Why are you trying to create this narrative against women?
>If you look at the last 20 years most of the surveillance was enacted by Republican legislators in response to terror threats.

The only way that legislation or any law of that nature gets passed is because the politicians conduct opinion polls to back up their decisions.

The only way they can conduct these opinion polls is by polling women as they are far more likely to be pro-surveillance.


Because women desire to be protected and cared for

So when they have a vvoice in government what do they do? Support freedom? Support liberty?

No they support paying for their shit and for the government to pay for their kids and feed their kids and educate their kids and protect them from scary men and import aggressive exotic men to fuck because invaders are more sexually desirable than native men

>People freak out way too much about surveillance anyway. Its really the only way to ascertain the "Truth" these days. If we had cameras on every corner in cities and cops wearing body cams crime would plummet even more than it has.

>t, CIA

This honesty makes alot of sense

nobody calls for it. they do it anyway.

>because the politicians conduct opinion polls to back up their decisions.
>The Patriot Act was passed because they did opinion polls.
hahahaha good one user
Just saying dude, so long the surveillance isn't in anyone's private property, and only in public areas or streets, what is the harm? IMO the possibility of knowing for certain who violated the law outweighs the possibility of people having their privacy violated.

>People freak out way too much about surveillance anyway.
>Its really the only way to ascertain the "Truth" these days

That was a quote from Larry Elder?

If you were a cop with some crack-head leveling a lawsuit against you after he tried to grab your gun you would sing a different tune mate.


I remember seeing one of those episodes in my pre Sup Forums days. It was one of my first true redpills

>the women literally squabble and spend all their time doing useless "crafts" like leaf hats and
>they didn't prioritize finding food or water
>they didn't prioritize shelter
>they didn't prioritize fire
>they didn't even venture out farther than 100 yards until the food and water shortages forced them to
>they literally slept on the ground in the rain and had to be rescued in a matter of days

>the men meanwhile built huts, hunted and cooked a variety of food, got along well, made good decisions, and were self sustaining

Watching those "strong independent" women go from confident and cocky to crying and begging for help was pure comedy gold

If a woman ever defends government spying, just ask to see her texts.

She'll come around to privacy pretty quickly.