Guys, do you understand this monetary issue? Or is it too complicated?

Sometimes I feel like I am talking to a room full of crash-test dummies.

Please respond with one of the following:

[A] I don't understand what this is about. It's too complicated. It's too hard to understand.

[B] I understand the issue, but I just don't care.

[C] I understand the issue, but I disagree.

[D] I understand the issue, but I don't mind being a tax-paying debt-slave.

I'm just trying to see if there is anything I can do to improve and clarify this meme. Thanks for the help.


Trump should just have the Treasury print United States Notes to pay for his infrastructure plan.

>United States Notes were issued directly by the US Treasury to pay for stuff.
>United States Notes were dollars that circulate along side Federal Reserve Notes.
>United States Notes exchanged 1-for-1 with Federal Reserve Notes by law.
>Federal Reserve Notes are issued by a private corporation: The Federal Reserve.
>The Federal Reserve lends Federal Reserve Notes to the Treasury/US Government.
>The Treasury/US Gov must pay back Federal Reserve Notes with interest to the private bankers/Fed.
>Borrowing Federal Reserve Notes creates enormous debts for the Treasury/US Government.
>Printing/spending United States Notes creates NO debt for the Treasury/US Government.
>The last president to try to print United States Notes was JFK. He was assassinated.
>Trump can have $1 Trillion of new spending on infrastructure with no debt!
>Yes, United States Notes are inflationary if you print too many.
>However, anything is better than being in perpetual debt to the private bank/Fed/hyenas.

Other urls found in this thread:

>regain energy independence
>invest in, and develop, the military
>restore Amerca's manufacturing capabilities
>ensure America's food production integrity
now the fun starts
>expose and neutraise the pedo overlords
>dissolve and disintegrate the Federal Reserve
>default on all oustanding debts
>withdraw all government issued currency and bonds >use the military to quell any national or corporate dissent
>issue a new currency based on a standard, not debt

Sup Forums doesn't understand interest rates: the post

you'll pay interest for it one way or another - what do you think inflation is? confiscation of wealth by policy measure

Nice! I agree with 8 out of 9 the "to do" items.
But do you think Treasury secretary Mnuchin is on board with all this?

I would prefer to have gold-based money.

But for now, inflationary debt-free paper money is better than inflationary debt-based paper money.

He doesn't need to be on board and furthermore he shoudn't even know of the plan. Hypothetically, Trump can use Mnuchin for as long as he's useful. Then he can simply troll him out of office.

I understand and agree. I hope he does bag the fed and manages not to get JFKed. it will be a yuge happening if he pulls it off. leaving a redpill for the newfags...

So only Trump and Bannon know the plan?

We are two days into the debt ceiling and the press is hardly talking about it...

US Treasury daily cash balance

Tuesday: $77 billion
Wednesday: $23 billion
Thursday: $75 billion

Don't let it hit zero, Mnuchin!

It's hypothetical. I have no idea if anything like this is on the cards. It's merely my fantasy. That said, if Trump is actually for real, in the sense that he wants to restore America to its people, then this plan, or something like it, might just work.

The US will be ostracised for around fifty years after defaulting on its debts but its military power will keep the rest of the wrld in check. Meanwhile, it will be able to feed itself and prosper technologically and in terms of infrastructure.


there are children playing tropico that grasp the relationship of printing money/inflation better than OP

Kennedy's executive order 11110 to print United States Notes.

I would prefer that we use gold as money and that the government run a balanced budget with spending = tax revenue.

But obviously Trump isn't going to deliver that. The old unpayable $20 trillion of Federal debts must be defaulted on first.

What I am proposing is inflationary, but it is an improvement on the current abomination: borrowing debt-money from the private banking cartel known as the Federal Reserve.

Just like Lincoln did! Greenback baby!!! Trump needs to slay this dragon before it consumes us all. END THE FED.

[b] I understand but I do not care since it doesn't affect me directly.

If you're proposing inflationary printing, then why are you simultaneously insisting on defaulting on the debt? I get the feeling of "unpayable", but not only are you devaluing your currency based on scarcity, you're doubling down and lowering your nation's credit as well.

You propose "$1T of new spending on infrastructure with no debt!" and immediately in the next line acknowledge they're "inflationary if you print too many" -- $1T isn't "too many" to fuck up inflation royally? Are you kidding me?

This all sounds like a Weimar Republic scenario honestly. I get the desire for the gold standard, but this is playing chicken with the fed.

Your central bank was nationalized in 1938, but it's still paper debt-money.

What you're not considering is that the people behind the Federal Reserve tend to kill anyone that threatens it. It's not as simple as you think.

> defaulting
you are going to need some high power to agree on that; you are basically stealing here, pretending to be unable to repay

The Federal Reserve created $4 trillion of new money with quantitative easing since 2008 and we didn't have much in the way of price inflation. (Just asset price inflation of stocks and bonds.)

Printing United States Treasury notes to pay back all debts denominated in Federal Reserve Notes would be considered "defaulting" on the debt by the Federal Reserve.

I understand the issue and I am deeply concerned but I live in the wrong place.

So you want to raise taxes to pay back the $20 Trillion of Federal debt? That would create a Greek style economic depression.

The Federal Reserve and its member banks created their debt-money out of thin air. Then if you don't pay it back, you are "stealing"? Why can't you just create money out of thin air to pay it back? Technically it is impossible to pay back all debts created by Federal Reserve debts. The money supply exactly equals the principal of the outstanding debts the money creates. There is no money in the system to pay back the interest due. It is a never-ending Ponzi Scheme. The fraud is so out-of-control that they now have negative interest rates in Europe in an effort to reduce the massive unpayable interest money deficit.

no need to raise taxes, spending a little bit less would go a long way

Money Supply = Money Created = Principal Due =/= Debts Due = Principal + Interest

There is no money in the system to pay back the interest. The only thing that keeps the fraud going is either [a] massive new loans (Ponzi Scheme) where new principal pays interest on old loans or [b] negative interest rates to reduce the interest deficit

US Government debt per taxpayer is $166,000.

We're fucked.

money supply = principal due + not repaid debts

I've actually always wondered about that.
If someone defaults on a debt and there is nothing to collect, does the Federal Reserve system make the bank that made the bad load take money out of the system? Or does the unpaid money stay in the system forever?

I don't think I've ever seen any statistics on the amount of "not repaid debts" that make up the money supply. It might be insignificant. Banks aren't suppose to make loans for which there is no collateral.

not in the short term, you leach

doesn't matter, if I convince the judge I am bona fide, I get free money, if I don't I go to jail

trump needs the judges

To analyze the issue, we developed a database of 47 countries that together constitute 91 percent of global GDP and looked at each episode of rapid money supply growth to see if it was followed by high inflation. In the majority of cases, it was not. In fact, the opposite was true—a large percentage of the cases of high inflation were not preceded by high money supply growth.

let me guess, those 47 countries didn't include libya, syria, notrh korea, and whatever axis of evil countries

Starting to print notes is a dumb choice that is very shortsighted and leads for very big long-term problems. Inflation is a huge fucking issue. The bigger problem is that actually starting to print more makes it seem normal. Next time you have problems? Print some more, it worked well the last time. It's the start of a horrible slippery slope.

The worst part is that maybe it could be an okay solution, but you need extreme self-control handling your finances when you do that. But you can't with a rotating government/senate because it will be different people each time who only care about getting elected the next time by fixing issues the easy way. If they actually cared about long-term finances and had self-control, Keynesian economics might work.


take away from nigger education

fuck you, shima

We already have the bigger problem currently.
Every time there is a problem, just borrow more money from the Federal Reserve.
We already have no restraint on spending. Just borrow more! US Government debt doubled under Obama.
We are already way down the slippery slope of borrow-and-spend.
I just think that print-and-spend would be less horrible.
Take the inflation pain upfront instead of having a massively unstable debt-based monetary Ponzi Scheme like we have now.

E - Fucking kill whoever produced this stupid meme.

K - If it doesn't have a frog, FUCK YOU


[E] Taxation is Theft !! Audit the Fed !!

Hey, fuck you and your patronizing attitude, asshole.

This guy (comment) says that the principal of defaulted loans is removed from the money supply.

The write-off order is against loss provisions, then profits, and finally capital. Banks are typically required to maintain a certain percentage of loss provisions vs. loans, so when a new loan is made additional deposit money must be moved to loss reserve, and that reduces the effective money supply. If they write off against profits, then that money isn't recognised as income - again an effective drop, and if they have to hit capital, then the regulatory controls become problematic as they can't make a new loan - again, reducing the effective money supply. – Lumi Jun 10 '15 at 14:50

OK, I'll count that as an A.