The Black Sun

redpill me on this symbol

what does it mean?

Other urls found in this thread:

It means fpbp.


It represents the spiritual centrality of the Hyperborean Tradition

Symbol of the Vril society

It represent's the motion controllability of the Hyrulian Triforce

it's the maze from westworld

Why did Himmler like it so much?

ancient aryans worshipped the sun

The black sun is an ancient symbol for the Aryan godhead. In esotericism, it is understood to be a reference to the fundamental quality of Christ, and all prefigurations of Christ in Aryan spirituality (Odin crucified on the world tree, etc). Christ is the Logos, the manifestation of God in Man who has learned to see "as a blindman", learned awareness of the immaterial world, rejected the fallen world of sin and materialism, embraced the true Light of God. Christ is "he who walks in the light of the blind man's sun". It is an analogue to the Hakenkreuz, or the Aryan cross, also a reference to the Logos of Christ and the "Invisible Sun" of God's Light. Both symbols were common in the ancient world, from Greece and Rome to Byzantium and Northern Europe. Some examples have even been found on red haired mummies in China and Central Asia. These are ancient Aryan symbols for God.


More images of the Aryan cross, an analogue of the Schwarz Sonne or Sonnenrad. Few people realize that this symbol survived and proliferated in Christianity. In all meaningful ways, the dichotomy between "pagans" and Christians is false: our pagan ancestors became Christians because it already contained their beliefs; Christianity is not a Semitic religion, that's just a Roman political artifice to deal with their Jewish problem.



Another interesting fact to note is that the Eastern Cross rotates in the opposite direction to the Western Swastika. THe further you move East, examples of the Hakenkreuz begin to morph, until they rotate the opposite direction. Almost like a compass.

Read Miguel Serrano

but before you undertake that (not an easy read) study this site

Lately a lot of racist retards have been calling themselves "national socialists" and they're probably going to try and steal that symbol and shit on it just as they did to the gnostic cross and the swastika.


>Read Miguel Serrano
>National socialists are retards
Serrano was a national socialist, genius.

People on Sup Forums who call themselves national socialists usually aren't national socialists. Serrano was definitely legit.

No self-respecting NatSoc would use that term for themselves with the modern (((far right))) trying to appropriate the term. "Aryanism" is a less corrupted term.

>No self-respecting NatSoc would use that term for themselves
I don't know where people like you come from, but this is a classic JIDF manipulation: trying to insist that common terms for pro-white movements are taboo for whatever reason they pull out of their asses. Usually it comes with some argument about "muh PR". You also shiftin the goalpost once I pointed out that Serrano was a natsoc. Obvious damage control.

Natsoc is not a dirty word, but thanks for the advice.

Checked. I read a little bit once. But I never understood exactly what the Irminsul was. Is it the same thing as a Maypole?

>believing that "white" has any meaning or importance
You've got some reading to do.

Racism is Jewish.


Basically imagine everything this guy said except wothout the jewish monotheist bullshit thats has been leaking into esotericism because of new age memes

The sun is an entity not a deity


very interesting

>thinks racialism is about skin color
Please return to now

>Racism is Jewish.
Yes, jews are racist, so is everyone else. Please lurk moar before you post.

Aryanism was a religion from 5th century you fucking mong, you call yourself a national socialist and thats it.

National Socialism is a dead meme in the first place, classical fascism is the final way forward. did anyone else see this?

>he fell for the nu age "environmental determinsim was implied by Evola and all the other fascists" meme

>>>/reddit/ right now you goddamn moron, when people say that race is spiritual it does not imply total environmental determinism, and no not everyone who argues on the side of biological determinism is a jew.

No not everyone with a german last name is jewsh you kike faggot.

Its called gnosticism and you need to stay away from it

Thats Ariansim which was a heresy, not an official religion. You're off base.

>arianism was a heresy according to a central planning by crypto jews

ok bud, it was the offical religion of the germanics but whatever floats your boat.

You're still a goddamn moron for trying to interpret fascist racialist philosophy as though it believed that race being of a kin implies that there are no other kins and that behavior isn't genetic you nu male faggot.

>Please lurk moar before you post.
I've been here on Sup Forums since 2012, I wouldn't tell anyone to lurk on this board in its current state, the only thing this board is worth is seeing headlines. I'm surprised you would suggest such a thing to anyone. ESPECIALLY not to learn about anything related to race or national socialism. It's a shithole. I would assume that reddit is better than Sup Forums outside of the Trump subreddits but I've only visited reddit for science-related info.

And I don't think that racialism is based on skin color, it's based on many phenotypic factors. Using race to justify discrimination or separation is Jewish as fuck.

What in the fuck are you even talking about. Arianism was a Christian heresy, and Christianity did not make significant inroads into mainland Europe until Clovis converted, hundreds of years after Arianism stopped being a thing. It was never the "official religion" of anything, least of all germanics. And I'm not even addressing your political claims, just here to tell you that Arianism and Aryanism are two VERY different things, and you seem to have conflated them for reasons that are not clear at this time.

But sure, call me a nu-male some more while you butcher European history.

Sweden had almost no colonies and yet is being overrun by immigrants. Your graphic is full of bullshit. is a muslim op

hey goys WN and christianity is bad. hitler liked arabs and muslims, you should support refugees invading your homelands.

why do gnostics always get shit on? whats so wrong about them?

ignore the demiurge shills

Its literaly kolovrat, symbol of god Svarog

It was a song made by Soundgarden

>tfw no strong Cro-magnid jaw

Because they tend to make heros out of biblical villains and vice versa. The biblical God is obviously a delusional nut job (the demiurge), a very powerful being but not 'god'. The serpent who tempted eve to eat from the tree of knowledge was actually trying to help us (gnosis = knowledge) etc

Sounds like an Ancient Aliens script to me

Is no one going to point out the Sup Forums logo alongside the swastika?

the point of Ancient Aliens is to make anything legitimate or even useful about this type of stuff easy to dismiss

>Why did Himmler like it so much?

Ancient Aryan symbol and he saw that and the swastika would be part of their new world order.

Too bad it failed and they lost the war. I like that the alt right have adopted it and will bring it back to relevance during the holy war with the Muslims.

Basically the black sun symbol is just a series of overlapping swastikas. i suppose 12 like the zodiac. like the knights of round table.

but i think the symbol overexposed.

i don't think that the Nazis put the symbol there. I think it was added after the war. i could be wrong though.

if anyone can find that symbol in genuine third reich material then please post examples. otherwise it seems some post war thing.

i am not attacking the symbol, but i think it is given way more attention. like it is supposed to be the basis of esoteric hitlerism but it only just recently became popular.

I bloody love the Black Sun but i don't know what it means either. The DEMON probably. And that is what we are. All ONE DEMON.

Three swastikas

I am not sure of the bullshit stories about Christianity not being Aryan. And it is just like Jesus being nonwhite. No one has photographs or DNA of Jesus, and the Jews of then are not the same as jews of now. just like mexicans even 300 years ago are not like they are now.

And religion is a good indication of the people that embrace it. Europe did embrace christianity and christianity fluorishes most in white nations. so all this talk of it being imposed is nonsense. what is being imposed is the cancer of egalitarianism/marxism. Christianity was selected by the white race. it is the white religion.

obviously it is dumbed down and there has been infighting like any religion. obviously as times change there is fragmented and reinterpretation. but what we see now as "christian values" is just feedback from pop culture, television and such telling us what our relgion is.

Christianity is WHITE. it is THE white religion.

who could argue it? look at all of the churches and temples and the towns and villages that grew, and the jews that were expelled.

so maybe the race is changing, and different times call for a different perspective, but the core of the aryan race is christian. there is no denying this. just look at all the products of western civilization and you can see that. the degeneration of western civilization is the letting go of christian values.

I am sorry i meant 12 sigs like spokes in a wheel representing the zodiac. so obviously 3 swastikas with 4 hooks each.

my point is it is the zodiac.

>Arguing with the shill who's trying to Christianize Sonnenrad
You're not going to win

Himmler was trying to build his own esoteric religious order in the ss modeled after the crusaders, I'm not kidding

My dude, you still are missing the point.

Arian =/= Aryan

Its two different words for two different concepts. Christianity became the official religion of the Franks from the Merovingians onwards, and established a foothold in Europe. I fully acknowledge the role of Christianity in white history. Arianism, however, was a sect and a heresy that died out LONG before Christianity entered Europe.

I think you are the one missing the point. Aryan is the white race of noble blood. it has nothing to do with trivial linguistic and semantic arguments.

The Aryan race and blood are what christian is. religion is in the blood.

just like a white muslim is different from a brown muslim. people say that the brown muslim has a bad religion. but it is not the religion, it is him. he is what is bad. because the religion is how we live our lives and how we live our lives is in our blood. because our blood is who we are.

White race has been christian for as long as we can remember. because that is in th e blood. and so what is christian? it is how whites have been living.

it is not how jerkoffs on the internet say. it is how clean, mentually and physically pure people who actually worked all week and rested on sunday, lived. those are what matters.

and their ACTIONS where christian, and their society was BUILT on christianity. and their blood is ARYAN.


this is not about intellectual semantic concepts. this is about holistic comprehension of the whole of what it is to be white. and what is the difference between whites and nonwhites.

and ultimately what is it? it is the lines of Christianity. is it not? that is why we are still here today. we have christ to thank. and christ is the blood.

the secret of secrets is held in the christian drama. that is the parable and metaphor of the struggle of the white race in overcoming the jewish anti-blood.

>The idiot who can't use grammar correctly of form cohesive paragraphs is shilling for muh based Abrahamism
What a surprise.

Nowhere in the New Testament does Jesus talk of crusades, or kingdoms, or conquest, because Jesus's Christianity is not a religion of any of those things. The Christian religion as Jesus preached was designed for peasants and slaves at the bottom of the ladder, the people who had already been defeated and had no hope of reversing their circumstances. It's a religion that preaches spiritual egalitarianism, detachment from worldly suffering, pity, and humility. It is not a religion that can forge a strong nation because it was not designed for the strong.

You claim that because people hundreds of years ago Europeans said they were Christian and built Christian temples and worshiped Christian symbols, therefore the Christian worldview must be the quintessential European European worldview, but that is not true. It's not moving away from the Christian worldview that has made us weaker, it is moving towards the Christian worldview that has. The Roman Catholic Church of a millennia ago that called for the expulsion of Jews and the Crusade of Holy Lands was not Christian, if anything it was more Roman. It's Protestantism, the true awakening of the Christian worldview, that has signaled the end of Western Civilization. Just as the Roman Catholics began to rediscover the Roman side of their religion, the Protestants tore them back down into the Christianity of Jesus.

Oh my god this is not a matter of semantics, it just so happens that the two words sound alike. They're as different as describing a cat and a firetruck. They don't even describe the same class of things. Read through the thread. Someone described Aryanism as "a religion from the 5th century". I corrected him saying that Arianism was the religion, Aryanism is something else. Somehow that translates into me not understanding race or Christianity. I am proud of my people, and I understand the role of Christianity for white Europeans. That being said, I feel like I'm talking to a fucking wall in this thread.


This is a Christianity where all people on this Earth are seen as equal before the eyes of God, where you should shun power and wealth and land and conquest, where you should turn the other cheek. This is a Christianity where there is only one kingdom, the Kingdom of God, the 'enlightenment' of realizing that the material world doesn't matter, so why even try? Don't hate, don't want, don't seek revenge or justice because it all leads to suffering. Repent and love everyone and everything and thus all suffering shall disappear from your world! It is the black pill, wrapped in gold, but the black pill nonetheless and it will lead to the death of our people should we continue down this path.

What greatness in this world was created without suffering? That's not to say that suffering is good, anyone who's ever truly suffered knows that this is far from true, but we must recognize that suffering is a necessary evil. Christianity see suffering as only evil, eternal and absolute. If we were to take Christianity to it's logical extreme, we would end up where we are right now; liberalism and cultural Marxism. The modern-day liberal seeks to fight every kind of suffering wherever it exist in the name of equality, a true Christian if there ever was one.

Why is the black sun so A E S T H E T I C?

It calls to me

>If we apply are admittedly peculiar point of view consistently, we are driven to conclude that Wotan must, in time, reveal not only the restless, violent, stormy side of his character, but, also, hisecstatic and mantic qualities — a very different aspect of his nature. If thisconclusion is correct, National Socialism would not be the last word. Thingsmust be concealed in the background which we cannot imagine at present, but wemay expect them to appear in the course of the next few years or decades.Wotan’s reawakening is a stepping back into the past; the stream was damned upand has broken into its old channel. But the Obstruction will not last forever;it is rather a reculer pour mieux sauter, and the water will overleap theobstacle. Then, at last, we shall know what Wotan is saying when he “murmers with Mimir’s head.”
-CG Jung

It's supposed to be a King Stone

cool symbol

too bad its associated with right wing retard faggots like you.

Politically speaking, how do I get a big titty Korean gf?

> tfw gracile mediterranid

>Ancient Aliens
I think you jumped the gun. I didn't mention anything outside the realm of conventional archaeology. You need to learn some patience, or you can't be a good shill; don't telegraph your bullshit too early.

It's a blackhole inside the sun.

>The revolutionary discovery of space-time ripples may have come from two black holes colliding while inside the belly of an enormous star

The radius effected by a small blackhole would be very small. You couldn't see it until you were right on top of it. A blackhole would fall to the bottom of the most massive gravity well, and it could eat through any material.

Blackholes were imagined to be 'bald' for the longest time - perfectly smooth spheres. This is called the 'no hair theorem.' If particles like photons were emitted from the blackhole, they'd fly off in curved lines. Pic related.

The lines of the black sun are entangled photons. Inside the blackhole, the photons are squeezed to maximum pressure. As they're ejected, the depressurize. If the pressure is high enough, the beam of photons becomes a perfectly ridged rod.

A perfectly ridged rod can conduct FTL signals. FTL sound (Air pressure) is a reality;


You equalize your pressure with the rod, and ride along with it through the blackhole.
