How do you respond to a liberal who claims that Trump's border wall won't work and is a waste of money...

How do you respond to a liberal who claims that Trump's border wall won't work and is a waste of money? I used the examples of Israel, China, Hungary, and Macedonia. They claimed that most illegal immigration happens by air or sea (wtf). Odd how those who most passionately argue against the potential efficacy of the wall are those who have no desire to stymie illegal immigration in the first place.

Why would I be talking about politics with a leftist to begin with?

The Mexican government and people are a perfect example. They swear up and down that the wall won't work as they're sweating bullets at the prospect of its construction.

Most Mexicans are incredibly poor due to their godawful government. Most Mexicans can't afford a plane ticket.

Because you're an intellectually honest person who isn't content to sit in this hug box like a faggot?

One of my friends from back in the day is a full on Occupy Demonrats shitlib and sometimes I can't hold back when I see some of the garbage he posts on Facebook.

I'm intellectually honest, and as such I aknowledge that there's no convincing any leftist.

Your fault for using facebook and not being a complete shut in with no real connection to anyone

It won't work, you're better off hiring more people and giving them shoot to kill orders. I like it because it will be a landmark/meme/tourist trap.

> im so intellectually honest that I never attempt to confront the arguments of my ideological opponents

nice brain

>hiring more people
charge them to shoot at border crossers


If they tell you it won't work, concede that and escalate the rhetoric. Let the ICE and border patrol agents shoot to kill, etc.

I've read Proudhon, Marx, the Social Contract, Piketti and other garbage.
Leftism is a cult, you won't change anyone's mind. Thinking otherwise just proves your inexperience.

The wall is pretty fucking pointless. It's a giant waste of money. It's only use is symbolic, to let people know they won't be welcomed here. We can do that without spending 25 billion dollars on a wall when there are already hundreds of tunnels across the border.

you are a truly worthless faggot, proud of your closed mind and refusal to consider other ideas honestly. im not inexperienced, youre a lazy pussy. did a leftist hurt your feelings once, bitch boy?


it's all part of the plan

>how do you respond to a liberal
how would you respond to an unintelligent child who has to be right no matter what? Stop talking to them. You're wasting your energy.

Remind them that Democrats, including their precious Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders, voted YES on the border fencing act of 2006 authorizing construction of a wall.

Trump has already slowed migration without even laying a single brick

40% drop in border crossings ftw.

It's not about a wall, it's about looking tough and being tough when necessary. The appearance of stringent immigration enforcement is a strong deterrent.

They self deport once you enforce e-verify. The wall is there to stop the 40% of immigrants who come that way, the drug trafficking, the possibility of terrorists, etc. It shuts down all the rapey shit going on down there because, if you can't get across, you don't need some rapey coyote escort.