Let's share our subjective experiences about being a white male in a world in which everyone hates white men

Let's share our subjective experiences about being a white male in a world in which everyone hates white men.

Let them hate so long as they fear.

Not gonna lie.. as a white man my life is pretty damn easy. I have never felt hated.. in fact quite the opposite. Asian women shoe tons of interest in me and I am 7/10 at best. This bs view that the world hates white men is just a coping scheme that many whites employ to make excuses for their own personal failings and inadequacies.

If they hated the Jews even more, I think I'd be cool with it

I've been called racist and misogynistic for only dating white women. And I've been robbed and almost stabbed by colored people before.

I get approached at gas stations almost every time I fill up and asked for money by a nig.

It's always the same shit. "I be needin' in to gets home. Just $5"

or they play us the Jesus stuff and ask me where I go to church.

When they approach I stop them and tell them I have no money. Boy, it pisses some of them the fuck off.

Everyone doesn't hate white men, though? The only people who hate white men are people insecure about themselves, and white men who think the world hates them are also insecure about themselves.

Unless we're talking about the kikes destroying white culture. That's a different subject.

>This bs view that the world hates white men

The people who teach the hatred of white men are ascendant. Maybe you haven't felt it yet. You will soon.

I feel that I have to apologize to others for being a white male on a daily basis.

When I was in my third year of engineering in Leafland a major oil company came in to do interviews for internships.

10 people were interviewed. 9 out of the 10 were women. The one guy who was interviewed had an androgynous name so they assumed he was a girl based on that. Both girls chosen were nothing special academically and one complained that she had to "move to the middle of nowhere" for a job that most guys would have killed for.

Such is life as a fucking white male in the current year.

hello guys.

living in norway is pretty ok. not a lot of hate for white people here. kinda in a bad mood today, though.

If anyone says anything to you call them subhuman or a cunt and tell them to fuck off to hell.

AlaskaFag here. Life's pretty good bros. got a sweet job, all the bills are paid, bank account is very full. I get to travel a lot for work. No kids. Pretty /comfy/ tbqh.

hope you're all doing well. fuck all the gibsmedats out there.

My GF is an engineer. A couple of weeks into her new job, she invited all her coworkers over to the house who had just been hired:

> white woman
> black guy
> poonjab female
> white woman

Having a femi cunt tell you is death penalty is racist

>tfw we live in a country surrounded by niggers
>tfw our ancestors built our country from the ground up only for it to fall to the mestizos
>tfw our taxes literally maintain the niggers and their offspring
>tfw can't apply for any European passport
>tfw I will see my country fall to the invaders
>tfw there's nothing I can do about it
>tfw I come to Sup Forums to discuss this and get the "Argentina is White XDdxdxDXdxDX" meme

Hang in there Argentibro

>Hang in there Argentibro
If only. Sometimes I secretly wish for leftists to win in Europe so they relax their immigration policies and I could get a European passport, though they would probably tell the diaspora to fuck off. I seriously hope to see some kind of white ethno state while I'm alive. We have the people and resources to do it.


> went to law school

> wanted to work abroad for my country

> applyed to diplomatic service

> diplomatic service has fast track for ethnic minorities, LBGT, and women

> I am a white streight male

> rightinthefeels.jpeg

It could go either way, but one things sure, the next decade will be very interesting.


I hope so. But I don't know. Niggers will outnumber us in no time and race mixing is seen as acceptable in some parts of the country. I fear for the future of my nation and my people. We will become a Brazil 2.0

I find it is more about how much money and influence you have, not about your skin color. Blaming others for your shortcoming is weak. Poor blacks need to live as poor whites then they will know it's not much different.

>tfw finishing STEM masters degree in Leafland

As a white guy I literally had to go to grad school to compete in the job market up here

If I start a tech company and hire based on credentials and not skin color or gender, will I lose business because I'll inevitably be hiring white dudes almost exclusively?

White women shrieking "inclusivity diversity equality" every five seconds, which translates to "get out white man." Sheboons promoted left and right to all of the management positions even though they are LITERALLY illiterate. Constantly niggled over things to make sure that your behavior is not "suggestive" or "problematic" or "inappropriate", so you make your radar signature as small as possible lest HR decide to axe you (which would automatically "increase diversity" just by virtue of proportions).

It is socially acceptable to bash on white men and nobody else, so femen do it constantly. White males are portrayed as weakling cucks (good, goyim, be more like that) or baby-raping nazis (bad, goyim, don't be like that).

Expected to treat women as equals even though you would not even treat other males as equals.

Every nog gave you the stinkeye before the election, but now they quake in their boots and are nervous as hell when you give them a wry smile upon first contact. They know you can't wait to make your first Alabama windchime.

I bet they act all offended you even suggested they wanted money even though they all will ask you for money.

Russia burns gays at the stake why do they "fast track" the lbgt?

You have to think up positions that are just so miserable with deadlines so precise and hire minorities for those.

Or if you have them already, change the job around, call it something new and better, like adding manager, then make the work absolutely unbearable to do.

The minority will either quit or fuck up, then you can fire them but still keep your quotas on paper.

This is now a Trump jew-agent thread!





Fuck off and die polfags!

I'm not allowed to voice my political beliefs anymore. It's terrible. I walk into my street the day Trump gets elected and all I hear is "Fuck Donald Trump" blasting to the highest volume and all I see niggers beating up a white guy because he had a Trump sign in front of his yard. We need to do something about this.

>Unless we're talking about the kikes destroying white culture.

I've worked for Goldman, made a killing, left, started my own business, and am now indebted to nobody and make money on my own terms. It's a pretty great company desu.


I've had to work for everything I've ever wanted. No one other than my family ever did anything to help me out and no one had any sympathy for me when I failed. My flaws were never explained away by systematic oppression. I had to pass or fail on my own merits just as everyone should have to do.

Im English, Vpn routes through Russia

>when you cant pay to support your own children but minorities get your money to support their children

fucking america

Thanks man