You guys hate jews, but how can you hate Ben? He's fantastic

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Ily ben

logically sound. intellectual honest. cares about america. what's not to love

I love him.

>what's not to love
Not race-realist
Doesn't like abortions

I still love him tho.

whenever I watch the start of the video, I make a mental note of his teeth clicking when he smiles

Even tho he's said average IQ is definitely tied to race?

I love when he completely destroyed John Lennon's "Imagine".

>intellectually honest

He plays to the egalitarian myth of equality between the races and chalks up any differences in performance to culture and nurture. He knows better but it doesn't suit his political agenda.


>America is a Judeo-Christian nation

Nice try attempting to rewrite history to the benefit of your tribe, Benji.

He's repeatedly stated average IQ is definitely tied to race and to say America was not founded on the core values of Judeo-Christian belief makes you functionally retarded

You are more what I expected...

>Even tho he's said average IQ is definitely tied to race?
I don't remember that.
He always said that low income and high criminality in blacks was linked to culture.


he talks like hes got a stick up his ass

He always said he was a 5'6 jew, what about it?
Putin and Hitler were short too, is that supposed to be an argument?

little whiny kike

I still listen to him, don't get me wrong. He makes good arguments on a lot of issues. I just know enough to pick up on his zionist bullshit.

He claims to be 5'9"

As a 5'8" American, I'm tired of turbo-manlets claiming near or at my height and making it look abnormally short on paper

We have made this thread at least four times a day for well over a year now. I have to know - why won't Sup Forums accept that Ben Shapiro is literally our guy?

>intellectual tier
jordan peterson
chris hitchens
sam harris

>self-contradictory tier

>drooling retard tier

So you're frustrated and self-conscious.
That's not much of an argument, is it.

Because joos.
The enemy of my enemy is not always my friend.

it's banter, turd

I unironically support Shapiro a lot, even though I bash him for being a manlet

But he's honest, eloquent, smug, connected, and a warrior against Islam. Don't you realize that by refusing good people because of their religion you are playing right into shareblue's hands.

I don't want Ben's America. Ben wants to pretend the conservative party over the last 20 years has done anything valuable instead of the obvious sitting on the sidelines to pretend to not be racist. Also he does that Steven Crowder thing where he's clearly over the age of 30 and posts shit like "THIS LIBERAL MAYOR WENT TO THE STORE, AND WHAT HAPPENED NEXT WAS EPIC!!!!" grow up ben

He's good, he just has a squeaky annoying voice.

The term "Judeo Christian" is a recent attempt to conflate the histories of Jews and Christians on a cultural and moral level so as to blur the lines of what was until recently a stark divide. The United States is a Christian nation and always has been. The ideological roots of the country are steeped in the teachings of the New Testament and are in explicit contradiction to those of the Torah.

Lurk more and stop falling for Jew ruses.

crowder isnt 30 hes like 28

I can and I do. He didn't support Trump and has a double standard for Israel and the rest of the world. A shame that he is considered to be a part of my people.

>he takes Sup Forums seriously

you're a moron

Does Ben actually post stuff like that? Examples?

Which is still 16 years higher than 12.

>He doesnt like chopping up fetuses so I dont like him XD

I do not refuse him, I really like him and wish for him to lead debates against stupid lefties all day long.

While he is pleasant and useful, I do not believe he will be accepted by Sup Forums one day, the joos hate is too strong.

Have you ever listened to Shapiro? Recently he's been harping how Ryan is a dirty liar and so is all the republicans for not doing what they said. He's saying all they do is get in power and then cater to popularity demands.

I am mostly antinatalist and anyone realizing most abortions are made by non-whites should love abortions too.

>Using Facebook
Yeah yeah I get it
And I agree but Ben's vision would put those same people in charge. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio never stood out in a crowd because they are the same types. Where they have all these big ideas on how to reform America while they are sitting on the bleachers but when you put them in any position they sit idly by and let the libs run free.

End welfare and unproductive demographics (non-whites) will be shuffled out of the gene pool.

This ive fucking had it with manlets trying to convince me im atleast 6'0

Because he's a Jew

Michelle Fields incident + Jewish, he can get fucked.

>Not race-realist

race realism is a far right idea, most normies are against it the same way they are against far left ideas like redistribution of wealth.

If i had my vision we'd have Rand Paul. Then that kikebill would be thrown in the toilet instantly. Shapiro is right about Trump being a secret democrat, it doesn't really bother me on most things. If Trump goes through with glass steagall, he earned my vote regardless whatever else he does.

>End welfare and unproductive demographics (non-whites) will be shuffled out of the gene pool.

True, to some extent.
But sadly it's politically very very hard to take away a privilege from the masses.

So I don't see it happening any time soon in the west.

he says lots of things I agree with but he seems like a toxic shrew doing so only to stay afloat in a certain pool

>race realism is a far right idea
Race realism is a scientific view of reality.

>most normies are against it the same way they are against far left ideas like redistribution of wealth.
True, and that's why Shapiro hasn't been labelled as a LITERAL NAZI until now, (the "joos" shield helps too), he wouldn't be able to have the power he does if he was a race realist.

So he is great, but not Sup Forums's guy.

It's like Italia and Romania during WWII, they're almost useless but it's nice to have some allies to keep the foes busy.

He shills for israel. besides that i guess hes not terrible but thats still kind of the deal breaker for any white nationalist

I don't even like that face.

Looks like hes going to tell on me for throwing rocks at black kids.

Even when this time I didnt.

Furthermore for someone who prides himself on his critical thinking he sure does like to pretend the Jews did absolutely nothing to provoke any sort of tension between themselves and the Germans after the Versailles treaty. I'm not saying I want him to admit the Holocaust is exaggerated or that the Jews deserved it but the way he plays it is typical of most Jews. Though I will say he's at least a decent sport about Jewish stereotypes and honest about the way modern Jews act

Who cares where on the political spectrum is assigned? Is reality and should be open to mainstream debate. The reason it isn't is because it would call into question the redistribution of wealth you say is far left but had been going on in a big way since at least the 1930's. Leftist politics will always be more mainstream because they are more emotionally satisfying and indiscriminate.

He's based and has done more to fight niggers and degeneracy than you have larping behind your computer on stormfront.

Damn dude

Sup Forums's view on Shapiro should be that of a useful idiot. Just because he's right on a lot of things doesn't absolve him of criticism where he's full of shit. Stop with the kike idol worship.

Damn i'm glad someone made a ben shap thread

nigger i'm still waiting for him to fuck up, but as of now he's an actual face to advocate legit reason.

what have you done but fap to anime and stimulate your own prostate

Shoo, shoo alt right shoo

He says culture is a factor, which it is. That's doesn't mean it's the only factor.

>Let's no one who isn't a vetted public intellectual offer a criticism on any given topic

Again, why do so many faggots in this thread insist on deferring to personality instead of truth? I'll leave the thread so you can continue your kike circlejerk.


If you're looking for the alt-right go to the_donald

He's a hardcore Zionist who's loyalties lie with Israel. His whole existence is base upon shilling for Israel. Fuck him.

He brings his fake ass holocaust into the debate like every other manipulative Kike.

An orthodox Jew views you, as he does the rest of us, as essentially cattle. The more power you give to him the more like cattle your daily life will become.

It was fascinating to watch him and his Jew twitter network sperg out when the Trump White House's official statement on the Holocaust did not explicitly make mention of the Jews as victims. Illustrated very well their self-view as a protected minority despite railing against that kind of group favoritism for other demographics.


what a cuck Morgan is

his own country bans knives and forks lmao

They bitch and moan about everything and holy shit people STILL use the 6 million number despite it being wrong now in official history even. These creatures claim the nazis thought they were the master race when they said no such thing all the while they call themselves God's chosen people. Unreal.

Yeah.. and the niggers would just quietly starve to death without bothering anyone.

Nigger, they'd come after us with guns the moment that law would be put into practice. An actual race war.

>what's not to love
The jew part

>they'd come after us with guns the moment the law would be put into practice.

This. Culture is probably one of the most important factors. Race is by far the second most. Look at niggers in America. While most are shit now, they used to be a lot less shit. Not to say, they didn't have their down side, at least they had their own neighborhoods and communities, families and a culture that didn't promote murder and gang shit. Culture made African nigger slaves evolve into somewhat intelligent people.

Blacks IQ in America is higher than any other black in the world, while like being the winner of the special olympics, is something to be proud of. Proof our culture is successful (up until the past few decades of liberal filth tarnishing our culture).

It's so adorable watching them try to use logic and reason.

It's like watching a child trying to make a point for the first time.

It's CUTE!

Their IQ is higher because they have on average something like 30 to 40% European admixture. IQ is mostly generic. Other than that, blacks have always been over represented in crime by population, even noneconomic crime like rape.

You want a Jew like Shapiro on your side.

Extremely intelligent, but he's also either extremely naive or controlled opposition. That's why I don't like him, it's really just because I don't trust him. His name is (((Shapiro)))

Cough...Michelle Fields. He can never regain our respect again.

He just wants to cuck white America and fence them in with the constitution

The way he sets himself up as an arbiter ('good Trump bad Trump') betrays that he's a supremacist

>intellectually honest

Except when it comes to Jews and Israel

90% agree with him. It's just he doesn't like the idea of a nation full of white people



He's a great speaker and debater.
Unless the discussion is about israel, then he goes full shekels

>not supporting the elimination of future leftists and shitskins

Oh wow.

>my people

we need to stop doing this.

As long as he doesn't talk about Foreign Policy or Abortion he's great. It's funny how the best critics of Trump are on the right.

Is there some genetic correlation with willingness to take gibs? How could the democrats win back blacks in the 1920s/30s? And then stick with them past the depression even if they went against all of their rights?

He's great. After the fiasco with that reporter where he went full retard only to undermine Trump I realized a lesson nobody but (((themselves))) could have taught me so clearly: Never. Trust. A. Jew.