>Be viKANG
>raid defenseless villages and harmless monasteries
>steal anything of value from others
>go back to your thatch huts in the snow
>rinse and repeat
>literally the niggers of the ancient times
>Sup Forums will defend this because they were """""""white"""""""

Other urls found in this thread:


Can't handle the Teutonic fury?
I am proud of my 2% scandinavian.

There is lit nothing wrong with going in viking Njál.

Duly needed these days if you ask me

But niggers don't go home.


>go back to your thatch huts in the snow
Not on topic of gassing potato niggers, but there is a small "village" at Bygdoy, fag part of Olslonistan, which is preserved and you can go into and stuff.

Don't remember age but I do believe it's about 1k+- years old, small but quite comfy. No 2-3 store houses as written in the sagas.


>raid defenseless villages and harmless monasteries
Don't forget:
>invading nearly all of England
>settling in northern France and inventing Normandy
>establishing port cities along Ireland's coast (pretty much the first civilization you potato niggers had).
>discovering North America five hundred years before Columbus.
>forging some of the greatest weapons and armour of the time.
>sophisticated ship building.
>acting as an elite force for the Byzantine Empire (see "Varangian Guard")
>contributed large parts of the English language.

I think you mean Early Medieval.

>this thread

eww who's dat?
>On 2nd thought I don't wanna now
Bjorgen is a qt though, but even after birth and shit, she looks like a man

Dat prutty face, she is an ork after all.
>Imagine grabbing that back during fickificki

Damnit I lost pic, so posting a Jotun and some manlets instead

>discover North America
>get sent back home by american indians armed with sticks and stones
>forging some of the greatest weapons and armour of the time

You just can't handle the truth, white monkey

Whiter than you, Luigi

They aren't white, most scandinavians aren't white. They retain a richly coloured golden complexion year round. Its a total myth that they're pale. When they go in the sun they go REALLY dark, like their tans can be a deep brown close to even an indian. Their natural complexions may be made up of "bright" hues like pinks, peaches, orange, gold thats not the same thing as "pale".

They were not considered white in early america for these reasons. Only dutch and anglo-saxon people were considered white because of how much darker germans and scandinavians were. Irish weren't considered white for political reasons (and no one really beleived they werent white, it was just pure discrimination) but they are the palest people.

>tfw no jotun gf

That guy is ficking based, I used to watch his crime stuff before we had to jam your (((TV))) and (((radio))) signals

>The whole Sune Bergquist shit, amazing, he is no dumb fuck

It is because they are a bastard race. The result of the Gallic-Cimmerian and Germanic race mixing. Scandinavians have blonde hair and half crystal blue eyes because those are the middle ground traits between the Red haired pure crystal blue Germanics and the deep blue platnium blonde/chestnut Gallics.

They're scandies anyway, not Teutonic masterrace


>You fuckers should watch this, the utter incompetent swedish police in the 90ies and early 2ks...
FBI came and went WTF.....

It's a guy who was mental, and got fed drugs like an elephant and admitted to just about every crime commited in Sweden(and one here).....

And they believed him.
>So Olof/Sture this murder here
>Tell us about it
I'm too sick....
>Goes to lib and reads all he can about the murder
Yes it was me, now here is what I did

Thanks for the anti-white reminder, Goldstein.

The Vikings took the hottest women from the villages that they raided. That was their fatal mistake. All of the super Estrogen feminized the next generations. Now the Nordics have all been super feminized.

I have a few Scandinav friends and they go olive coloured, Germans don't so much


strong and blonde are beautiful physically but there is literally NOTHING to be proud of if youre related to vikangz

Kristus ut ur Norden!

>slaughtering and pillaging semite worshippers in the name of the old father
I see nothing wrong here.

That's all nonsense, germanics were never red haired in any significant number, if you're going by tacitus, he used a term which translates to red-gold and its referring to the fact that they would dye their naturally blond hair red.

Scandinavians probably have mongol and yamnya genetics and thats where they get their unusual swarthy golden complexions. I've seen pictures of saami who look very pale, like the stereotypical irish / ginger complexion, with blond hair and blue eyes. So I don't know whether thats a result of white an asian genes mixing (eurasians tend to have really fair skin) or if saami were actually always whiter then germanic scandinavians.

Either way I see most scandinavians as being foreign and exotic to the rest of europeans, I'd liken them to those indigenous groups you find in russia, or even to the saami, an unusual people living in the far fringes of europe

>use superior ships to strike all over
>could hit a place and fall back before locals even had a chance to react
>excellent organizational skill and supply management allowed for campaigns even in winter

Meanwhile the rest of the world struggled to even keep an army on campaign in summer.

Also back in the day even Christian kingdoms attacked and plundered villages and monasteries. They were just not as good at it.

Plus much of the historical documents we have about the vikings were written by butthurt monks.


No this in an over simplification, I have not seen this movie, I just love the band, but I suspect they are illustrating it here
>Climate got harsher
>Greenland severely hit
>Nothing grows
>Jews causing the plague cuts all shipping westwards to the outposts, iceland was actually spared of the jewish plague
>There were at most only 6k people at Greenland
>Turned heathen again, as they understood they had betrayed the Gods and their ancestors
>Kill bishop
>Move to Markland
>Hundreds of years passes
>French arrive
>They find a tribe
>This tribe has rituals of combined local customs, ásatrú, christendom
>They were immune to the diseases the ordinary skrælings could not cope, maybe why they lived so isolated
Sad shit is in 1-2-3 they assimilated with the french, so we know hardly anything of the marklanders.

On greenland too, you find Greenlanders with blue eyes that tower 2 meters, compared to their pure blood cousins to the east they are giants, but not all ofc.

And we're not meming when we say Canada is stolen land, it is, Markland, Helluland and Vinland were all regged in the vatican....


it was normal in the 9th century

No wonder Germanics try to claim Persian descent.

The only thing Dan did after we fell in 1319, was to send one expedition to reconvert the heathens. This rune stone was found all the way in minnesota it says.
>8 : swedes(a tribe from a part of it) : and : 22 : norse : on
>...o : expedition : from :
>Vinland : to : the west : vi :
>had : camp : by : 2 : reefs : one
>days : travel : north : of : this : stone :
>we : went : fishing(ofc) : one : day : after :
>we : came : home : found : 10 : men : red :
>of : blood : and : dead : AVM(Ave Maria) :
>salvation : of : ill
>have : 10 : men : by : the sea : to : watch
>after : our : ships : 14 : days : voyage
>from : this : island : year : 1362

Heathens got them, but also up the hudson I think it's like 1600 drill holes in hard rock from year 1k and out, so it was a lot of activity, we were the only ones that had the tech to trill hard rock.

What was it used for?
>Same as today, fasten ships with and iron rod

regarding the stone they keep saying it's a fake because of one word, not used before, this was the time when we changed tongue at the mainland to the dutch-norse mongrel language we speak today, it happened fast

All the Nords need is another Ice Age, then we will see who will be Kangz.


Some 3k before you jebus guy

Odin had not given us the runes yet

>mad because we ended rome

its not olive though, olive is too often conflated with brown. You can have really pale skin and still be olive. Olive literally just means sallow or greyish-greenish-yellowish, you can have those hues and be very pale, a lot of mediterraneans have that kind of skin, at least when they've been out of the sun for a while, or theyrre just naturally fair. They have a kind of weird sallow-greenish glow.

Conversely, you can be brown without being olive. Thats scandinavians when they tan. That golden-orange colour just darkens till its brown, think too much fake tan (but contrary to what I've seen people claim, scandis aren't wearing fake town, they really are that brown/orange naturally).

I honestly wouldn't be supirsed if they have pajeet ancestry via the yamnya (original indo-european speakers). According to the latest evidence the yamnya were very dark skinned.


>scandis aren't wearing fake town

*fake TAN

>forging some of the greatest weapons and armor of all time

This is a boldfaced lie. The Vikings were shit at making weapons because the iron/steel they had available was of such low quality. Vikings specifically trading for actually suitable weapons and armor is well documented both by the Vikings and other civilizations that traded with them. It's even said the the Carolingians monitored the amount of weapons traded with the Vikings because they were concerned they would be used against them later.

Please stop romanticizing these people. You're all inane nigger kikes for worshipping such a naive version of history.

They settled Canada actually but they were dependant on trade with Iceland and when Iceland went under during a mini ice age they went down with it

>forging some of the greatest weapons and armour of the time.

LMAO, you mean buy them from southern traders with your stolen gold?
How about you post a few pictures of your unmatched spears and ""unique"" chainmail


Usually the local cities they were just trading places, that's why you got names like kaupanger (merchant fjord) and so.

I'm not sure about the tradition today, but when I was a kiddo they still did that, rigged up a marked that lasted for a week, like in the old. Mostly shit for kids there really, but it is from the old.

Anyways the towns grew out of such trading places, I'm not sure about Birka, but I would guess it. Tönsberg sprung out like this.

The other one is that you have a massive farm, like Lade/Hlaðir in Trondheim today, it formed from the earls farm and other activities he had going on around it


they were niggers of europe.

My ancestors killed Ivan the boneless.
His remains was found in my area.

Well nord cuck? We killed your 8 ft tall war lord.

huh, I assumed it was typical Swedish fashion to use fake tan. I wonder if you're telling the truth or memeing me.

Tree > Stone

Also our population was 300k while the Roman Empire was 58 Million.

That's a ship, I dunno the house actually but it's not notmal with poles holding shit up like that.

Admit it, we were carvemasters, you can't compete
>In that "opening" there, it was most likely a gold statue, and it was not white christ..

300K was here only, I'm not sure about your numbers Sven

Now I have a problem, I drank last night.... I don't remember if I injected roids in my asshole or not, this is not good

>wood and it's still standing after 1k years, hundreds of years of neglect

>>literally the niggers of the ancient times
at least they advanced in society but niggers never did

>settling in nothern France and inventing Normandy
>in reality, the franks completly crushed the vikings during the siege of Chartres, but simply allowed Rollo to become a duke in exchange of his conversion and his defense of the nothern coasts of the country, essentially turning these vikings into christian border guards and elevating them from their shit mud huts.

>mah carving
Japs did it before you and did it better. Whites only got to where they are by stealing from the other races and waging massive wars are their own kind.

Whites are just a bunch of savage snowniggers that disguised their animalistic nature with shit they stole in the last 600 years.


Here is Hlaðir/Trondheim in the old. Sprung out from the Lade earls farms. You can see nidarosdomen already raised

It was so small

>implying whites can do anything wrong
>aside from not having already made earth white again
jidf needs to go

tfw no amazon mommy gf

"You imperial bastards!"

what did he mean by this?

Our fellow whalers are pretty wicked at this shit too.

It was actually a big completion here, you should always be BEST. And this I suspect we share with them, beside killing whale and other pruddy animals to piss off SJWs

It's also not unlikely that we actually got our dragon, snake etc fetish from east asia, choina our japan, like our traditional dresses, well all of europe's traditional dresses come from Choina.

>There to the furthest east, you shall not go, because there people are so many

Marco Polio can kiss my ass

I'm telling the truth of what I know, I'm not denying they use fake tan, but most of them certainly don't need it to acheive that colour. Your stereotypical, traditional fake tan, is designed for blondes, its designed to match their complexion. Thats why if you're brunette, dark or ginger you shouldn't use it because it will never look natural on you, spray tanning salons know how to give you a natural looking fake tan if you aren't blonde.

They probably use fake tan because they don't get much sunlight up there, but when they do, they can certainly tan well, very well. The fake tan just replicates the colour they turn from enough sun.

I'm being hyperbolic when I say they aren't white, but I mean, there's certainly more ground for excluding them then there is for excluding italians, greeks and spaniards. The reality is, most italians, greeks and spaniards are PALER then scandinavians, by far. Especially spaniards.

If you want to say scandinavians aren't white because of their history, lack of achievements its certainly not too big of a stretch to say they aren't white based on phenotype, either. But you would have to let go of the idea that blond hair and blue eyes are the pinnacle of whiteness or something. Most white people aren't blonde anyway.

That's the best skin tone you have for men or women to be honest. It just looks healthy and attractive.

at some point you have to choose if you want to upgrade to berserks and longboats or to faggotry. A nice building wont help you much in a cold winter or when the sun wont shine again until the next 3 months

Don't forget the part where they literally worshipped chinks as gods


Asgard = Asia

Odin was probably some gook warlord


We Wuz NEETs and shit

The chicks used to do this here, both my sisters did it, but it was just a fad that cut out years ago here.

Some go to solariums though, it's not so much of this anymore either. Typically you had them at the werkout places, so the chicks went there, while we worked out.

I tested it once, fucking sucks. Our complexion here for the most part, we turn into niggers, part me they call me a nigger for keks due to this.

1 day out in the spring sun, and I'm a nigger, chicks (that want to get tanned in the summer, while we don't give a shit) go nuts!

Damn you fiskermann! You've just been out a few hours! I've been sunbathing for days, and you're a nigger now.

It has to do with snow and stuff I bet, I don't know these things, but it's like this
>A norse can be out on the sea for 6 months without any damage to his skin
>A bong can be 3 months out
A nigger can be 3 weeks out on the sea, before his skin fucks up

>So have you seen fiskermann?
>It's been sun
Yes he was out fisking and came back like a nigger

true, it does look good, but when its dark /golden enough, it makes your whiteness questionable imo. Does anyone know if there's any genetic basis to scandinavians having non-white ancestry? I think I remember seeing that they have ~10% asian genes on average

Well, I suppose We Wuz Cucks after all.

What's wrong with building stuff from materials that are most common and suitable for the climate?

Dude vikings are badass what are you talking about?

Do you know where this pic is from?
Is it outside Constantinople? Italy? Sicily
Where this be? Also I think it's Frey there, the statue I'm not sure

>Actually very typical
If not invade, or on the way to invade
>Make small settlement right outside target city, stay the winter instead of going home
>You buy for price
>Then invasion

It's all over the sagas, usually, they loved to settle on islands for this if possible, something the bongs continued. Tactical

they didnt live in "thatched huts" they lived in well built long houses.

they were very advanced. but only lived within their means. they didnt waste energy and time on outlandish buildings. it wasnt important to them.

they were great fighters and navigators, they sailed throughout europe and the middle east and brought absolute blood curdling fear to those who they encountered.

i have no remorse for the actions of my ancestors, i am a direct descendant of literal vikings. my family is from the orkney isles north of scotland, that was a viking outpost for 600 years. eat a fucking dick.

ill reign hell upon you.

Ben stiller is 5' 7" so she's about 6' 2"

Fake remains, he had no bones idiot!

>A bare-chested Viking offers a slave girl to a Persian merchant in an artist’s rendering of a scene from Bulgar, a trading town on the Volga River.



KEK, until recent I didn't even know that the anglos had our anglofied word for træll, thrall.

I was curious about that warcraft goy

romans said, that native britons and the picts were redheads.

I'm sorry on the behalf of my 3% viking ancestry OP. Can I make it good again by making an Irish redhead girl pregnant?

but they weren't germanic

>Scandinavians probably have mongol and yamnya genetics and thats where they get their unusual swarthy golden complexions. I've seen pictures of saami who look very pale, like the stereotypical irish / ginger complexion, with blond hair and blue eyes. So I don't know whether thats a result of white an asian genes mixing (eurasians tend to have really fair skin) or if saami were actually always whiter then germanic scandinavians.

They are part of I haplogroup which mixed with Finnish tribes who mixed with mongols ( N haplogroup ) look it up.

Italy. Close enough I guess.


So what persia still got raped

>One key factor may have been a dire need for women.

Damn straight! We needed friller! We picked up the best looking ones, but (((national geoshits))). You usually married a local grill of high birth, not a frille, that's rare. Sure if you captured the King's daughter, like ie Olafur Pá's mother. She was the daughter of the Irish King we know as Myrkjartan.

Now you got the ballgrip don't you, I have your daughter and fickied you grandsons.

The Irish were never a threat, but we did this all over, usually part in russia, you came and asked/demanded the finest of the Kings daughters, to create this bond.


>This shit should be texted, but kiketube would only gas it

A few heathens took up to 12 wyfus, but it seem to stop. 1 is more than enough, they fucking sync their periods

>be Nordic
>be world champions in cuckoldry
>be descended from the European equivalent of the barbary pirates
>take pride in this
>act like the vikings were big bad strong men who didn't afraid of anything
>ignore the fact that they only fought against the defenseless
>talk shit about the Finns for being descended from the literal biggest alpha in all of human history

Nords are the biggest keks in Europe

The samis only came here 3k years ago, they are mixed now, but you got brown eyes there, which is very important.

Blue/Green eyes were developed to prevent snow blindness and see better in the dark. They don't got this feature, so they are new.

Brown eyes is dominant

Not like us proto germs or you other proto germs down there

No. Everyone goes to war for resources.
That's just human.

You're thinking of stable family units or culture.

That's what makes you a nigger.
For example the slavic nigger.
It's why they drink so.

Black people just have the highest levels of niggatry, its near interchangeable a label.

no, they were celtic. the celtics were in central europe for a long time before germanic tribes and slavs migrated south from northern europe and eastward .

That stuff about snowblindness is a myth.


> Decades ago, the assumption was that people, over the course of many eons, became blue eyed because they were adapting to conditions as they migrated north. The thinking was that possibly, blue eyes conferred some kind of protection against snow blindness. Even without the finding from the researchers from Copenhagen, this idea was debunked long ago. Brown eyes, because of the melanin, offer much better protection against ultraviolent light. They become even more valuable the higher you climb. Intensity of UV rays increase 4% for every 1000 feet of elevation gain.

nords were hardcore before they got brainwashed by leftwing shit.

its all abba and flower power to them.

Says the paki

>We don't talk shit to pekka, but his god damn stabbing, he is a nord

>In the end, we took you
You continued our shit to never times, you are a nord too, even though you like to put on a monocle and yer Sirs, Lords and that kike shit

Our scientists have classified you as a Scand dialect.

>imply church was there before vikings
Church invaded, not other way around.

that map is bullshit. ive been to the uk and ireland and majority of people in scotland are brown eyed and same with the irish.

in northern and east spain, there are alot of blue and hazel eyed people, same with northern italy and the balkans.

>That stuff about snowblindness is a myth.
No, I don't got the research reports here, but a study was performed that proved this to be a genetic trait that does this for you.

You can try google scholar, but it's likely written in bork. I think the study was done last year or before by a PhD in Oslo

>So take your kiking elsewhere

>Fake remains, he had no bones idiot!

Check and MATE.

>Whiter than you, Luigi
Well, in Luigi's defense, the Roman Empire created the bedrock of Western Civilization, and is an important part of white culture.

>Tom Lovell (5 February 1909 – 29 June 1997) was an American illustrator and painter.[1] He was a prolific creator of pulp fiction magazine covers and illustrations, and of visual art of the American West. He produced illustrations for National Geographic magazine, and many others, and painted many historical Western subjects such as interactions between Indians and white settlers and traders.[2] He was inducted into the Society of Illustrators Hall of Fame in 1974.[3]

>No, I don't got the research reports here, but a study was performed that proved this to be a genetic trait that does this for you.

I know; it was discredited. The lack of melanin in the eyes is actually counter-productive for living in snowy climates since snow reflects around 80% of UV radiation which can damage eyes, especially lighter eyes.

Focus on the sami part, but I concur. Both when it comes to the anglos and also in part the balkans, except albanians I don't know any serbs ie that has brown eyes

So I dunno the validity but the important thing is the Samis there, it shows that as it is written in our Sagn(to old to be a saga, so mythology mixed in with truth) too, it tells about these small people coming and causing a bit of shit, living in the forest.

>I must find this shit

They say they are natives and we be induins and stuff, that's just bullcrap