I'm debating a feminist in University next week, help me

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If you need to ask us, you've basically already lost the debate.

Why did you agree to debate about something you know nothing about?

Goyvin McCuck is at it again.

Just ask on candid or something might.Not here.

>Debating a feminist
>Thinking you can "win" if you just show them enough empirical evidence


Ask her this : why are men still being hired if women are cheaper?

Burden of proof is on her, pressure her to produce evidence and then procede to pick it apart.

Just Google about it.Why ask us here?

>open new post on Sup Forums
>ask to be redpilled about feminism
problem solved.


Why are so many shitty threads being made right now? Did a new shift of shills get on today at noon or something?

burden of proof is on her
when she cites some dumb blanket study that combines all jobs and doesn't discriminate on type of labor or hours point that out
you need to actually see what kind of sources she's likely to bring up ahead of time


This. People who have abandoned logic can only be manipulated emotionally or removed physically.



Because CEOs are white men and evil sexist pigs.

Pay gap statistics never account for different employers, different work ethics between people, nor how much women ASK for raises versus men


Just repeat: sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me, over and over again

watch some based mom, this vid is pretty concise

its true but its their own fault, women being women like to blame the man though
pic related

I prefer option 2


You could also expose that gender income parity is equivalent to family income inequality. The effects are conclusively destructive to the family unit. Now who would desire such a thing?

Be a man and help yourself fuccboi

if it were true that you could pay women less that men for the same job, women would have 100% employment rate

it is not feasible that employers, "fat cats" as the masses like to see them, all care less about how much profit they make and more about sexual discrimination that could legally destroy their company

>so I can see fig.10 and 11

Employers are required by law not to discriminate against females. If there is discrimination then they can sue.

If the wage gap was real then you could start an all female company and capitalize on the % difference and undercut all competitors and win the free market.



There's no way someone who doesn't know what he's saying can pull the same things this guy said right without making everyone flip off.

OP should probably just take some statistics and say that women either study art or stay as housewives rather than studying engineering and stuff, so they get paid less.

Yeah. If someone needs to ask people for their opinions they've clearly lost.

You either know everything on your own or you don't. It's that simple OP.

Take it from this guy and this fellow here.

Why bother looking things up and getting research? You either know things or you don't. Learning? That isn't a real word in the minds of the enlightened. You're a TOOL OP. A pawn to these two great minds.

Just imagine. You're a peasant, plebeian, nubile young boy waiting to be fucked in the out house by the grinch. Well, good on you pal. Good on you.

oh german men.

there is a study, maybe do some googling yourself?

maybe dont be a lazy?

Women make different life choices. Feminists and SJWs like to demonize this argument, but it's true.
>Fewer women enter the workforce.
>Women tend to choose to leave their jobs in favor of raising children.
>Fewer women follow the same career path as men do, mostly because of the above statement, and usually enter the workforce later, if at all, and usually enter lower-skill, lower-paying jobs.
>Women and Men go into different fields, due to different interests. Women dominate things like nursing and I think biochemistry, whereas men dominate things like Engineering.

There there.

source here

Who would do the job if they only hired women?

OP, get your facts straight but also make the feminist seem like the lunatic in the debate. I assume the debate is in front of an audience. Your goal is to disprove her claims and then dismantle their ideology in a manner so spectacular and civilised, the audience can't help but marvel.

This is the right answer.

t. study econ and have discussed it in class

We can account for 95% of the variability in wages, but the last bit is impossible to determine through statistical testing/econometrics.

For all those who can't speak German, Austria made it law for corporations and companies with more than 150 employees to send all income statistics they have about their employees to the government. The result was that the wage gape is much lower and around 3-5% can't be blamed on materinity leave etc.

>every Christina Hoff Sommers video in 4 lines

You cant prove a negative. She has no evidence. So you win. Thats it. Ez pz.

the position of the feminists is that men and women are the same, and capable of the same work, and any discrepancy in pay is a result of sexist discrimination.
so the most important thing is to explain that men and women are not the same, are driven to perform different types of work as a whole, with men doing more dangerous and labor-intensive work. and being as how men are physically stronger and testosterone make them more apt to seek out more dangerous work, that means they tend to make more on average.

The American "wage gap" or the German "wage gap?"

The American "wage gap" is determined by comparing all wages of all men everywhere against all wages of all women everywhere.

This is a fallacious premise: why would you compare a CEO to a maid? Frankly, why would you compare CEOs at all? Companies all pay their executives different wages for different reasons.

Hell, you also need to control for regional wages as well - DC is not as poor as ferguson. Germany is not Poland.

so in short, the wage gap lacks any solid foundation, and is instead a dick-size comparison. Why use that as a basis for any other further conclusion?

There's nothing to debate, bring a chess board and something heavy, repeat what that polish dude said about women being weaker, smaller and dumber thus less paid and the second some feminist call you sexist or some shit then challenge to try to pick up that heavy thing and have a game of chess with you, if you defeat her at both you won, if not you're probably not man anyway and should avoid such discussions.

And for other types of work, cite other statistics such as the percentage of men vs women who win nobel prizes and other things of the like, which indicate that men produce on a higher level much more consistently than women.
and essentially, women need to step up THEIR game instead of blaming their shortcomings on systemic discrimination.

Cite the equal pay act of 1963. It has literally been law that men and women must be paid equal for equal work for more than half a fucking century.

Ask her if she believes in equal right or equal outcome.

Leftists claim, capitalism is all about money.

If the wage gap would be real (women getting alot less for the same work), companies would hire exclusevily women. They would beat each other up, to get that precious women work.

Capitalism has a way to balance this out.

I wonder how "equal work" is defined, that you have the same job title, or have the same level of production?

The burden of proof is on them.

Also, take this time to redpill them on how kikes in America encouraged women to start careers instead of raising children and did so to increase competition for jobs, therefore allowing them to decrease wages.

You can't debate them, I already told my mom that it's because they take the average wage from all workers and lump them together regardless of job and she just said that it's wrong that women are kept out of high paying jobs. I will admit that the "real" wage gap is indicative of a cultural phenomena where women are less likely to get high paying jobs(not necessarily because of employers not hiring them because they're women) but women will simply see it as them being discriminated against, their's no way around it.

Its more important honestly to help this OP homo with rhetoric because thats where most faggots screw it up.

>say that women make different choices
>if she says the choices are patriarchy, point out that they exist identically in ever culture in existance even in thise that have been destroyed. Add that the more feminist a culture is the less money women make becauee since they are more free they make choices that reflect what they truly want. What they truly want is not to work hard and make good money, undeniably.
>add that forcing women to do things they dont want like math, is ACTUAL oppression.

>say that biological diffetences are known but patriarchy culture theory is unknown.
>point out the god of the gaps fallacy wherein feminism claims anything unknown to be the result of patriarchy .

If the wage gap is real how come there is not one single case that ends up in court?

Do you mean female cops make less than male cops for the same hours and position? Or people working at burger king? Or engineers? Or college professors? Or pharmacists? And if they do get less for the same, how come no one ever takes the case to court?

And just keep saying "nonsense" to whatever she says and do it in the way Pence did on the debate, it just gets on their nerves.

is a good point but their usual counter is that wimminz feel like they should go to certain line of work and that they shouldn't be as ambitious as a man, that they're basically oppressed. My retort would be to say that if they have all the legal and social opportunities to get the job done the same way a man can, then claming oppression and being a victim all the time isn't ambitious AT ALL, and people who keep saying that women are oppressed and systematically discriminated against, even with no evidence supporting that claim, are in fact the ones who are keeping women down, rather than let women do their own thing and make their own choices.

Watch this documentary its the video embodiment of cognitive dissonance of SJWs gender """researchers""" and real scientists. Just take notes.

Women aren't people.

>debating a woman
>empirical proof
Women do not listen to facts or reason.

Aggression and fearlessness are key moreso in debate than in war.

Feminists are like wild animals, never show fear. You'll be pressured to agree to disagree or to concede a few points in order to gain leniency, dont. Dont stop pushing until the enemy has been pushed all the way down

Show your mom the same documentary I linked in It redpilled my mom on the topic. sources and stuff

The best angle of attack I have found is something like this. "Say I'm a business owner. I can hire a man for 100 dollars an hour or a woman for $80 an hour and get the same exact output. Why wouldn't my workforce be 100% women?"

>the patriarchy

"But then my company would be btfoed by a 100% female company offering a better product at a lower price. My shareholders would eat me alive and I would go bankrupt."

This is such a dumb position to debate. Its literally impossible to debate because any argument against it at the very least tacitly admits the wage gap exists. Even if its a .00001% wage gap in favor of men its still a wage gap, ergo it exists ergo she wins.

Trying to account for and argue for what causes the wage gap, even the tiniest one, is pointless because youve already lost the debate by stepping on your opponents home field. In order to argue against the wage gaps existence confirms the wage gap. Its that retarded.

I say just dont show up on debate day OP. Its not worth the time and energy

>I say just dont show up on debate day OP. Its not worth the time and energy
don't do this retard, especially if its a formal debate in front of the entire school or some shit. Go out there and redpill some plebs, and keep your cool.

>But then my company would be btfoed by a 100% female company offering a better product at a lower price
Every company is engaged in a conspiracy to keep women down, shitlord. If strong empowered womyn started their own company, the evil white men would take it over.

>My shareholders would eat me alive and I would go bankrupt
Your shareholders are just straight white men who only care about keeping strong womyn down instead of making money.

>Trying to account for and argue for what causes the wage gap, even the tiniest one, is pointless because youve already lost the debate

So, you are saying that if we disprove the wage gap, then the wage gap wins?

No proofs. Where are they?

Burden of proof is on you, you support a claim.

The reason that it is difficult to argue about the wage gap is that far too few people understand statistics...

And women don't acknowledge the fact that most women chose to work in fields that pay less because they don't suck or kill you.

I emptied a miracle in your mom last night

The wage gap doesn't exist.

It's just that women prefer to work in cushy jobs that pay less...

And men prefer to destroy their bodies to earn more money.

Women could quite easily earn more, just become a plumber, trash collector, soldier, fire fighter, etc....

Jobs pay more when no one wants to do them.

Society and men themselves care FAR less about men, than society and women care about women.

Women don't want to work their lives away in pursuit of profit.....

Men have no choice.

I don't need proofs. Your proofs were created why white men and are therefore heteronormative and oppressive. All I need is my emotional intelligence.

If women were payed less than men and did the same quality of work, why would any business ever hire a man?

>muh entrenched sexism
>muh glass ceiling

Fact: Businesses love money more than dicks.

gender doesn't exist.
so there is no gender wage-gap.
you're sexist if you think there is.

Whenever they bring up the 73 cents to the dollar meme, be sure to remind them that stat included housewives who have an effective income of zero dollars and zero cents.

Also, women don't understand economics.

Supply and demand is the bread and butter of buisiness.

If there was a job for sitting on a beach, sipping margaritas, you would have billions of applications, so you could pay them nothing....

Hell you could even CHARGE them money for them to sit on a beach sipping margeritas.

People don't work jobs because they WANT to, they work jobs because they HAVE to in order to earn money.

Women prefer comfort over the drugery of earning lots of money, more than men.

When people talk about the "Pay Gap", they don't realize that it's a statistical anomoly, and they also don't realize what a statistical anomoly even MEANS.

They hear the slogan "Women earn less"

Well, they WORK less, on average, than men, so ON AVERAGE, men earn more because they WORK more.

It's not a pay gap.

It's a work gap.

>1 post by this ID
>controversial topic

You faggots always take the bait.

Also, there is no proof for a wage gap anyway.

You actually fell for that b8?

The "wage gap" is proportional to the "skill gap", women need to work harder and do better in school.


everytime she brings up the patriarchy, and this is going to come up because it's their explaination for everything, repeat it back to her replacing every instance of white male with jews.

Women need to start going into the trades...

Welding, plumbing, electrician, roofer, bricklayer, carpenter, etc...

Jobs that no one else wants earn more money, because they HAVE TO.... otherwise no one would DO them.

It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it.... and women don't like getting dirty.


>1 post by this ID
Sage and fucking hide

>nobody wants to be a carpenter

Gender equality paradox

>Plz halp, I'm a fagut

Women have had choice for a long time. They gravitate towards jobs that don't pay as much. They also might not work as many hours, work overtime as much, take more days off, and be worse at salary negotiation for example.

Lots of factors here. Also women in the workforce devalues labor and makes it so a man can't provide for the whole family with one job. It has destroyed the family unit.

use statistics and logical/reasonable arguments and then say that what he/she is doing is morally wrong
they will only listen once you personally call them out for it

eg: when we give men and women equal oppertunities the m/f distribution among engineers is 90/10
if you want there to be a 50/50 distribution then you will punish men for something they have no control over
what you imply is wrong, punishing people for something they have no control over is evil

good place to look, is gender gap vs hours worked.

If im not mistaken, 88% of all men on the american workforce works 40+ hrs a week. Its only 66% of all women.
Pretty sure you can find it in here:

Then there is gender-preferred jobs, some are more prone to get hazard-pay, overtime etc. that the wagegap-myth ignore in its entirety.

Just change the subject and start talking about banking jews instead.
Fuck life


Dumbass Nazi