You people are seriously retarded...

You people are seriously retarded. You deny the holocaust happened while idolizing a figure who would be much less significant in history if the holocaust didn't happen. Considering you hate Jews, it's evident you worship him because the Holocaust happened. If it were because of his nationalist viewpoints, then why don't you idolize Otto Von Bismarck or other empire building Europeans? So which is it Sup Forums? Did the holocaust happen or not?

Other urls found in this thread:

Its happned bc 95%o jew in my country perished in time of war but it want like acid pool, knife room shit they write in "memorys"

Holo what?

false equivalences galore, boy

hitler is arguably the biggest piece of garbage ever

he had a chance to rid the world of jews and he didn't even try

It definitely didn't happen the way the official narrative is parroted. I also love Otto von Bismarck and have the 2nd Reich flag as well

We're saying this is what the international global elite can do to a country's leader. You'd better believe that don't give a fuck about you in particular. It's the giantest red pill there is and most people don't even conceive of it because they've swallowed the blue pill so hard.

This happens when you try to resist the kikes and help your own country spend its own money to buy bread instead of burning it for fuel. The fact that they are lying through their teeth about what happened is even more evidence.

I don't hate Jews. I don't deny the holocaust. I deny the way it is represented in popular culture. Hitler was a great and awe inspiring leader who did a lot of good things for his country. That doesn't mean I think he was a good person.

Define "Holocaust"


Holocaust or not he brought Germany up from it's knees. 10/10 leader

There's no evidence for it. Everything that is used as evidence is faulty as shit and reeks of something some tinfoiler would make up about Illuminati FEMA Camps.

Sup Forums is satire
Also sage


>You deny the holocaust happened while idolizing a figure who would be much less significant in history if the holocaust didn't happen.
You honestly think Hitler wouldn't be significant without the Holocaust?
He was responsible for getting Germany out of the depression and turning them into the strongest nation in the world at the time.

Also, Otto von Bismarck was pretty cool Historical Figure, but Hitler is more relevant to today's political climate.

Watch this and tell me the Holocaust happened

prove it

pro tip: you can't



How dare you deny the Holocaust, where 6,546,0410,027 Jews died.

The Jews were gassed immediately upon arrival to the camps, where many died of horrific diseases such as typhus. Their flesh was peeled off the bones and turned into lampshades. Their ribcages were torn out of their chests and were made in xylophones. Their eyeballs were gouged out and made into a kind of paste which was used as a caviar substitute by ordinary Germans (who knew exactly where it came from). Their hair was shaved off, and used to stuff the taxidermied corpses of other Jews. Their hands were cut off, hollowed out, and German housewives would wear them as gardening gloves. Their blood was used as the red dye for swastika flags. Their long bones were made into walking sticks, which became a fashion statement among the German middle class. Their skulls were torn out of their heads and shaped into helmets which were collected and worn exclusively by Hitler - no one else was allowed to wear them.

Many Jews were experimented on by the infamous doctor Mengele, who stitched 60,000 Jews together into the first "Jewish Centipede", and successfully transplanted a Jew's head onto a pig's body, all in the same day. In 1943, Dr Mengele performed the first successful liver transplant. He removed the diseased liver of a Jew, and replaced it with a healthy liver - which previously belonged to a Goy. Despite all this, he was never caught.

All of this happened while they were still alive, and was done without anaesthetic. They were then gassed, crucified, burned to death, and their ashes were buried in shallow graves (and rapidly decomposed, leaving no trace, just as the Nazis planned).

We know all this can be proven because the Nazis would have made meticulous records of this, and would have documented every single thing that was done to the Jews. There would be no need to make any of this up due to the fact that the Nazis documented it all.

Checked. However, he may have been great speaker and leader, but he still lost terribly because of stupid decisions, particularly invading Russia so early. If it was because he built his country like a great leader, then why don't you worship other European Imperial figures?

>We know all this can be proven because the Nazis would have made meticulous records of this, and would have documented every single thing that was done to the Jews. There would be no need to make any of this up due to the fact that the Nazis documented it all.

Yeah they would have documented it if they did it, this is why there's no documents

He invaded Russia because nobody else would.
You would either end up with Germany winning the war and enjoying about 2 months of peace before getting taken over by Russia, or somebody attacks Russia so that Europe doesn't become Communist. And even then, Europe almost became Communist post-war anyways.

The reason people on Sup Forums worship Hitler has to do with the last line in my post. "Hitler is more relevant to today's political climate."
Hitler had turned Germany from a den of sin and corruption into a country where every one of it's men and women had a purpose and a future.
Compare that to today, where these things are once again rampant in nearly every western country. People are unsure of what their purpose is in life, multiculturalism is causing massive unnecessary tension, and the Jewish Bankers that people like Andrew Jackson and Hitler removed from power have come right back.

How dare you question the documentation. There are literally hundreds of tons of documentation, written and photographic (pic related). The most irrefutable evidence for the deadly Holocaust comes direct from the literally millions of Jews who survived to tell the tale of the deadly Holocaust.

Survivors confirm that Adolf Hitler personally visited Auschwitz on vacations, where he would spend his days hammering nails into Jews' heads. No one would help the Jews, because the Germans did not like them.

My grandpa personally trained a dozen grizzly bears for Hitler. These bears would eat nothing but Jews. Hitler would often let them snack on Jews who managed to escape from the chambers through the flimsy wooden doors. Every once in a while the bears would act up, and Hitler would have to wash their mouths out with soap. The bears really didn't care one way or the other seeing that the soap bars were made from Jews.

Sometimes when the bears didn't catch the Jews who often escaped the chambers through the flimsy wooden doors, Adolf would have the bears heads shrunk - then he gassed the bears with shrunken heads.

Shit happens, 60 million of Russians died they got over it you dont see them bitching all the time about it.
Get over it.


See where the proof is extensively laid out

You should know that many survivors confirm that they had railroad spikes driven into their brains, and were strung up on ropes made out of knives for absolutely no reason. Others were strapped to German tanks while still alive to provide extra armor. The death toll is absolutely incomprehensible to the mind of a goy, who would struggle even to understand the suffering of even one Jew, let alone 600,000,000,000. We are very fortunate that these tough Jews made it out alive to tell the tale, otherwise many would not believe the truth about the deadly holocaust.

The deadly Holocaust was so traumatic that good scientists have confirmed the trauma of the events has affected not only the survivors, but has been passed down to the descendants of these Jews. The inherited trauma instantly traumatizes all Jews upon birth, inflicting a horrible disability for their entire life - this effect will last for at least seven generations. Because of this, it is appropriate to give to all Jews living or dead the honorific title of "Holocaust Survivor" (e.g. Schlomo Steinberger, HS), and surely the goyim must pay continual reparations.