What's wrong with fellow white nations cooperating communicating and working towards a common goal together?

What's wrong with fellow white nations cooperating communicating and working towards a common goal together?

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When the "common goal" is suicide, it's probably not healthy.

the common goal?

they spend £100bn+ on 3rd world aid every year...

The Jew.

Whose common goal?

Last time I checked, only Germany made the mistake to let in millions of economic migrants while other eu members close their borders.

To become the most powerful nation in the world where China,Russia and the US can't mess with you your country.

>nations cooperating communicating and working towards a common goal together
There's nothing wrong with that, what is wrong is when a globalist institution creates rules and laws that violate the sovereignty of those nations and then bullies them when they decide they've had enough.


OP: See Kalergi Plan. Literally the founding father of the EU - and the name of an award recently been given the Merkel.

As with the EU specifically; It was founded with the explicit goal of removing whites. This guy is revered by EU fucks to this day. It's a bureacratic mess with a poisonous ideological baggage.
It has to burn down to the ground. As for after, possibly some other framework and organization can replace it, but historically competition among european countries was what made europe and western civilization great.
However it is possible that Europe won't be able to compete with the giants China and India split up in the modern world. I don't know.

I agree but why don't we try to change the eu instead of destroying it?

EU could be best thing ever if only they stopped ALL immigration from 3rd world. Navy and millitary boats patrol Mediterranean, watchtowers, Military war dogs in Bulgaria external border etc.. but they allow 3rd worlders, thats why EU sucks

European nations are much stronger withouth the EU cuckery.

The EU isn't lead by white people.

but their common goal is to not be white...

Who cares what some nut job wrote ages ago. Europeans countries cannot survive on their own. The EU is a necessary evil, if we break up we will be bullied by bigger nations like Germany china,Russia and the US.

So naive. You're in for a shock.

because that "common goal" has been hijacked by liberalism from the very beginning. Not all of us want to give up our heard earned rights and achievements so that 3rd world peasants can waltz in and take everything for granted without paying back a single penny.
If the EU council repsected and worked towards maintaining individuals countries rights to their national heritage and traditions, without forcing forced non-ethnic migration down their throats, I would support them and probably would never have voted brexit
>But the EU does want to force migration down our throats
>they don't care about our individual identities
>they only care about being unelected
>self centered faggots
I hope Le Pendulum wins and she makes the EU a thing of the past.

What is wrong is the goal.

The goal is to erase all European people, nation, culture and way of life.

And that is wrong.

Lets change the EU by ending open border and mass third immigration. If that's the only thing you dislike about the EU than most of you are single issue voters.

everything when there goal is to destroy national sovereignty and wipe out traditional cultures


if Europe wasn't collectively suicidal then it would be fine.
Then you've clearly not heard of Sweden, France, Netherlands, Belgium etc...

Brexit didn't happened because of Pakis, it happened because Poles can enjoy the English welfare if they don't have a job and live in England, and that is twice the average wage in Poland.
And since 2007, jobs are scarces in Poland.

Yeah but EU never forced your countries to take in so many immigrants. Your governments chose ti import so many people.

I'm perfectly fine with a pan-European Union existing, but it should respond to the will of the people