Meet the new extreme-ultra-mega-super right

"The White Anger"
Norways biggest media machine is rolling out a big propaganda piece on the altright and various pro-white people, pls dislike video


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god bless sweet brother

Judging by the comments and the like/dislike ratio. Us Norwegians seems to be more red-pilled than i expected.

Fucking kikes

That like dislike ratio

The comment section is filled with anti-whites sadly

Translation of this video:

"We need a strong man, like Hitler or Mussolini."
- Some Italian boxer

"I am extremely right-wing. I want extreme change."
- Some Swede

"I will fight to the death for the country of my ancestors, and our heritage"
- Some Nord

"Let there be war between us and the undead scurge of Islam!"
- Frank Franz of German NPD


Meet the new warriors of Europe.

Survival of the fittest. If you cannot control your land and your people are weak, then you don't deserve to be saved. Norway, Sweden, Denmark, were some of the greatest nations on earth, good christian nations, and now they're pagan degenerates replacing themselves with asians.

The fact that you are not out talking to fellow nords like yourself about this destruction of your nation is a testament to how naive and lazy the average nord is.

gotta love that scandalous music they're playing

"ooh, alt-right, scary nazis who will make YOUR LIFE a living hell if left unchecked!"

Just did my duty

White people doesn't deserve to exist, get a Thai wife today, user

This video seems pro white nationalism??


These videos tend to have the opposite effect on the already initiated. Once someone is in the know ''ohh spooky nazis'' isn't the reaction you're gonna get.

Why are you giving these inaccurate translations?

>Why are you giving these inaccurate translations?

What do they actually say then? I haven't watched the movie.

It would take you a minute to find out, but for the rest in this thread.

''Some nord'' says he wants to fight for his fatherland and christian heritage, and says nothing about doing it ''to the death''.

Frank Franz says there might be a war, between ''us'' and immigrants, not that there should be. The other two are accurate.

Also the video is called ''the white rage/fury''.

It's just a commercial from their latest huge article that took them 1 year to make.
It's about different extreme right wings parties around the world, interview with nordfront, interview with Norwegian nationalists etc etc.

They are a leftist tabloid, but this isn't "angled" in any way.
Too be honest, it puts the whole movement in a very positive light, so they're red pilling VG readers.

They also bring up, that the old "nazi white trash" is replaced, with highly organized, intellectual, well dressed, physically strong and nationalistic people, that know that traditional Christian and family values are important.


Swedish tabloids have made long articles about us nationalists for ages and it has only resulted in the opposite of what they wants.
Pic related is the only things they otherwise writes about.

Trailer seems to lay pretty neutral, It'd be a prime pro ethno state propoganda if you'd take away the lie that these rapefugees are white and that Nazi's are tattoo'd degenerates which is just bullocks, to truly be proud of your heritage and culture you need to be educated and well groomed law abiding citizen representing your people in a well mannered and an ambitious way putting up thought provoking and rational arguments(Arguments that win change civilizations!), passionately persuading and convincing your friends and family to constantly reject the mainstreams marxist degeneracy and its impending doom for a start...

...Unlike the payed opposition that drill 1488 on their foreheads and chimp out like subhuman niggers. e.g skinheads and KKK.

This, I'm confused on what this video is trying to portray.

It is angled in that it´s called "white rage" and portrays the non-whites in the video as mere victims etc.. I agree this small snippet wasn´t the most biased thing, but it´s far from an objective take.
It is probably going to redpill more people more than anything though, that´s good.

What song is this.

powerful...i love how they have stylized the letter "T" so that it looks like a cross...christianity must abandon norway, it supports nazis...

based breivik redpilled you