A warning to young men

A warning to young men
> Be me, 32 years old, have a nice job and salary, 6'3, smart and fit, played vollyeball since childhood
> Dating a girl, same age, for one year and a half
> Girl wants to get married, talks a lot about it in the last months
> January. Her family goes on vacation and she invites me to stay in their house for some days so we can take care of it until her sister comes back from Europe
> user stays there some days. We fuck our brains out and have a nice time.
> On the fourth day, I arrive early from the job. She calls me saying she'll be late, a lot of stuff to do in her office.
> Her parents are wealthy, big house in a gated community. Her mom divorced her father when she was 5 and kept everything: money, real state and the kids. Some years later, she married a leech that didn't have a steady job and was a cunt. Her father, at the time, had a mental breakdown when the guy became her stepfather and was sent to a mental nstitution for some months.
> Her stepfather doesn't like me. Her mother thinks I'm sweet and care about her daughter.
> So I start to wander around the house and decide to watch a movie. Stupid user tries to pick an Untouchables blu-ray, fuckin' Kevin Costner throws down all the movies from the shelf. I begin to reorganize them.
> What's that? A safe behind the shelf? user pushes a prominent piece of the wooden back panel. A small compartment opens. Some money, documents and a photography album. Awwww, how cute! My girlfriend's childhood on paper!
>NOPE. Photos of sex parties, almost a hundred. Some of them seem to be from her mother and stepfather, but they never show their faces.
> There's also a small VCR tape and adapter. Girlfriend will take another five hours to arrive. I pick them up to watch in her stepfather home office.

> Stepfather shows up, fucking some girls in a room. Later the camera changes and shows her mother and some girls sucking each other. The girls leave the bed. Some guys start to run a train on her mother. The video seems to be around ten years old.
> I put everyhting back in its place. user gets confused. user never thought girlfriend's family was degenerate.
> user decides to check girlfriend's bedroom. Finds a lot of old diaries from her travels, from six, eight years ago. Girlfriend just talk abut fucking and men. She fucked a lot of men during her travels. Two foursomes with her best girl friend. Talks about stepfather problems with drugs. Calls her sick father a cuck and asshole for never sending her money.
> user had a very hard upbringing, doesn't want to live around people that creates drama, just want peace and freedom, far from childhood problems. user remembers advice from volleyball coach to always have discipline and avoid people that think life's a party.
> user goes to check her home notebook. No password. Outlook brings more news. user's girlfriend talks to a lot of ex-boyfriends by email. user's girlfriend was planning to travel in later july to meet with one of them in Europe because life at home was "too boring". Ex-boyfriend says that his friend can join them so he can "grant her wish", sends pictures of two shirtless dudes in attachment. Whaaaaat.exe.
> user cleans his trails. Girlfriend comes back home. We keep dating for some weeks.
>"user, what's wrong with you? Why we stopped having sex?". I break up with her. She goes full crazy. Goes around saying that I'm gay. Starts dating a guy one week later.
> user dated a lot of girls and crazy girlfriend never showed a hint of being Cockmaster 5000.
> user goes to Jewbook last week. A friend sends user screenshots of her timeline with a discussion about her new boyfriend and everybody saying that I'm a cunt.

> Beta cuck orbiter, 5'4, that dates her foursome girl friend, says that I don't deserve her, that she deserves better. Always thought I was dumb, too.
> user never felt so relieved.exe in his life. user knows what is like to live with crazy people. user enrolls in a master's degree in an very nice american university, because he's now comfy.
> user dodged a bullet. user is the real Neo.jpeg

Pics, also you now have anal leverage

>6'3, smart and fit,
why the fuck did I have to be born before compulsory eugenics and crispr

fucking why

if it makes you feel better im 6'5 and trying really hard to get fit for basic training

if it makes you feel better im 6'6 but am probably ~12% american indian

did i write 6'5 ? ops i meant 6'7

LOL. I'm fit and smart because I worked my ass off. Don't be a degenerate and you can become smart and fit too.

Oh gee another anti women thread by a Brazilian colour me suprised

Fuck the leverage. I prefer jerking off than that.

It's not anti women. It's an advice to be careful in your relationships. Works for women, too.

Call Pasta
But good pasta

>Reading this thread
>Ishtar song starts playing from the random

Well done user

cgtz, all women are like that, some just know how to hide it better

Ignore the truth, see how great you will do

Gib pics

Is this some kind of new fetish? This reads like a sex fantasy.

Her mother left her man and kept everything, your ex was urging for marriage. I sense a strong bitch Gene on there, maybe you did dodge a bullet.

Fucking hell Sven

Nice fan fiction faggot

You live in Brazil, odds were not in your favor that your ex wasn't degenerate

>old diaries from her travels, from six, eight years ago
Calls her sick father a cuck

Bullshit. Stopped reading there. Now kill yourself shitskin.

When's Taken 4 coming out?

Looks like the Sup Forums class is studying bullshit fiction tonight with professor monkey

You the real real neo teach me sempai

this didnt happen

If you think people can't be like that... Good luck!


the US one should be that one kid of De Niro that looks like an autist. he's like 50% white 50% filth.

Eyes Wide Open thread?

Good shit man.

There's nothing like knowing what's going on backstage during the show while everyone else watches it.


I dare you to re-read this in this filter. I dare you.

Not reading all this shit but
>32 and allegedly have everything together in all departments
>dating a 32 yo woman
>not already married or banging the shit out of 16-21 yos

Youre doing it wrong

Thanks, user.

Just another day in Brazil

good job, user

Now you know older women are shit. 20-25 herpaderp. Good luck in life though.

fuck this shit i'm saving up for when i can get a decent male sex doll

You're an idiot for not airing all of their dirty laundry.

Even if it doesn't matter because you got away clean, it would nice to knock people like that down a peg.

Nice dodge, dude.

Real human bean......

That wasn't the point you fucking retarded shitfeaster. The word 'cuck' wasn't in popular usage 6-8 years ago, especially by rich teenage normal females in Brazil. Fucking burn to death in a fire you lying, cock-smoking, slurper-of-Jewbeast-diarrhea.

this, OP is a liar


No. She used the word. Her mother married again with a leech. That's exactly why she used it.