DNA study: Irish and Spaniards are genetically close

When did you realise Irish and Spaniards are genetically bros?

>According to a new DNA study Irish people have more complex origin than previously thought.

>They are pretty related to Spanish, Portuguese and Welsh people.


>Brits have Mediterranean ancestry

Gee what a surprise

Yea, celtic ancestry includes southern France, part of Spain and Portugal
This is well known, look at any celtic music festival

Makes sense

Explains why both have the habit of getting cucked by the based Anglo

uh, no they have less complex origin.
read about the celtic migration and this wont come as a surprise to you.

Spaniard here, it's well known here. They have more redheads, we've more tanned skins but that's it.
It's no secret.

Explains the drinkin problem

>based Anglo
hey guys i found an englishman on holiday

they also claim were genetically related to some turk tribe that got wiped out 1000s of years ago and Scandinavian due to the vikings

is it safe to say that we dick everything and became everything because of it

How come the Danes/Swedes and Spanish look so similar? I've even seen German women who look like the girl on the right

>white people have common dna
What a shocker. Also celtic-iberians existed thousands of years ago.

So does that mean the spainards would look like Irishmen if they weren't raped by Arabs for 800 years?

They don't really look similar, though Spaniards got some Visigithic heritage as well whose ancestors came from southern Sweden.

Well my mothers side has Irish blood and my father being a spic has Spaniard blood.

what am i?

Spanish don't really have that much Arabic admixture except maybe Andalusia, and the countries have different weather conditions which is also responsible for their pale/tanned skin. Also Irish have Norwegian admixture, that's the source of the redhead gene (Celts were quite dark haired according to the Roman sources).

Well, way back when celtic iberia was a thing, the celts kind of inhabited all of western Europe for a long time.

I imagine there's a higher concentration of celtic dna in Galicia than anywhere else, though.

>Spaniard blood
Unless he is a castizo most of that blood is likely Aztec, not Spanish. So you are a mix of violent drunks and bloodthirsty human-sacrificing savages.

Wow, you don't say. All Europeans are closely related Aryans.

no shit celtic presence in northern iberia is well known

I don't look spic anyways, only my blackhair and brown eyes and identify as white, nothing wrong with being a bloodthirsty human-sacrificing savage long as it's not used agaisnt my fellow whites.

Feels good having white skin

Like 20 years ago.

Pretty interesting, the Spanish girl looks almost white.

All Europeans are incredibly closely related dna wise.

Celts was in north Spain and Portugal, isn't a new discover or something like that

Probably whiter than you chin chon

what are we? swiss is just a fucking mix of celts and whatever, pls if anyone knows what swiss are, tell me

We're specifically from the Basic Region correct?


>englishman on holiday
Encontrei o imigrante irlandês com dores no cu devido à sua inferioridade :)

Lol, as someone with like 80% british and irish heritage I sometimes feel like a med but with fair skin and light eyes, less hairy too.

Probably. I don't know about genetics, but I know the Galician/Portuguese language definitely has a lot more Celtic influence in accentuation and pronunciation than Spanish, which has higher Roman/Basque/Arabic influence in comparison.


I'm 100% northern spanish med and I have the amount of body hair of a 13 year old

60% man is talking

>I have the amount of body hair of a 13 year old
post pics of boipucci

>being a med with no body hair
What's wrong with you?

Fuck off Mexico. You re our retarded cousin. Even more retarded than the Basque.

No Spanish, Portuguese and Welsh people are related to us.

Basques are not related to anyone, they are a lost tribe

>a people descended from a people from northern Spain (yes, Celts are Spanish) are genetically close to people from Spain
You don't say?

Depends what your native tongue is.

>" The German-speaking Swiss (Deutschschweizer), i.e. Alemannic German, historically amalgamated from the Gallo-Roman population and the Alemanni and Burgundii, including subgroups such as the Walser. Closely related German-speaking peoples are the Alsatians, the Swabians and the Vorarlbergians.
> The French-speaking Swiss (Romands), traditionally speaking Franco-Provençal dialects, today largely assimilated to the standard French language (Swiss French), amalgamated from the Gallo-Roman population and Burgundians (the historical Upper Burgundy). They are closely related to the French (especially those of Franche-Comté).
> The Italian-speaking Swiss (Svizzeri italiani), traditionally speakers of Lombard language (Ticinese variety) today partly assimilated to the standard Italian language, amalgamated from Raetians and Lombards. They are closely related to the Italians (especially Lombards and Piedmontese).
The Romansh, speakers of the Romansh language, settling in parts of the Grisons, historically of Raetic stock."

from wikipedia

>I'm 100% northern spanish med and I have the amount of body hair of a 13 year old
Lowl feg, the two masterraces, Nords and Meds both have the most bodyhair of anyone in the world

Practica tu ingles.

*Celts were in northern Spain and Portugal, it isn't a new discovery or something like that.*

Woah I wouldn't go that far, 62 percenter.

More like a 0.1% percenter with how few Finns they have in America.

everyone knows this. The spanish and the irish are both celtic.

Inglés, "ingles" means groin

toothpaste still holds on to something from 500 years ago. Nice

We already had this thread and neither of those women are Irish. We were Celts like the Spanish use to be.

This picture always makes me laugh, what WASPs actually used to believe in the US.

Aside from all of what I've read everyone else say, another contributing factor to this is the fact that a few of the ships from the Spanish Armada ended up ship-wrecked on the Irish coast and the Spanish on board were absorbed into the local population, thus injected the Irish with some Spanish blood. That's supposedly where the dark hair of the Irish comes from.

>northern spain

Oh I m fucking sorry are you not from the British Isles?

T. Oliver Cromwell

i will fuck spanish gyals daily, u get me?

big man tiing

waste man

ya fookin twat innit senpai


Idk how to do accents on the keyboard user. But yes, you're right.

it's swiss-german, in school we learn that we have also celtic descent from the helvetics, thus confoederatio helvetica

Maybe the explains my inexplicablely high Southern Euro scores on DNA tests.

Actually, Caesar only describes the Celts of southern France, the Aquitani, as short and dark. The Celtae of central France he says are blond, but not as blond as the Germans. The Belgae of the north he hails as the blondest and bravest of them all.

Dutch & Spanish Empires STRONG

rahh, she lookin to get likerd, my man on da lipsin ting.


>were dicked by*

Yeah just google Basque people and look at the big paddy heads on them

Are you retarded?

This explains why I'm seeing more and more gingers lately.

What are they planning Sup Forums?

u wont be for longer m8ty, i stik ma brown dik in der pussyie and sing alluhu akbah.

it's a meme, it doesn't explain the dark hair of the welsh or cornish

they're proto-europeans who didn't mix with germanics much

When my red facial hair came in.

The t is redundant because you already have a t at the end of eight.


was yours blonde originally?

Yup. Family on mothers side is part Spanish Via Ireland. This was because of the failed Spanish Armada. Bad sailor, good seamen.

That's not news. Didn't most of the Spanish fleet wash up on the Irish shores at some point in history (while trying to go the long way around to escape the wrath of the British navy). Irish lasses were always roundheels when foreigners came in ships (we remember). So I'm sure those poor Spanish sailors got everything they wanted once ashore

Fuck me you are right .Looks like home

i also have reddish facial hair, but it's more brown/blonde


Those are irish you dummy. Check the place where you got that pic.

O fuck my sides.

It said they were Basque on Google but i know they look like retards from Ireland an Britain

The thing is that WASPs themselves are mostly from the same stock as the Irish. Theyre Anlo mostly in culture, not blood.

>Irish people have more complex
Gee it's like aglo researchers were pushing an agenda

yup. pretty much. We still use bagpipes in festevities btw.

I have redish brown facial hair, born with blond hair which got dark over time. Like this Lad.

> Hibernians are close to Iberians.
Shit, it's almost as if they were the same people or something.

While the Moors had control over a lot of Spain, very little of it was actually heavily populated by them.

Southern Spain had fuckloads of Moors as it was their stronghold while Central Spain was mostly Spanish ruled by Moorish governors and Northern Spain avoided Moors altogether. Spaniards were second-class citizens and they were heavily taxed for being non-Muslims while the Jews were basically the tax-collectors and accountants for the Moors. It's why they came after the Jews as well during Inquisition.

Most Moors that didn't have administrative employment typically stayed in Southern Spain because they were afraid of Spaniards chimping out and randomly killing Moors, which wasn't uncommon.

True, a lot of Ulster scot descendants especially.