
This is one of the few places I can say Marxism sucks without getting in shit.

What the fuck happened? I thought we won the cold war.

You can't say it in school. You can't say it on dating sites. You can't say it at work if you work with other Millennials. You can't say it on Facebook. You can't say it on Twitter. You can say it in small, right wing subreddits, otherwise you get attacked on reddit.

What the fuck man? Did our boys die in Korea and Vietnam for nothing?

Other urls found in this thread:

Pyrrhic victory . we won the war but got ideological aids in the process.

Marxism is good
>the overthrowing of the system is genius
>we shouldnt form society again though
>back to hunter-gathering tribes
>depression would go down aswell

Don't worry, here in Finland, if somebody start's to sperg out communist crap at the bar, we beat them.

You can say whatever you want. Quit being a pussy bitch.

The answer to your last two questions is yea they died for nothing because they were pointless wars. Well Korea kinda worked out.

Just say it sucks because it's a spook. Post-Left Anarchy will save the West from itself.

The cold war was just a distraction.

I dont understand how we keep losing ground. in 8 short years whites went from 99 percent of the popultion to .01 percent. it's insane .

Notice that bars were not one of the places I listed.

Fuck off. I'm not getting an assault charge to beat up trannies.

Stirner was written like 200 years ago and has changed nothing, aside from influencing Nietzsche.

No it wasn't. It was actually a bunch of little hot wars.

The elite have conveniently painted themselves as socialists and opened up borders so as to have an influx of migrants that are debt-free and ready to be exploited.

All hope is lost. A lot of people will suffer.

Counter culture always wins. Thats why America elected Trump. Now with republicans winning the obvious counter culture is Socialism/Communism. Canadians being classical boot lickers will follow America on its way to a centrally planned economy, obligation to work by law and socialist party dictatorship.

Good luck!

It's been like this for at least 5 years, and was always kind of bad since 2008. It has nothing to do with Trump. Are you underage?

We must meme jihad our way through the marxist institutions.

Wagenknecht is based. She's for borders and is a pinko commie. Literally got shit ton of rack for being against immigration.

Why are you making up problems that don't exist? I'd wager the average American doesn't even know what Marxism means.

Do you get off to these thought scenarios or something? What are you trying to do here?

>the bible was written 2000 years ago and has changed nothing, aside from influencing jews

I don't hang out with average Americans.

false analogy

You must construct additional arguments.

I doubt it's much different than the average leaf.

Maybe you are just that faggot who's always talking politics and that's why you perceive that you have to keep your mouth shut. Because no one likes you.


Yeah because the women I date from the internet totally know me /s

I just have an issue with how fucking retarded it is

asked this in /r/debatecommunism

no one answered, they just downvote everything and there's no actual debate going

While you were obssessed with political and military conflict, Marxists were planning their cultural victory that would give them political and cultural hegemony in the future.

Basically, capitalists were playing 2D chess while Marxists were playing it in the 4th dimension. It was another level.

I think you're inventing problems that don't exist so you can play victim.

You can say whatever you want on the internet but if you can't handle the banter well time to just be quiet.

As you said, she literally got a shit ton of rack for being against immigration. Or rather being very outspoken against how Merkel handled the refugee crisis. This is how the regressive left responded to her.

You are just a cunt.

Women say they are Marxist on their profiles and that they hate Trump. I have no idea why. I never talk about politics without being anonymous.

What's her party?

maybe you need couple of years under gommunism only to overthrow it and immunize yourself from it for a couple of generations :^)

My campus of 30k students has 3 commie clubs. Why do we even need more than 1? Its spreading mate

Die Linke.

They are for centralization of banks and shit.

Marxism makes more sense than the domestic fascism aka manifest destiny.

So why are they accusing he of being a fascist if she is DL?

Neck yourself beaner.

The ''regressive left'' are just retarded liberals that have amped identity politics up to an 11. By excluding white people from discussion, they have earned their fascist future. When actual communists focus on class analysis, they get shat on by liberals for being literally hitler.

The coming years won't be pretty.

You're a victim of imagined prejudice. Also I have never seen a girl put they were a Marxist on there dating profile. Even if why get so triggered? They are just doing you a favor so you can ignore them.

Are all Canadians babies? Jesus.


You're the baby, cunt. I still date them. Maybe if you weren't a virgin you wouldn't be so bitter.

I'm not the one booohoooing here little leaf.

Nobody is boohooing. We are discussing a real problem that could plunge our nations into war and poverty.

>Doesn't deny being a virgin.


Because she was quite outspoken against how Merkel handled the refugee crisis. Read the thread you fucking idiot.

I read the thread, fucktard. Since when does not wanting Sharia make you a fascist? Criticizing CDU makes you a fascist? What a joke of a country.

not an argument, spook

>Did our boys die in Korea and Vietnam
Sad to say but yes they did die for nothing for the most part

except Korea south Korea was able to survive
But Vietnam was a disaster 58,220 American soldiers died for nothing Vietnam still fell to communism

>respoding to not an argument with not an argument

Marxist subversion; they infiltrate the educations system and media to start pusing pro-marxist ideology and an obsession with unequalness (even though inequality is the natural state of being).

just found this, holy shit these people are fucking delusional

No dude you're boohooing about a self-inflicted problem.

>dates marxists
>is diametrically opposed to marxist
>doesn't understand why he his having issues

Well jee fucking wiz man I think you're fucking retarded.

What the fuck man? Did our boys die in Korea and Vietnam for nothing?

What a retarded question.

Give me free shit. Thats all they want.

What a retarded poster.

>Infinite money. Everyone has a job and contributes to society even you can have a good life just by doing nothing xd.
Commies are way too fucking stupid

Maybe so.
A leaf recognises his own kind

Better they do it in the light.

We are a free country dude they can do that. Yea I don't have to like it but so what? There's lots of things I don't like. For instance retarded leafs.

>To expand, at night you can walk outside safely since the police would be well staffed and equipped, policemen and women would be basically corruptionless since they have no need for more and join the force out of sheer passion

These people are so braindead I don't even know where to start.

first there's no police in a true communist society
second they literally believe that the only reason people do bad things is because capitalism made them do it but in this instance they acknowledge that they NEED police because they would feel unsafe in a communist country. Surely a communist country with no capitalism to make its peoples evil couldn't ever make you feel unsafe. Just walk around at night no one will beat you or rape you or murder you because remember humans are naturally loving and sharing and only capitalism makes us bad!!1!

It doesn't even bother me at this point how fucking retarded they are, I'm numb to that, what gets me now is just how logically inconsistent they are

"The idea is to create new victimhood groups, then make them as vocal and radical as possible, emphasizing division / resentment / victimhood. Groups must be separate but ‘allied’. These groups could then influence cultural and societal change – far in excess of their actual importance or numbers within society."

(Cultural Marxism, Frankfurt School, Political Correctness, Social Engineering, Weaponized Language)

What kills me is how disingenuous they are in debate. It always starts as some dumbass, idealistic demand for equality for fairness that you "can't" disagree with without being a "fascist."

So if you go directly to the heart of the matter, and call them Marxist and their critical theory is bullshit, then conversation goes is circle where they bit by bit admit certain sympathies before, yes, they are Marxist, what is the big deal?? U mad or something??

Kids totady are basically coached in these techniques in school. And the only way to debate it is to ignore their points and focus on them, the way they want to focus only on you.

I see it most in gaming forums, where the subversion effort is ramped up to 11.

Actually the way to win is to kill a bunch of local Marxists so they are intimidated into shutting up and dropping the act. Nobody tries to argue with ISIS either.

Unless it's on the scale of national uprising, violence would only make martyrs.

I'm talking about getting average joes alert to the rhetoric and picking a side.

Man this is pretty good Anglo self-depreciation right here.

you can say it anywhere you want pussy!

capitalism is the only moral system
ayn rand was right about everything
women are massively overpaid

You can't say it here either. Pol is a political board.

Communism is inevitable

Not true. We're just more digitally connected so you're more likely to get in shit for anything possibly offensive. In history class we learned specifically about Marx's flaws in plans.

I haven't heard of literally anywhere where that happened. Are you memeing?

I've literally never seen this.