Would you rather regularly feed 80,000 veterans or help pay for Trump's weekly vacation/golf trips?

Would you rather regularly feed 80,000 veterans or help pay for Trump's weekly vacation/golf trips?

Trump supporters will defend this. He's already spent enough taxpayer money on himself to fund 2.3 million meals. Trump supporters voted for a rich man to live off of the taxpayer's money while simultaneously fucking over the poor and elderly...how the fuck do you defend that?

>less than 3% of total funding
No one is falling for the meals on wheels meme m8.
Try again

so, then why cut it? every dollar is important for vets that still carry the wounds and horror of their service

i'm trying to give a shit but I don't only thing I care about at this point is dismantling H1B and booting mexicans out and life is looking good.

>not understanding state vs federal funded programs

Your memes are shit, just like your political ideology

>Food solves phycological trauma

We need to stop giving them food aid.

If you feed veterans they're just gonna have more veteran kids that need to be fed too.

>Not giving a handout = stealing

Why didn't Obummma feed 1,000,000 per year?? That sick fuck let half of them go hungry for 8 years.....


If he's so upset about the govt. removing money from Means on Wheels, why doesn't he contribute more to it?

The govt. only funds like, 3% of WoM's budget.

Top kek

Holy shit !!1 where will orphaned veterans eat now! WTF I hate Trump now

trump is now so powerful he can make the dems care about veterans

Veterans are resilient and can get jobs

meals on wheels is a jewish money laundering scam.

the fact that some money goes to the cause doesn't make up for the fraud.

Welfare programs only continue to subsidize failure. Failure should be rooted out from our society


I'll just tell that bedbound old lady to hit gud then

Why are Trump and Mellania spending tax dollars at all when they're filthy rich and can front their own bills?

Also fuck Veterans, they aren't the only people in need of help. Lots of elderly who didn't serve depend on that service.

The number of vets fed by meals on wheels almost completely depends on how much money people DONATE. Not the government.

>only 3% of meals on weeks is government funded dumbass liberal cuck


then I guess you'd better start packing faggot