Sarah Silverman calls for boycotting of banks

Where were you when the jews jewed themselves?

>take money out of bank
>banks are rich as fuck and it doesn't really affect them
>at worst banks ask for gibemdats
>goyim loses money due to inflation effectively becoming even poorer while the banks still have all the gold and value
>at worst market crash and everyone's fucked except the bankers who still have all the gold and valuable shit
>goyim loses anyways

People do realize that large amounts of people taking their money out of banks was what led to the Great Depression

What if I din't put my money in a bank in the first place. What would happen if the next generation as a whole never does? Not saying it will happen just curious.

>big bank
You mean a bank with experience and success as opposed to a startup with no record?

schlomo detected

>admitting taking your money out of the bank

I want to be robbed: the video.

>large amounts of people taking their money out of banks was what led to the Great Depression
False. The problem was that banks magically "lost" all of the money, and people couldn't pull their money from the banks because it wasn't there. If banks accidentally lend the money to their first cousin and don't pay it back, and they go under, you lose the money, not the banks.

Guaranteed this bitch isn't even doing this

>Sarah Silverman calls for boycotting of banks

Everyone can't boycott the banks. The banks have lent out way more money than they actually have. Only a fraction of people would be able to do it. It could cause panic as everyone tries to get their money out of the banks before it's all gone. This is called a bank run, and it causes a bank to become insolvent.

If all the banks collapse it would fuck everything up. The movement of capital would be annihilated and society would pretty much collapse.

Silverman is an unfunny moron.

>her money
She doesnt have money. She was broke just a few years ago.

I think she literally means in a big building. She also thinks they keep her actual deposits in a little box in the back for her.

>Jew trying to use reverse psychology

How typical.

JIDF pouring into a anti-banking thread so fast and hard you can almost hear their dradles drop...

barren old kike

I read somewhere a long time ago that saying stuff like this to the public can be grounds for treason / terrorism / something subversive w/ arrest.

As in, she's calling for economic terrorism, as it were.

Anyone have the law? It's a broad interpretation but pretty amusing how it could be applied.

This bitch is retarded.

alright but could you answer my question?

It's not false. People took their money out of the bank, so banks needed to start collecting on their debts, which in turn made the indebted people lose all purchasing power they had, which in turn crashed the economy. The root cause for all of this was banks granting loans with money they didn't really have.

>society would pretty much collapse.

It never has. Once. It may have gotten terribly destroyed and displaced, but the world keeps turning. Rural anons wont lose shit if banks collapse, especially if they are already self sufficient.

every side of every issue has a jewish spin to it

>society would pretty much collapse.
Society is much more than just money. We might have short term anarchy or something equally catastrophic, but society would certainly not collapse. Worst case scenario money would lose its value, people would lose their savings, and we'd switch to use something else like rare metals, and 'you-owe-me's

>People took their money out of the bank
If this was true, why was everyone penniless and starving? Because the banks collapsed. The international jew was collapsing the financial industry to make the push for communism world-wide.

>jews tell everyone to take their money out of the banks
>banks fail
>economy fails
>blame it on trump

fucking jews

I just told you that in the very same message. Learn to read. Banks had given out too easy loans -> banks needed to collect them once people started withdrawing money -> the people who had taken the loans were suddenly destitute


joke's on her

few people in the US have dollar one of savings