Wow. Trump is down to 38%

Wow. Trump is down to 38%.

That's lower than loser Obama ever was.

If he's not careful he'll be in Jeb territory.

Wow you forgot your proxy this time.


(((Gallup))) yeah Trump has 3-4 times more disapproval then the rest of the polls

who cares?

62% of Americans apparently

Ppl are afraid to say in public that they like Trump for fear of shaming and physical violence against them

They were also inclined to pretend to like Obama when they didn't.

This affects like 5-15% of the electorate. It's the "shy Tory" effect on steroids.

But keep believing your polls from the same companies who said Hillary would landslide win

>"The people who participated in this poll are in a conspiracy against Trump"


Why do you faggots still believe in this rigged astrology tier bullshit when they've been proven wrong time and time again? Yet you keep going back to them, as the sow returns to her mire, the burnt fool's bandaged figure goes wobbling back to the fire.

Try here....

>If you intimidate someone then they're conspiracy masters
Your mind is a shit-flooded toilet.

saging this thread


Have we learned nothing from the election?

are these the same polls that said hillary had a 98% chance of winning the day before the election?

>intimidate someone
Or, or
Wait for it
Maybe a lot of the people who liked trump declined to participate in the polls because it wasn't seen as a good thing

He's made zero attempt to reach across the aisle and his base is gradually realizing that he doesn't give two shits about them.

What do you really expect?

It's Trumpcare. It's killing his support within his own base.

>doing campaign promises
>doesn't care about his base
what sort of stupid shit did you mean by this?

Hahaha. Get fucked Drumpf!

Fake, this is the jobs approval, not the presidential approval. In fact Trump is the most popular part of the government.

LIke how Hillary had 96% of winning, right?

Impeachment by 2018. Cap this post.