Is Jordan Peterson the second coming of Christ?


He is the modern incarnation of Christ.

He is converting people all over the world.

He is bridging the Enlightment with the Ancient World.

I think we should start memeing Jordan Peterson as Christ himself.

Other urls found in this thread:

This the counter tactic after we parried that fucking sharia leaf.

Christfags love him, but beyond that he is pretty boring. Even his Christianity is just pandering, and is mixed with many other religions.

Also lost to Sam Harris in a debate.

I think Harris's spiritually through meditation is more interesting.

Kek willing.

not on the Christ level, but maybe a saint

>He's not a cult leader
>Let's say he is JESUS


Looks like I slipped into a scary time line

Faggots on /pol think A FUCKING LEAF is Jesus V2.0

Yes, the shilling is strong. Try to belittle him in one thread and then in the next try to build him up to an insane level. This is clearly evidence of a psyop to destroy Peterson via overexposure.

Which is a shame because Peterson is just a guy who is speaking truth to power, trying to live his own life in the best way he can and helping a few people along the way. He does not deserve to be dragged in the mud like this

Said like a true cuck

He sounds like JESUS PART 2!!!
What shinning light in the darkness of 2017 and the internet
A man of virtue, truth, honesty



I like listening to his lectures while I drive.

I entertained the idea that he could be the second coming. Who knows?

I check Sup Forums throughout the day as I work and I always see you doing this. Are you a paid shitposter?

Yo dawg, nice one.
Loser idiot kids in Canada pay like 10,000 a semester to listen to him
You do it for free
Peterson is so right when he tells people University is a waste of time and money.
You're proof. You got his lecture for FREE
Man that's sick.
Stick it to the big corporations dawg
High Five

HA HA HA to all the morons paying money to Peterson, when it's FREE

I thought he was just a meme who made trannies mad for a really long time but recently I've been listening to his lectures and he is brilliant. I really do feel like I'm getting my shit in line by putting his words into effect in my own life.

I do it whilst lifting

No, he's John the Baptist.

Sounds like you need to do some sorting buddy.

His comments on the alt-right were retarded.

Ya dawg, me too. Peterson = Jesus
Totally a sane and logical thing to think
Definitely "sorted" thinking.
Thinking some Canadian Professor is Jesus cause..................?
Have you called the local mental home for a bed yet??

>people hear perennialism for the first time
>they think it's pretty cool
>atheists and Christians being fooled into New Age spirituality

No, this man is.

Every morning man.

My first immediate thought.
It's like a sixth sense I developed in the Meme War.

This, I listen to historians and philosophers whilst I work out.
Would recommend to anyone, feels amazing.

OP is a fag

Nah man, some user Peterson lover told me that.
He told me,
>Even Peterson says University is a waste of time and money

Look man, you need to sort yourself out.

>if you don't want immigrants changing your country just find a good wife and have 4 children

Really makes you think.

I try to post this when I can, for all those who enjoy his lectures you really need to start reading Jung. The man will change your life.

Have a magnet link to his collected works:

The essay that first got me interested in reading his work:

> The impact of an archetype, whether it takes the form of immediate experience or is expressed through the spoken word, stirs us because it summons up a voice that is stronger than our own. Whoever speaks in primordial images speaks with a thousand voices; he enthrals and overpowers, while at the same time he lifts the idea he is seeking to express out of the occasional and the transitory into the realm of the ever-enduring. He transmutes our personal destiny into the destiny of mankind, and evokes in us all those beneficent forces that ever and user have enabled humanity to find a refuge from every peril and to outlive the longest night.

Yo dawg sick. how much you lift? 20lbs? Sick bro
Getting this scrawny lanklet leafs sermon for free is legit hardcore Jungainan
Loser kids pay like top dollar to sit in class and jack off to him
You're in the gym getting swole listening to him
Red Pilled as fuck dawg

Don't you think Peterson is skinny little man bitch?
He don't lift.

I actually thought they were pretty profound, he didn't simply dismiss the movement as a bunch of idiot skinheads.

He said they rightfully are concerned for the Father, which Modern Leftism mocks and acts in ways to spite, so they reactionary worship the Father, but fail to rescue him from the underworld.

It's not enough to woe the fall of Western Civilization, and hate and persecute those who by design or ignorance destroy it, we must become another part of the chain. Become Sons.

Hey Wolfshiem, were you here for the Pope lets Islamic Prayer in the Vatican thread?
Right above St Peter's rock, perfect.

WTF I love Hillary now! But seriously we can't let this man get his hands on the nuclear archetypes.

>Hey Wolfshiem, were you here for the Pope lets Islamic Prayer in the Vatican thread?

Nope. Likely at work.
Googling now. Sounds horrendous.

he is the prophet archetype

>mfw harrisfags

>Trump confirmed Þorr
>Eric his son Magni
Could this be him.... ? He can shapeshift, but it's not quite his emo, but he is hard to get...

I don't think it is him

Everyone is jesus leaf. Thats the big enchilada the deep government doesnt want you to eat!

he wants you to be enlightened too. He certainly doesn't want idiots pointing at the light like a stupid faggot, don't be a faggot op.

It was kind of a beautiful thread, nothing brings the many creeds and groups together on Sup Forums like sacrilegious rage.
Even the atheists and agnostics were furious, because it represents the Crescent Moons march has all but taken Rome already.

Imagine how well-received a Christian prayer would be near the Kabba.

ignore the leaf

If you think this for even one second, you are an absolute retard who worships anyone who can string together a sentence.

All of these "e-celeb worship" posts are clearly fucking pathetic and should be stopped.

At this point it's about 50/50 whether someone is actually a leaf or just a proxyshill.

>1 post by this ID


hahaha ok

He's just a smart guy who loves god


I'm gonna need a link.

Nice proxy, leaf.

I'm looking into it right now as well and it happened in 2014, not sure why it's being brought back up again

Just happened to scroll by while watching a documentary on Timothy Leary when I saw this.

This thread is a prime example of why BR monkeys and leaves should never be responded to.






Funny, I was about to post a thread asking the same thing earlier.
He sure as hell has the patience of Christ.

Walk on water, Jordan.






You should not forget that he is a leaf.

Get in here We are still raging 24 hours later.

This happened 2014, but we are evaluating what made this happen and why there was no outcry.

why are some people this retarded


He's just revivifying his father. Which i presuppose is the same thing as being the modern incarnation of Christ.

Or did those bloody Neo-Marxist Crucify him??



>Also lost to Sam Harris in a debate.

How so?

a fucking acorn

I believe in Kek, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth; and in Jordan Peterson, His only Son Our Lord, who was conceived by Pepe's Spirit, born of the Virgin Ivanka, suffered under SJWs, was verbally ridiculed, died and was buried.
He descended into The Frankfurt School; the third Day he rose from the dead; He ascended into Tenure, and is seated at the right hand of Pepe; from thence He shall judge the memes of the living. I believe in Pepe, the holy Memetic Church, the communion of memes, the redpilling of normies, the resurrection of the body and memes everlasting. amen

Sam got Jordan to as admit his undergraduate ideas needed to be fleshed out more.
At some points you could hear Peterson's voice cracking under the pressure of Sam's relentless reasoning, on the verge of tears.

Frankly,It was hard to even listen to. Like listening to someone get raped, whole world crumbling about them.

Have you s-s-s-s-sorted out a bed at the mental a-s-s-s-s-sylum yet??
S-s-s-s-s-sort yourself out

Totally sorted thinking, to think this faggot loser fraud is jesus

>jordan is jesus with a phd beta

>Sam got Jordan to as admit his undergraduate ideas needed to be fleshed out more.

Where, exactly?

>>I think we should start memeing Jordan Peterson as Christ himself.
you must be retarded
when christ returns. it will be with a sword and an army, this guy is just a [[[preacher]]]

>mfw the same ausfag and canadian autist every Peterson thread
There is definitely an angle to this, though I have never seen shilling this intense yet so clumsy and bad.

Maybe they outsourced the shills to India, since they don't have the election budget anymore.

First debate, towards the end, after Harris broke him.

Sam also said that religion has no evolutionary adaptations.

Some of us are actually educated in evolutionary biology and could refute that until the cows come home.

Half of Dawkins' books (i.e Harris' "new atheist" counterpart) are about the adaptations of religion and why we are as religious as we are.

Now go sit in the corner, some of us learn from books and research articles rather than youtube videos and podcasts.

not yet, milo, but they are working on it.
>you fucking faggot
man up and stop calling other men, daddy.
here's a pic of a 2d fem.

>leaf education
fuck off shill

the second coming is the Singularity

Christ is a metahero who is killed by an oppressive state. If that were true Canada will be a Communist dictatorship and he'll be killed for thought crimes. Certainly not impossible.

>Frankly,It was hard to even listen to. Like listening to someone get raped

kek, this

You mean the "how do i get through to this guy" pause? Harris was completely in the wrong and couldn't compute how, so Peterson was at a loss for words. What more could he do?

Wait what? I think you misunderstood Harris' point.

The fucking first debate? The two hour debate about semantics that had a rational host would have been forced to move on were it not for the high-functioning autist?
That's your evidence?

>second coming
How can you be the second iteration of something that never happened?
Fuckin Christcucks

>moving on when you cant even agree on basic definitions

That's weird.

The podcast I listened to, there was a moment with a long pause. I heard sniffling and then Peterson's Kermitic vocal whispered, "...Sam...?"

And Sam sniffled again and said, "Yes, Jordan..."

Peterson quickly replied, "It's okay, Sam. You can say can admit it..."

You could hear Sam kick the chair out from under him as he stood in a huff and shuffled away from the microphone. "No...No!" Sam cried from a distance, "I can't...I won't!"

Peterson made a shushing sound and tried to calm him, as one would a child. He said quietly, "Sam...Sam...Sam...say it..."

" career..."

"It doesn't matter," said Jordan. "You know it doesn't. You know what matters. Deep down. You know."

"But..." Sam's tears began to flow. "My whole life!"

"Shhhhh," whispered Jordan again to the man who had become a boy before his eyes. "Look behind you, Sam. What do you see? One set of footprints. That is where He carried you. Now look forward. Two sets of footprints. You now walk with Him."

Sam, unable to contain his emotion, wailed aloud and the tears flowed as free as the ancient Euphrates. "MY GOD! MY LORD JESUS! MY SAVIOR!" Sam fell to his knees and looked up to Heaven in awe.

Jordan leaned back in his chair and lit a cigarette. He took a long drag, held the smoke, and exhaled.

"Bravo, Pinocchio," Peterson said. "Bravo..."

>posting that pic when it was made to mock Harris for being an autist who missed the point due to semantics
Harris proved he had not the strength or integrity to be both moderator and debater.

Checked and keked.


Or the antichrist.

No, he is a C-tier "psychology" professor in Canada. If you think this is the person you should look up to and admire, you are mentally lost. The only reason he is popular is that you people are a bunch of herd animals who go along with others instead of actually learning how to think and changing your weak selves.

Okay. Who should we look up to?

Lol, trying to make us look like a mad cult?
You lack adequate heart and mind to succeed.
Fuck off.

What would Peterson think about creating, marrying, and impregnating a gynoid version of Kurisu Makise from Steins;Gate (VN) to be my wife?


Don't be coy.

..well shit! The satanists can hijack this guy and use him to further their fucked world agenda

Oh, I don't know...maybe the man himself - Jesus?

Sam has more integrity than Kermit Peterson who lets sjw's crash his lectures like a meek cuck.
Sam shows him the respect of letting him back on for a second podcast, one in which sam took the pressure off after feeling so poorly about how efficiently he had disassembled persons world view in debate no.1.
Sam showed him more respect than he deserves.

>spiritually through meditation

so Buddhism


>nuclear archetypes

fucking underrated, KEK


>this is what Harrisfags actually believe

I'm pretty out of the loop here. Can someone explain to me who this guy is?