20 points of a new Ukranian nationalist program

Best of:

2) Ukranian led Intermarium
3) Break all relations with Russia
4) Work out a "real" plan to liberate Donbass & Crimea
5) Start own nuclear program
6) Create top notch 100% professional army
18) Simplify immigration laws so anyone can come live in glorious paradise that is Ukraine
20) Ban Russian Orthodox Church and center everything in Kiev Patriarchate

Slava Ukraini!


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This is how kremlim shills operate? Notice how fast the "leaf" replied? These guys are experts in subversion.

Ukraine is actually /ourguys/. Death to every commie.

i like Ukraine fuck off bullies

> 5
Finally, legit excuse to genocide this pigs

>18) Simplify immigration laws so anyone can come live in glorious paradise that is Ukraine
Ukraine YES.

This is actually an anomaly. Canadians are usually extreme shills for Ukranie since so many of them lives there. Almost 2 million.

You ought to be genocided first because of the dead hand program. Selfish cunts

this is so destructive...
oh yeah, let's cut ties with russia.
that would be like canada cutting ties with the US.
sad that im half ukrainian and my countrymen have proven themselves to be nothing more than peasants.

Most people support and sympathize with Ukraine. Fuck Russia and fuck subhuman people

That's not what it actually says

OP you do realize that if Ukraine let its people emigrate, it would take about three days for every single military-age person in that country would flee for their lives to points west. The country's government is composed of terrorists. It's like a white North Korea except at least no one controls Pyongyang except for Koreans.

And I'm one of them tozhe, brat.

the ukrainian government and all this shit is literally funded by soros.

And pay reparations for Bandera's actions and the genocide of Polish citizens in western Ukraine. We haven't forgotten skurwysyynu.

What causes people to shill third rate Russian bydlo TV talking points?

Ukraine is not a real country. It is like one would take the worst part of Poles and the worst part of Russians and put them in one place. There are not even a real nation. Ukraine is a synthetic state created as a flip on the Russian's nose.


>everyone who doesn't agree with me is a kremlin shill

gee, where have i seen this before?

speaking of reperations. poland is sitting on german soil, marek.

I'm sure when the Russians invade your little shithole for the 100th time there will be some cunt here who will say that Poland is an artificial state and not a real nation

>Ukranian led Intermarium
what the actual fuck

>2) Ukranian led Intermarium

Why is Ukraine stuck LARPING like it's 1946?

Ukraine does not exist. It is a non-country. Even its name gives it away


>Ukranian led Intermarium

you do realise that an average Ukrainian family must sell their daughters as prostitutes to afford food, don't you?
also, Ukraine isn't even a eal country.


Is this some sort of international prank?
It's time to end the misery of Cuckraine

When Ukraine is devoured by Russia, you will be next.

>2) Ukranian led Intermarium
>4) Work out a "real" plan to liberate Donbass & Crimea
>5) Start own nuclear program
>6) Create top notch 100% professional army
Yeah, good luck with that.

Seriously though, that's a bunch of populist bullshit. Also Svoboda are political prostitutes, Pravy Sektor became a joke. The only ones with some credibility are Azov. But Biletsky seems more and more like a larping faggot. Also I like how all these "heroes" got so fat after they became MPs.

>When Ukraine is devoured by Russia, you will be next.

I live to see the day when Russia and Germany will again split Poland in two. Even if it doesn't happen in my lifetime, I will smile in my grave when it finaly happens

So as you Hanz owe something to Denmark

bump for ukrainian justice

>Pravy Sektor

you mean the rabbi sector?

Actually Ukraine is a prank made by the west on former USSR.

I like
Ukrainian are based
They are true European Nationalists, unlike all the proKremlin degenerates

Slava Ukraini

Not going to lie, former prominent data analyst here. I worked for private business, been hired for federal contracts, and have worked with law enforcement numerous times on a series of cases.
I am very trusted by numerous sources to deliver high-quality results and be able to seek out and determine patterns in data, and correlate it all together to come to a swift and accurate conclusion.

After parsing through all this data, I have determined that there is nothing of any significant value in these so-called coordinates whatsoever, and that we should not concern ourselves with the content of this.
I thoroughly request none of you should waste your time with this information, and just continue to let us experts deal with it and the repercussions of it. Get some sleep, get in your warm comfy bed and rest those eyes.

Thank you

cпaть["Latitude" : "48.273832","Longitude" : "37.925537"],["Latitude" : "48.428739","Longitude" : "38.039385"],["Latitude" : "48.438846","Longitude" : "38.046305"],
["Latitude" : "48.449238","Longitude" : "38.536389"],["Latitude" : "48.413690","Longitude" : "38.147678"],["Latitude" : "48.402214","Longitude" : "38.102555"],
["Latitude" : "48.384148","Longitude" : "38.006926"],["Latitude" : "48.379916","Longitude" : "37.980103"],["Latitude" : "48.200476","Longitude" : "37.943657"],
["Latitude" : "48.159358","Longitude" : "37.857556"],["Latitude" : "48.104978","Longitude" : "39.964884"],["Latitude" : "48.113500","Longitude" : "39.968974"],
["Latitude" : "47.972242","Longitude" : "39.826052"],["Latitude" : "47.265393","Longitude" : "37.954423"],["Latitude" : "47.487220","Longitude" : "39.927819"],
["Latitude" : "48.393016","Longitude" : "38.326186"],["Latitude" : "48.393222","Longitude" : "38.248117"],["Latitude" : "48.390468","Longitude" : "38.248180"],
["Latitude" : "47.878307","Longitude" : "37.729291"],["Latitude" : "47.873594","Longitude" : "37.730778"],["Latitude" : "47.659845","Longitude" : "37.927361"],
["Latitude" : "47.664987","Longitude" : "37.940666"],["Latitude" : "47.832798","Longitude" : "38.853812"],["Latitude" : "47.836639","Longitude" : "38.830445"],
["Latitude" : "46.132024","Longitude" : "33.635556"],["Latitude" : "46.136575","Longitude" : "33.651590"],["Latitude" : "51.626771","Longitude" : "39.142398"],
["Latitude" : "51.622725","Longitude" : "39.161462"],["Latitude" : "50.799114","Longitude" : "40.636728"],["Latitude" : "50.796654","Longitude" : "40.607798"],
["Latitude" : "50.634581","Longitude" : "40.303525"],["Latitude" : "51.323803","Longitude" : "37.769076"],["Latitude" : "50.225848","Longitude" : "38.110714"],
["Latitude" : "51.753513","Longitude" : "36.296435"],["Latitude" : "51.755191","Longitude" : "36.301896"],["Latitude" : "51.699627","Longitude" : "35.037653"],

This joke needs to stop. Let's rip Ukraine to pieces and declare the Free State of Chernobyl, AKA "The Zone".

>Ukrainian are based

>being financed by globalist hooked nosed merchants

Are you on drugs Francois?

["Latitude" : "52.346334","Longitude" : "32.170334"],["Latitude" : "50.648558","Longitude" : "36.526434"],["Latitude" : "50.650470","Longitude" : "36.511511"],
["Latitude" : "52.273791","Longitude" : "35.271854"],["Latitude" : "53.059843","Longitude" : "33.942648"],["Latitude" : "52.776623","Longitude" : "33.546444"],
["Latitude" : "52.868345","Longitude" : "33.470425"],["Latitude" : "52.856372","Longitude" : "33.478330"],["Latitude" : "48.648543","Longitude" : "39.073624"],
["Latitude" : "48.712125","Longitude" : "39.288148"],["Latitude" : "48.607384","Longitude" : "39.480229"],["Latitude" : "48.527161","Longitude" : "39.381187"],
["Latitude" : "48.444068","Longitude" : "38.479685"],["Latitude" : "47.840491","Longitude" : "38.872220"],["Latitude" : "47.844478","Longitude" : "38.865047"],
["Latitude" : "47.258279","Longitude" : "39.728471"],["Latitude" : "47.197731","Longitude" : "38.865026"],["Latitude" : "47.238764","Longitude" : "38.862453"],
["Latitude" : "47.240642","Longitude" : "38.852451"],["Latitude" : "47.270163","Longitude" : "39.649347"],["Latitude" : "47.273286","Longitude" : "39.631468"],
["Latitude" : "48.280245","Longitude" : "40.251711"],["Latitude" : "45.395093","Longitude" : "35.786483"],["Latitude" : "45.462657","Longitude" : "35.846071"],
["Latitude" : "46.147498","Longitude" : "33.690861"],["Latitude" : "46.139548","Longitude" : "33.660710"],["Latitude" : "48.951889","Longitude" : "40.301024"],
["Latitude" : "48.272877","Longitude" : "40.261599"],["Latitude" : "48.108357","Longitude" : "39.969869"],["Latitude" : "47.939440","Longitude" : "39.847569"],
["Latitude" : "48.361565","Longitude" : "40.184644"],["Latitude" : "48.133992","Longitude" : "37.821438"],["Latitude" : "48.066107","Longitude" : "37.737987"],

["Latitude" : "48.407667","Longitude" : "38.401668"],["Latitude" : "48.408145","Longitude" : "38.411766"],["Latitude" : "48.410008","Longitude" : "38.414700"],
["Latitude" : "48.411122","Longitude" : "38.417508"],["Latitude" : "47.631547","Longitude" : "37.896762"],["Latitude" : "47.631435","Longitude" : "37.899154"],
["Latitude" : "47.622273","Longitude" : "37.899795"],["Latitude" : "47.578083","Longitude" : "37.885552"],["Latitude" : "47.567687","Longitude" : "37.881097"],
["Latitude" : "47.578213","Longitude" : "37.870231"],["Latitude" : "47.575332","Longitude" : "37.870166"],["Latitude" : "47.575593","Longitude" : "37.872398"],
["Latitude" : "47.577003","Longitude" : "37.883877"],["Latitude" : "47.232231","Longitude" : "37.795229"],["Latitude" : "47.469462","Longitude" : "37.866136"],
["Latitude" : "47.468308","Longitude" : "37.867905"],["Latitude" : "47.473956","Longitude" : "37.878859"],["Latitude" : "47.453063","Longitude" : "37.921372"],
["Latitude" : "47.449367","Longitude" : "37.922600"],["Latitude" : "47.444977","Longitude" : "37.944005"],["Latitude" : "47.436461","Longitude" : "37.937855"],
["Latitude" : "47.435135","Longitude" : "37.954094"],["Latitude" : "47.431689","Longitude" : "37.948514"],["Latitude" : "47.426276","Longitude" : "37.953674"],
["Latitude" : "47.391390","Longitude" : "37.862159"],["Latitude" : "47.207207","Longitude" : "37.850125"],["Latitude" : "47.203392","Longitude" : "37.850436"],
["Latitude" : "47.200594","Longitude" : "37.853394"],["Latitude" : "47.196439","Longitude" : "37.849235"],["Latitude" : "47.193506","Longitude" : "37.852652"],
["Latitude" : "47.188663","Longitude" : "37.855598"],["Latitude" : "47.185868","Longitude" : "37.856794"],["Latitude" : "47.182590","Longitude" : "37.858478"],

["Latitude" : "47.179742","Longitude" : "37.857309"],["Latitude" : "47.162355","Longitude" : "37.858169"],["Latitude" : "47.160373","Longitude" : "37.858036"],
["Latitude" : "47.154071","Longitude" : "37.856892"],["Latitude" : "47.150197","Longitude" : "37.852637"],["Latitude" : "47.147135","Longitude" : "37.850008"],
["Latitude" : "47.143550","Longitude" : "37.844757"],["Latitude" : "47.139388","Longitude" : "37.839745"],["Latitude" : "47.135210","Longitude" : "37.835761"],
["Latitude" : "47.131092","Longitude" : "37.834060"],["Latitude" : "47.129276","Longitude" : "37.835373"],["Latitude" : "47.128238","Longitude" : "37.834027"],
["Latitude" : "47.120041","Longitude" : "37.841385"],["Latitude" : "47.115327","Longitude" : "37.839753"],["Latitude" : "47.109135","Longitude" : "37.853354"],
["Latitude" : "47.104781","Longitude" : "37.849102"] END OF TRANSMISSION

Not on USSR, way before. Bolsheviks played a major role in creating modern Ukrainian state and identity. Because Bolsheviks themselves were a bunch of kikes supported by the West.

>4) Work out a "real" plan to liberate Donbass & Crimea


Lol yeah jokes

Get some sleep, you wouldn't want to catch a cold. I am going to sleep now, goodnight.

After Poroshenko goes that means only Yulia Tymoshenko and Vitali Klitchko are credible?

Maybe even Mihail Saakashvili...I would laugh so hard if he became your president.

To curb the rampant corruption first, they need.

>3) Break all relations with Russia
You need relation with your immediate neighbors...
Ukrain nationalist program is a joke. It's more like recipe for diplomatic disaster. Oh yeah right it alreayd is.


an american/jewish/polish project directed against Russia and Germany

you guys are the biggest jews of all


You'll be invaded by poles again, my friend.

Ukraine means something like "outside of"

(some ukrainian explained this to me)

And it's a shit "country". Sged.

>Russia and Germany
Sure, We're the bad guys for trying to create a stability mechanism in eastern europe.

agreed. only if poland will be backed by britain, russia, america, france...but that won't happen. the more realistic scenario would be that russia and germany rip poland apart once again.
also, polands army, industry, manpower, technology etc. is not even close to be a threat to us.


if it was a fight 1 on 1 Germany Vs Poland, the German anthem and military parade would be played and held in a matter of months in center of Warschau

Can Russia just annex Ukraine already?

It's nothing, man. Really, I've got to get to sleep and can't stick around. you should get some rest.

Rather "outskirts", something "on the verge/border".
"yкpaинa" in Old Russian means "border area"

>stability mechanism in eastern europe

it's just a geopolitical game to prevent Russia and Germany forge an alliance with each other which would mean the end of american occupation of Germany and Europe and it would pose a threat to american global interrests. Intermarium is also backed by America because the subhuman poles see Germany and Russia as a threat, so Polish and American interrests are similar. That's why the Intermarium is being supported by you. Stability..don't make me laugh..

>5) Start own nuclear program
>6) Create top notch 100% professional army
>20) Ban Russian Orthodox Church and center everything in Kiev Patriarchate

not even talking points.
just facts.
russia is not a country you should worry about. It's totally encircled by nato and nukes.
if you ever start believing the ebil russia narrative, just watch some of their gold dashcam vids.
theyve got their own problems.

once mother russia is done with fictitious nazi states on its border, it will come to help us against fictitious nazi states in the balkans, like croatia

does intermarium include croatia?

what could possibly go wrong?

since these guys have had a real say in matters things have really accelerated. never expected such change here before these captains of industry started to lead us.

still butthurt about them kicking your ass, aint you?

>Ukranian led Intermarium
oh boy, even Poland can't create this fairy tale called Intermarium

While under constant guerilla attacks

>Ukranian led Intermarium
Ukraine can't even led itself

> not russian posts about "dividing"

thank you, but we support our neighbours soveirgnity

i want a right wing jew free based ukraine
slava ukraini
azov battalion

Kek. I actually want this to happen just to trigger Russia.

we can always return to the effective method of throwing each and every one of you in camps. for every killed German soldier by polish partisans and paramilitary, We kill..let's say 50 women and children.

>azov battalion

azov is being financed by merchants for fuck sake

Yes, and our fat slut of a president has been peddling it as her own idea since she got to power, ripping Plisudski off.


The jews support the nazis in Ukraine. Its really complicated tho.

its similar to libs supporting muslims desu

wtf is your problem, do u want lignja back or what? our people are to stupid to vote out a better far right president
ukrainians are bro tier.

Soliders? In your cucked nation,good one.

>Soliders? In your cucked nation,good one.

keep underestimating polack..that's what you did in '39..but you idiots never learn your lession

>dead hand program
A defensive system? How dare they! Kys, spic.

I dislike her since she is pretentious, thinks she is a prime minister and has a fat Chris Christie look alike for a husband while getting fatter herself. And that is coming from a guy who voted for her.

And she thinks EU/NATO are the best things ever.

he is right lol
Ahmed würde nie für Deutschland sterben

>Ukranian led Intermarium
>Ukrainian led
Why would Poles, Czechs, Slovaks and Hungarians unite with the Turks of Ukraine and Balkans? V4 out of EU with race laws is already perfect

Niemand redet über Ahmed

All they really need is like three nukes and they won't have to worry about Russia again. Works well enough for Kim and North Korea.

>Federal Republic of Germanistan
You are already losing,there is noting to underestimate.

how are people in ukraine still living?
I thought you are all in poland by now

It would work everywhere but in Poland. Anyone anywhere would give on after few thousand killed children but Poles. We are fucking insane. Have you heard ab Warsaw uprising? These psyhos were fighting your ancestors for 2 months without weapon. Germs had destroyed entire city and killed like 200000 civilians, and these freaks still didn't stop. You cannot control Poland any more with force. Even Germans cannot kill 40000000 ppl

without the CIA and Monsanto troops, all Ukraine can do is brawl with itself.
The west needs to let go of the east. It isn't your country anymore

>Germany is weak, they are economically finished
>Germans can't defend themselves
>We are backed by Britain and France
>We can destroy Germany and dismantle it
>Polish troops will be in Berlin in a matter of 14 days

Poland, 1939

aftermath: Poland gets wiped off from the maps
I would be careful with words Marek.

>Ukraine thinks they will ever get Crimea or donbass back
Donbass is going to be the new South Ossetia, any invasion by Ukraine in the coming years will be met by Russian force, like Georgia in 2008

Fuck off, leaf.

>40000000 ppl

poland is 34mil strong...we can manage that. we kept Europe under control. Poland is not a significant problem.


>modern Germany
>dominating anything

>leaving the free travel zone

55-60mln around the globe.
If you see no threat in enemy you lose a war. That is why II and III Reichs have lost both I and II ww.

Found ukrop diaspora

And you have proven yourself to be a cuck. What's your solution ? Some country is just exploiting you and you would just take it up the ass i guess?
The fact that they are not successful doesn't mean anything. You can't be successful from the get-go. If they survive this mess they are actually going to be a pretty strong country among the shitlohe countries that is.