I guess that's the cost for living in AmeriKKKa


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this is gay. gommies get raped we need more boxers


I don't understand why American children can't just make a sandwitch and take it to school with them. Are they retarded?

Fucking Commie weebs

>Be mad that kids are going without eating in schools
>Don't start a charity fund or donate to funds that pay for school lunches
They really do think shit is just fucking free

Most of us realize school lunches are garbage and bring our own. It's Tyrone and Paco that get that shit

Something something institutional racism something something capitalism now gibsmedat

This. I never bought lunch because school food is absolutely disgusting garbage.

>student indebted by food
>(((First World))) nation

>having a kid is a choice if you can afford another mouth to feed
>you don't have enough and have one anyway
>somehow this responsibility is hard to understand

It was for them when their rich parents kept giving them everything they wanted. Communism is a bourgeois ideology.

Since when is it the school's job to feed the fucking kids?

Parents need to fucking act like parents and stop relying on the government to do it for them.


You are living liberal meme, fuck off

Jesus Christ, these idiots.

Who is going to be paying for that food you're just """giving""" away? They think free shit grows on trees. Because most of them don't pay taxes.

Sure, feed kids because their parents a're too lazy/black to do it themselves.

To pay for it, I hope you enjoy the 40% tax rate I have to pay here in the UK.

Can Trump please start an exchange programme? The UK can take all your ungrateful libtard cucks and in turn people like me can come live in the US.

It is apparently impossible for parents to feed their own children.

Food is not a right

Yet it's the children's fault? Get a grip douchebag

White men, obviously. Liberals clearly understand the concept of money. They know it has to come from somewhere. And that "somewhere" is white men, and they are 100% ok with this and in fact believe they are morally righteous to take away "evil white oppressors" money and give it to "downtrodden minorities".

This is what white men need to understand about liberals. They aren't just dumb. They simply don't give a fuck about you, they hate you, and they directly want to take your money, fuck your bitch, and destroy your civilization to replace it with their own mongrel creation.


Actually most of them do take a packed burger and fries to school every day, but that is just for the early morning snack break.

The school has to provide something inbetween then and the daily school waddle to Popeyes in the afternoon.

>food happens to not be free
>rich person pays for poor kids food
>liberals think this proves that rich people would rather see kids starve than pay for their food

>Tfw PB&J Sandwich and Milk was free
>Tfw never ate anything but that
>Tfw I saved my shekels and dominated at MTG

Here in Oz, it's normal to pack your child lunch for school every day.
Why don't Ameriburgers do this?

Ok I'm going to explain why this is bullshit for any non-Americans

In school there are free/reduced lunch programs. In every public school these exist. If your family is low-income, (and there's pretty loose requirements), you can get reduced price or free lunch. It's just the basics, entree, fruit/veggie, and milk, but it's lunch.

Now there's also almost always 'premium' items, and the option to 'double up'. Desserts, outside vendor food, and extra entrees cost extra money, and these are not covered by free/reduced lunch.

So what these lunch debts mean, is that these kids:

A) Are poor but haven't signed up for the program, which is stupid easy
B) Aren't poor, get normal lunches, but their parents won't pay for them
C) Are poor, but get premium items and double entrees to stack up their bill

None of these are excusable, they're all totally, 100% the fault of the parents, and they should have to pay up.

AND ON TOP OF ALL THIS: Even if you're in max lunch debt, they still l e g a l l y have to give you food, even if it's just an extra basic grilled cheese and milk. So this is all bullshit.

Our social structure exists so that people with shitty parents aren't doomed to the sins of their fathers.

Somehow this is hard to understand when applied to the real world but I've yet to see how. Paul ryan fantasizes about cutting medicaid but it's not so he can fun useful programs.

omg so true xd ;^)))

sent from my iPhone

Australia is 92% white.

Do Abbos pack lunch for their kids every day?

Alot of food actually does grow on trees :^)

>can't afford a ham sandwich
>has kids anyway

fucking this x200


every kid can take their own lunch if they want.

this is just an empty bullshit liberal talking point. in fact, the school is doing the parents a favor by saying

>oh, your nigger-tier parents didn't pack you any lunch and also didn't give you a dollar for the school lunch? oh. well we'll just give it to you and you can pay another time

of course what these retards dont understand is that if you make lunch '''free''' for kids who say their parents don't have any money, then every nigger child in America is going to mysteriously not be able to afford lunch overnight

>have kids when you can't afford them
>can't pay for their own lunches
>don't give them the means to make their own lunch/make it for them

Fucking spare me. The kids aren't the one in debt, the parents are.

I'm actually not too sure.
I would if they're not supplied, they're paid for by us through the extra government payments they get.

Getting them to actually go to school in the first place and stay there has been the hard part

Fat fuck minorities are the problem. You think I'm memeing or trying to defend 'Murka, but I'm not. It really is fat fuck minorities who don't know how to make food and are always broke. You'd see them in our schools, they were there even when I was in elementary, these penniless Hispanics and blacks that were massively fucking obese despite being 12 and on "free lunch". The concept of "Make a sandwich and bring it with you," would never occur to them. They want their slab of greasy pizza made with government cheese paid for by white taxpayers.

To Produce Food you are using ressources. Ressources are worth something the use of said Ressources needs to be compensated.

Pretty Basic

and that makes it right not to feed hungry children that would otherwise starve

wow, checkmate. you are morally superior

School lunch "debt" is a system whereby the school gives a student a lunch without them paying for it. This is meant to cover mistakes such as forgetting or losing lunch money. In my experience, it is used by shithead kids who spent their lunch money on stupid crap before school even started instead of buying a lunch with it.

They're too poor

niggers don't feed their kids
normal thing
had niggers in my elementary & high school
It's not a question of poverty or w/e, its just a question of nigs not feeding their kids

They know the gibs will solve the problem for them eventually

I forgot to add, students can get free or reduced price (25 cents) lunches if their household income qualifies them.

Nigga 20 bucks will get you like a good 40 lunches before you have to pay

Fair point.

I just don't get it though.
I've got three kids at school and I spend time every night making lunch for them or at least plan to have some coins if for some reason I can't.
I could understand if you're legitimately poor but who can't make a simple sandwich and an apple?

Maybe I'm just in disbelief because I'm normal.

Roll it back there, hoss. They're missing out on 1 shitty Michelle Obama approved school lunch, not fucking starving to death.

>meals are 40 cents each
>fast food option is $5-6
>the dindus always eat the fast food option
>WAAAH whitey why do we have lunch debt? racism!
The teachers will bitch and harass you because some genetic dead end in the class might die if you brought the wrong thing to eat.

They should employ the school bullies to beat up kids and take their money if they aren't paying their lunch debt.

Thank you this. These are armerican children, they are not in any danger of starving. These are kids who are buying extra food without the money to pay for it. I think it's just stupid to give them access to a credit system for food.

Perhaps they could eat if we stopped making it seem wrong to eat dog
Meat is meat and when you're poor you eat what you gotta eat
We are humans we hunt

Nah, mane. Nigga needs dat money fo' clothes that look bumpin' and fly to the bitches

>You should have to pay for my kids food
Fuck off poor people, just die already.

Wow it almost as bad a iSSreal

Being so crazy about nut allergies is making it worse.
They tried to "suggest" at my kids school that children not bring nut or sesame products for lunches.
It didn't work too well after they admitted they had no reported cases of nut allergies at the school.

Parents are too broke or too lazy. Probably both to be honest.

Holy shit this. Having a peanut butter sandwich, a banana, and milk would cost you not even 2 dollars, yet still be a filling and nutritious enough meal.

Yet they decide to get the shitty 5 dollar school lunch and bitch that it's too much.

How about you stupid fucking minorities stop having kids you can't afford? It's a simple concept.

>Implying those shit skins ever had there own "country"

This right here

Feed them yourselves, commies.

This is a non issue. But now I miss my school lunches.
>be me
>Lift and run two periods a day
>work in cafeteria for volunteer hours
>lunch ladies hook me up with all the awesome spicy tendies and tuna I can eat

They're literally creating children to hold as moral hostages and there's nothing we can do about it.

>be poor fucker
>can't afford kid
>have 5 of em
>can't afford to buy them food
>people cave because they don't want kids to starve

And they won't learn because their children will grow up knowing there's no real repercussions for horrible decisions keeping them permanently poor.

I kinda miss em too now.

>3/4 of my classes are lifting, PE, and aerobics
>go from lifting right to lunch
>get teriyaki chicken with rice and a carton of milk
>mfw went from 120lbs to 155lbs my senior year

>being a fucking feral sperg running around eating peoples pets

We need to start putting shock collars on you tards.

Was it ever like this? :

i don't get how this is an issue. where i went to high school lunch was free for poor families.....


are liberals really this stupid/delusional? its taxing on my brain

this. personally, i blame some of the retardation of minorities on school lunch. theres only so many nutrients in french fries and a 50% meat chicken patty

Costs very little to make a cheap sandwich toss in a fruit and a bottle of water. Like a buck a lunch. And the poor ones can food stamp all that shit. If they weren't selling said stamps for alcohol.

>1 post

Had no idea how good I had it. Fucking hair wasn't thinning, go to class, lift, eat free food, screw hot teen pussy, repeat.

Now it's work, pay bills, play arma, lurk on Sup Forums all day, jack off to /gif/, drink beer, eat this weeks batch of spaghetti, go to sleep, repeat. Need to sort myself out.

>that french bread pizza
>that stuffed crust
>that square pizza you had to dab the grease off with a napkin


Cool song btw Senpai.



This is what most of them do m8

Why can't parents pack a fucking lunch for their kids? I took my lunch to school every day.

Same parents with lunchless kids probably always have a cube of bud light in the fridge

I would support this

Priorities m8

Pretty much this.

Question, what do the parents actually do on the weekends. If they can't afford to pay for their children's lunches or make one themselves for their child for school, does that mean on the weekends the child gets no lunch because no-one is paying for it?

Saw that fast food secrets video too, huh?

The liberals claim the only meals these kids get are their free lunches (and some schools serve free breakfast too)

In elementary school the first thing you were given at the start of every school year was a free/reduced lunch application

Don't have kids if you can't afford them.

That like the companies that hand out the Earned Income Tax Credit notifications around tax time.



You can get free lunches if you're poor. Why should we just give free food to kids who aren't poor? If their parents are providing them with food or money for food, that's child abuse.

not really. im just guessing that ~12 years of eating starch and filler probably isnt great for a kid


It's transphobic to not date transgender people.

Hell yeah dude. Ain't nuthin w/o dem jordans

stupid retarded shit like this makes me proud to be from the uk... NHS and school meals might not be the best thing in the world but at least they are there.

>retarded liberals don't understand debt.

the reason the debt existed is b/c they kept feeding the kids even though they didn't pay.

It's just fat ass kids getting twenty brownies for ยข50 each every single fucking day

>why should we give lunches to white kids
Shitskins get it free and you're unironically advocating for white kids to keep paying? I assume you want white people to have less kids?

It's transphobic to not date transgender people.

It's transphobic to not date transgender people.

It's transphobic to not date transgender people.

It's transphobic to not date transgender people.

It's transphobic to not date transgender people.

It's transphobic to not date transgender people.