Why is Trump such a coward but so willing to send thousands of Americans into harms way?

Why is Trump such a coward but so willing to send thousands of Americans into harms way?

>defending the draft


Conservatives better get used to the draft, Trump is going to need it after all the wars he starts.

I'd be willing to fight if he starts a war.

You'd shit yourself, you weasel.

Die for a man who wouldn't die for you? What a cuck.

that bitch mcain told everything like a little bitch. he should rot in hell. or should have died chocking on his captors dick.

Prove it.

You do realize trump also wouldn't have been picked because his number wasn't even called

Ironic how you leftards consider the rest of the draft dodgers to be heroes maybe he should have just rioted and burned his draft

What the fuck kind of mental gymnastics is this?

You leafs never fail to provide retarded commentary.

>everyone should dodge the draft because the sitting president did some decades ago
>surely this won't lead to us being defeated and occupied almost immediately

Categorical imperative you dumb ass nigger.


They can never establish a coherent narrative, they are snakes.

>wth i love the draft now

Republican logic right here, ladies and gentlemen.

The point is that you don't elect a coward and draft dodger in the first place.

>being this much of a sheep that he responds to a leaf

I honestly don't care if Trump was a draft dodger or if any president was.

Bill Clinton literally fled the country to avoid the draft then got kicked out of college in England for raping a student. OOPS, he's a democrat and da second best prez eva!

Lol you people have become war living Republicans. Democrats have shit for brains and zero morals. You are overly emotional retards

We provide better commentary than you leftards

Fact is he never even got called up for the draft because his number wasn't pulled

Yes not like you democrats don't dodge drafts or elect draft dodgers

Fact is the draft is wrong and a draft is a good thing to oppose. An army should he made up of men who join voluntarily knowing fully the risks

You don't have to hide from the draft if you never got drafted dumb cunt. There was never a program to ship every able bodied male that wasn't a student to Nam.

does anybody else le the drumbf XDD

Prove to me his medical reports were falsified to get him out of it and then we'll talk.

You must be a coward too. Its a shame that war kills the brave.

Not all people are suitable for fighting in war. I understand this. Certainly you are not. I would still fight for him.

Hes a rich man, what did you expect?

During Vietnam these politicians were called chicken hawks. Pro-military but are too high and mighty to serve.

what do people think of shatblue's new "technique"? Like the flavor? will it work this time?

>complains he's a draft dodger

>is in the highest military position in the world

didnt really dodge the draft then did he?


Barry and his Pakistani roomie

Don't ask, don't tell

OP better get used to sucking cock, he's going to need it after all the gay he is.

Barry and his tickle buddy

Chicken hawks are PRO WAR, not pro military. You can (and should) support having a strong military if you want peace.

Diplomacy is based on two factors: Mutual gain, and the fear of what will happen if diplomacy fails.

He's a chicken shit warhawk like all neocon Republicans. Notice how faggots like Trump, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc., never shoot at anyone.

I went to a porn shop around times square, I swear this guy was working there. Much older and more translucent but the same creepy dude.

>never shot at anyone