Are women useless?

so this is my story:
my girlfriend complains that i need to clean the apartment.
>i start cleaning
>the more i clean, the more mess i find
>now i got to sort out every cabinet, vacum behind the bed and get the drains unclogged.

and she starts complaining that i do unnesssary things and that the clanup should only take 10 min.

this is how it allways is. she cant clean for shit. its like a child throwing it all into the closet.
the main rooms and the main places of those rooms look clean, but its like a ticking timebomb every time.
i have nowhere to put stuff because she cant keep anything in order, so i must leave it in the open.

she cant wash clothes right.
she throws dirty clothes everywhere.
cant do the dishes right.
cant wash the floor right.

its like a fucking retard. i understand why women in the past actually had lots of schools and lessons on being a housewife.

she bitched on me before she went to bed (because she had to work 1 day in 3 months and pays nothing to live here)
and told me to clean up the place.
and its all so dirty because she cant do simple things as not placing her haircolored soaking wet towel in my sofa and leave the bathroom as a bombscene.

are all women like this?
this thread can die out. i just needed to gt this off my chest.

Other urls found in this thread:

yeah some women can't handle responsibilities like keeping stuff clean unless you "teach" them

tell her she has to clean some things and you can't do it all yourself
if she doesn't do it just ask her again
once she does it pretend to be thankful and appreciative, just like if you were trying to get a child to do something. but not in a condescending way

Can confirm, females are messy degenerates that will try to coax you into cleaning up after them and will avoid work at all costs. Female roommate is the exact same.


Artificial wombs can't come soon enough

> gf wants to travel, go out to dinner all the time, get a house, and all that
> I work my ass off non-stop to keep the lifestyle going and to make the goals/dreams come true
> she then starts bitching and being a can't about how much I'm working

Women, they really don't understand shit. It's like if they aren't being celebrated that there is something wrong with you.

>falling for the 3d meme
its all your fault

Woman instincts are actively being discouraged because of third wave feminism encouraging women to be the "new men"
Imagine being a messy degenerate woman in the 1950s or 60s. You'd probably be berated by other women and men would naturally steer clear because you aren't fit for raising a family, which really is the most important overall value a woman has.

Teach her the difference between "clean" and "tidy" - it sounds like she doesn't realise they're separate things.

Also yes, a lot of women are like that.

They're pretty useless other than for an emotional need. Honestly if it weren't for the need to talk to someone, hug, fuck, etc they would be completely useless.

The worst part is having to hear them vent about dumb shit day in and day out

Not all women user. Tell each other what you expect from the other in case there's a lack of communication. If that doesn't work, she's just a freeloading bitch.

>Not all women

yes and they will cuck you based on your contrition to their demands. It's literally about pretending to be alpha when you know and she knows your not, but you do it so much and hang around other females at some point that she starts feeling insecure. insecure enough to fall in line with the dedication you give her by not taking your false sense of alpha'ness which it all is and fucking those other girls.

Girls are two things, and two things only. competitive and abusive. When they fear you leaving, you literally have a girl who will gape her ass open for you. The speed at which you get to that gape, is parralelled in the speed of how fast she thinks your gonna leave her.

yeh they are shit
they cant wash clothes right
they cant clean properly
they cant ear a wage properly
they dont understand nutrition
they cant cook well
they cant make a bed like an army guy can
they are weak
they are moody
they cant raise your children right
there heads are empty
they are worse than gays at oral sex
i mean JUST am i right

also kick her the fuck out OP and use tinder for lays

i iust spent the entire day cleaning up my my wifes apartment i just moved into two days ago... exact same shit. mess and unneeded purchases and trash everywhere.

whats insane is we are poor as fk yet she tries to eat out evey other meal. we are having a baby soon amd have less than $50 to our name. she wanted us to go watch beauty and the beast today. i told her no we arent spending $16 on jewvie tickets or $20 for 2 plates of food. i went to the store bought $15 worth of vegetables and she cooked meal and we had sex. tell that bitch to handle her shit or fuck off dont give them room to do stupid shit that is detrimental to a long term plan.

thats what i did. gotta put my foot down. im not even really alpha type just clever with words and humorous and i realized if i dont set the example and tell her to follow she is like a mindless drone. she will buy on a whim and avoid all responsibilities unless absolutely nescesary. just make sure you dont go overboard to where she can complain to friends if she does make sure its embarressing for her and if she wants to raise hell match her eye for eye tooth for tooth. you will soon break her in like the good mare she isnt ment to be. im working on it


Good luck user. I'm working on breaking one in to and I use a similar method. We haven't moved in together yet though. That's the carrot for her obv.

>When they fear you leaving, you literally have a girl who will gape her ass open for you. The speed at which you get to that gape, is parralelled in the speed of how fast she thinks your gonna leave her.

This needs to be etched into stone imo

Kick her out

It's unfortunately a symptom of the times.

They just don't make women like they used to.

My mother is a model housewife, our home was always clean, great meal every night, etc.

Last three woman I was with couldn't cook.

I can cook clean and iron. I can do all these things why can't they?

Despite what some people tell you, women, people in general but women in particular rarely change. If you talk to her, explain what you want when it comes to basic shit like home cleanliness and she doesn't change in the span of 3 month then GTFO.

Had a girl like this once. Clicked in all the right places but she was a pig. I tried talking about it, making scheduled clean dates, shaming her into it and anything else you can imagine to no avail.

No human should spend hours explaining to the woman he lives with basic shit like why dishes need to be washed, why clothes on the floor are unsanitary, why the toilet shouldn't smell like piss, etc.

Fuck on tinder, marry a responsible, humble and family oriented woman. Anything else is jew-media trickery about finding "fun" and "interesting" girls.

You're having a baby with $50 to your name?

good luck to you too. its a give and take situation. sometimes you have to let them do what they want just raise your voice in opposition right away.

then when shit goes wrong you can bring up how you were right. then next time she tries to do it again you put your foot down firmer and remind her why its not going to happen.

for exampleif you clean the mess real well you can now tell her to pick that shit up off the clean floor. if the floors already a mess though she will tell you to fuck off.

you need a woman who is a CAN my friend. We don't accept CAN'Ts around here

it was a mistake...

we got married 2 days ago. i was redpilled enough to know its actually a good thing and i have a brighter nonethless tougher future because of it

Yes - most women are like this.

This is not a relationship. Theres abosolutly no point in continuing this situation Just leave. By continuing, you have put her on a pedestal and are helping with the lowering of standards for all women. If when women acted like this, men just left, they would have to get their shit together and improve. The fact that there are guy willing to go through this shit is why there are shitty women. Make an effort to leave her and just watch for the change in attitude. DONT FALL FOR IT THOUGH. She will suddenly turn on the sweetness and be wanting to fuck more than ever before. DONT FALL FOR IT. Its just a ruse to keep you from escaping. They are manipulative like this, and may not even realise it. If one of these things happened in my relationship, that would be the end of it immediately. There is nothing to salvage here. Women don't want to be dominated generally they want to dominate. If you dominate and get tantrums, leave her - she has no clue how to act.

You can try and keep it going and you'll wast years potentially of being happy and then by the time you are near 30 you'll just be MGTOW without even realising.

Man the fuck up and drop her ass.

Fair enough. Good on you for being man enough to be there for your child, at least.

dont take advice from this guy. his way of treating woman has created an island full of nasty whores like his pic related. its not his fault but its a vicious cycle.

your gf lacks a sense of maturity and responsibility. you probably do too atleast in action but not understanding. dont stop showing her why you are doing the proper thing in breaking her.

its like the blacks in RSA who know they are better off under white mans rule. are you goin to let the blacks run wild or tame em and help them help you help them

>not getting the woman to clean for you
user what are you doing?

>>Wants it done right.

its not due until september so hopefully i can whip up some positive shit for my new family before then. thanks

>they are worse than gays at oral sex

Woah there buddy, dont think you got that one by without anyone noticing did ya?

This. Or genetic engineering to make women less retarded.

Just wait until you realize that she can but won't and then wait until you realize that the majority of people are like this

Sup Forums cannot answer that question as it has to do with women and real life.

>his way of treating woman
My way of treating women is to let them be how they are and if thats not good, leave, and they'll have no choice but to up thir game voluntarily.

>dont stop showing her why you are doing the proper thing in breaking her
If you think you can "break" them (like a horse) then all you'll do is create a bitch who resents you. You can NEVER be more influential than the TV, and its the TV that gives them their worldview.

My advice is learn to be happy on your own and if a woman wants to be a part of that let her, but if she doesn't know how to act, its not your job to teach and train her. If you can teach and train her she is weak minded and can be easily influenced by the next guy.

he has too many duplicates for it not to be true

get a friend and give eachother brojobs and you'll see

>Getting the confirmation you want from this angry virgin cesspool.

Even these tragic losers know that not all women are like this. They're just festering in the awareness that they'll never know the company of a topshelf gf/wife who can cook and clean properly. You have no one to blame but yourself if you can't do better, user.

Mine used to be like this. The problem is they think that the Messes made are mutual. I got 1 bowl to eat from with 1 sporke, then 1 change of clothes plus the ones on your back. Then stop all cleaning/tidying up that is not directly related to your "one thing". Took about 5 days before she realized the house was looking like what I assume a crack house would look like. she tried throwing blame my way but I showed her my 1 of everything and she got the picture. She rarely leaves a mess anywhere now


From that alone I can tell you're a cuck

Pretty much, yes.

Almost all women have an extremely narrow corridor for what they consider acceptable.

She wants to clean. But in her mind, she can only tolerate that cleaning to take a particular form - the type that takes ten minutes. Moving a few things around, wiping up the desk.

Women are extremely spoilt, and when she doesn't get things exactly the way she wants it, she's unhappy.


i mean i understand but the moment you leave her she will just resent th next man more than you. and you will likely have a harder time finding someone who doesnt already feel like that.

if you are with her every day you can be a bigger influence easily.

you are right on your third paragraph i guess. but id rather just worry about what i have. finding he perfect female will come later than sooner. how long are you willing to try that method out on an island of (from what i hear) whores who get whord out more and more daily.

i worry about myself first and if a female is right then ill work with that not throw her out. she likely expects you to that her like that so showing that you care for her to be what you need will only be a positive.

>If you think you can "break" them (like a horse) then all you'll do is create a bitch who resents you. You can NEVER be more influential than the TV, and its the TV that gives them their worldview.
This. You can dress up a pig but you can't keep it clean.

actually same poster here i agree with your method just approached the wording differently. my female just happened to not be the type that wouldnt change on her own. so far

>are all women like this?
No. My girlfriend bitches but never about anything like that. She just looks after herself and me when I need it (as I do for her), goes to work, makes her own money, comes home, cooks, and lays around. Find a different woman you faggot.

Same here except im the useless girlfriend


Tell us how it feels to watch a man please your wife in ways you never dreamed of.

Do one better etch it into your mind Aus bro and never forget

show her why her unhappyness is absurd. pull shit out and talk out loud. say oh.. is this where x belongs?

oh why is the x under all the y.

oh good thing you need the xy thats convienently shoved in the corner of z. shell quickly realize she is stupid and needs to fall in line

Throw the bitch out before you become a couple under common law if you have that Norwegianbro. Otherwise you're getting into a world of hurt.

These "How to fix women" threads always contain LARPing Chads telling you to dominate and break women like horses. This is such bad advice its unreal. In fact its shills. These Chads aren't real people with real advice. Just wait to see the response to this post. This "dominate and break" advice it the Jew-shill advice (((they))) want you to think is a good way to maintain a "relationship" Its not. Its going to cost you more than you can afford in the long run and end up breaking YOU. (((They))) want you to maintain a failing (and already failed) relatonships so you produce offspring into a family unit that will break up inevitably and contribute to the "tax cows" ripe for milking and create lost souls who see government as their new family. Cultural Marxism 101.

Find new women, go out and date them, even live with them, but if they act wrongly on their own accord, like if they think their behaviour is acceptable when it isn't LEAVE THE RELATIONSHIP. Your job is not to raise them. That was their parents job, and their parents have failed. By leaving you are forcing them to up thier game and raise themselves if they need to .

It is not your job

if she cannot handle responsibilities you ditch her.
this is for the sake of your nation and values.
let her go to suck refugees or other lowlifes.

they cant even keep their makeup stuff under control. it looks like a bomb hit whenever they throw the shit on or wipe the shit off.

keep your workbench clean and take care of your tools. we men know it.

Women aren't useless, you just have a shitty girlfriend.

This, soo much this.

My mother is smart and intelligent, but also works like a mule in the household.

She does complain, but gets the fucking job done and done good.

Yes - we have whores in the UK, but just as many as in any other nation. I mean OP is in Norway. and hearing a guy from "belly of the beast babylon" talking about hoes is a tad hypocritical. Western women are ruined from the shite hollywood and american shows put out. We have plenty of depraved shows too, but the US is definitely leading the way in this regard.

Real good advice idiot.
>calls everyone acting like a Chad a LARPer
So if they're not chads, they must be neckbeard weaboos like us.
>Surely they can just go find a different woman, instead of trying to make changes to the relationship by setting a good example

The problem is you're not "forcing" anything because there's always other men and/or The Man/The Dole to step in. There are no consequences to her actions that way.

1, Women are followers. They crowd the middle of everything. You just have to convince her, through action, that you're the center she needs to crowd around.

2, they can smell uncertainty the way dogs can smell fear, which is why you can't fake dominance and it's why women relentlessly mock any man who acts "outside of his station" in regard to sexual prowess

Opportunity cost completely melts women's minds. The idea that you "can't have everything" just DOES NOT COMPUTE because to them everything is just a matter of persuasion. There is no such thing as scarcity. There are no real material constraints that she's ever had to deal with. The only reason there's suffering is because people just haven't been *persuaded* to share.


I work as a photographer in the beauty industry, and these "Instagram stunners" keep digusting hygiene. they have no incentive to keep hygiene because they can cover any grossness with "product".

ye. if i lave a plate and set of clothes lying around, she gets pissed.
while she has made the whole bathroom unliveable, same with the bedroom and the kitchen has stains you need to scrape off with steel wool.

>but my mess is more visible if we suddenly get any guests.

lol. i admit saying break her is overboard but im not a shill.

dating around is why females are completely worthless whores these days. and you bet you have nothing to show for it other than avoide responsibility and childless and what else?

if you expect to find the perfect female ou there ur a deluded useful idiot fucking it up for everyone else. in the end all you need is someone to have your offspring not find some cinderalla princess you stupid man child...

>>calls everyone acting like a Chad a LARPer
Im saying the're shills pretending to be Chads, to promote the Cultural Marxists ideology.

Read the post

Friends don't think i live in my own house because its neat and tidy.
Also general physical ineptitude storytime:
> Aquire new sofa
>Just have to move it 150 meters to my house.
>Weight 50 KG
>Easy, but I could do with someone else to open gates and help balance the load.
>ask cuck m8 to help. he's not sure too heavy!
>All GF's and women decry loudly that it will be too hard to do and I should hire a van and a moving company. persuade m8 not to help as he'll hurt himself and it won't go through the door.
>Half convince me but I decide to give it a go.
>End up moving the thing myself.
So fucking easy.

they have a use
their cunts

Im in no way a "neckbeard weaboo", but I cant speak for anyone else here

>ignoring my point

Not everybody can just 'find a new girl.'

Almost always, the best girlfriend is one you already have. If you can make changes in the relationship to better your life and hers, why would you be opposed to that?

I don't understand how a strong father figure in the home unit is a Marxist thing.

you have to evalute for yourself how important pussy is in your life. from waht i'm reading it seems to be very important to you.
your woman is not contributing to your lifestyle in any way.
she is living for free in your home and the only thing she has going for her is the cleaning. now that you know that she sucks at it you should dump her and stop wasting your time. if you feel the need to fuck go get a prostitute. you wont get a better bj from your gf anyway.

Female bathrooms are dirtier than males' and there are only male chefs because they have a more discerning palate. And women can't drive very well. What does this tell you. Tells me quite a bit actually. Cant cook cant clean cant see things properly. I go with males

>so this is my story:
>my girlfriend complains that i need to clean the apartment.
>>i start cleaning
>>the more i clean, the more mess i find
>>now i got to sort out every cabinet, vacum behind the bed and get the drains unclogged.
>and she starts complaining that i do unnesssary things and that the clanup should only take 10 min.
>this is how it allways is. she cant clean for shit. its like a child throwing it all into the closet.
>the main rooms and the main places of those rooms look clean, but its like a ticking timebomb every time.
>i have nowhere to put stuff because she cant keep anything in order, so i must leave it in the open.
>she cant wash clothes right.
>she throws dirty clothes everywhere.
>cant do the dishes right.
>cant wash the floor right.
>its like a fucking retard. i understand why women in the past actually had lots of schools and lessons on being a housewife.
>she bitched on me before she went to bed (because she had to work 1 day in 3 months and pays nothing to live here)
>and told me to clean up the place.
>and its all so dirty because she cant do simple things as not placing her haircolored soaking wet towel in my sofa and leave the bathroom as a bombscene.
>are all women like this?
>this thread can die out. i just needed to gt this off my chest.

Thanks for the blog update, can I get a quick rundown on your gfs tits?

>my girlfriend complains that i need to clean the apartment.
>and she starts complaining that i do unnesssary things and that the clanup should only take 10 min.

Dude, you need to put your bitch in her place. She's kind of walking all over you.

If my girlfriend talked to me like that I would've corrected that behaviour immediately. And if she had a problem with that I'd remind her where the curb is.

You need to do something about that.

Your mistake was taking her shit without calling her on it. She's pissed off because her boyfriend is a little bitch boy who takes her emotions seriously instead of being a man about it and telling her what's what.

Push back. Take control. Tell her to do the damned dishes and clean the damned bathroom or she can go find somewhere else to sleep.

You've been too lenient with her for too long, so she'll throw a fit, she'll weaponize her emotions. This is a critical moment. Women are experts at finding your insecurities and picking at them. It's a baiting tactic, they try to get you to explode at them so they get to be the victim.

Do not back down when this happens, do not let her control you. She'll keep saying crazier and crazier shit, and you'll want to smack her, but you have to control your anger and reassert yourself. Stick to the point, don't let her derail the argument. Be firm and direct, you can even raise your voice a little to let her know you're serious, but do not let her bait that emotional explosion out of you. The instant you do that, she wins.

Think of her like a child, if you give her an inch, she'll take a mile. Stand your ground, let her know you won't take her shit on this, let her know that she is the one who will be doing the dishes, and you'll do as you damn well please.

After screaming every hurtful thing she can think of doesn't work, she'll pout for a while and act like you're a big asshole for treating her that way. This is phase 2 of her emotional attack. You have to stay strong here, too, and simply stick firmly to your point, just like before. Under no circumstances will you apologize or utter the word "sorry" in any way. Remember, she's essentially a child. She can pout all she wants.

If you've done all this correctly, it's just a waiting game now. She'll think about all the shitty things she said to you, she'll apologize, she'll do the dishes, and later that night, she'll REALLY want to suck your cock.

moving stuff with a woman is suicide.
halfways through a difficult lift and she messes up, freaks out and you are stuck in a position worse tan before that you must fix all by yourself.

which is exactly why you have to have realostic expectations and work with the whore you get. setting the bar too high and youre just part of th problem imo.

I think the issue is over what a "divorceble action" is. You have to have boundaries with women. Some of those boundaries can be "corrected" in to place and others can't.

Ask yourself, what does she bring to the relationship? What do you bring to the relationship?

And importantly, do you actually love her?

If you get nothing but sex and not-loneliness, then dump her. If you don't love her, and aren't willing to deal with her flaws, then dump her.

Do a simple cost-benefit analysis.

good points leaf. youre saying what im trying to say with better words

> be a poorfag
> pick a shitty woman to knock up
> actually believe you are clever

You are the last person to be giving anyone advice unless said advice is "dont be a fucking idiot like me"

I'll admit my wife isnt the best at keeping house but she's a fantastic cook, redpilled from the start, we share similar hobbies, and she knows how to get shit done. Her only problem is her temper.

Landing a decent woman doesn't magically happen. You can not train a bitch to not be a bitch. All you're doing is building up silent resentment and she's probably fucking other men in retaliation.

I honestly feel bad for your future kid if you're not LARPing.

Yes, my wife is the same. Luckliy she cooks like a godess and is thin so I'm not too pissed, but she's a fucking lazy mess when it comes to cleaning or doing anything halfway difficult.

poor studennt fag here, I do work weekends as a cab driver, holy shit, the amount of complaining and walk of shame I have seen makes me realise how shitty bitches are.

btw. im not even getting laid. (by my choice)
im not attracted to her the slightest anymore, but im going through a lot of stuff and need the emotional comfort way more than i like to admit.

and im calling her out on shit all the time, but she just has to twist things around to the point that i can never "call her out" on anything.
>its never her fault.

and this is stuff that cant be changed. she will be like this with me, and with the next guy.

im just in a shitty situation where im not getting laid, and have to listen to her bitching while the kardashians run in the background.

>Women are followers
Read OP - this is not a woman whos a follower, is it?

>that you're the center she needs to crowd around.
There is no crowding around either party. Being crowded around by my women sounds like a fucking nightmare. Let her do her thing - if its agreeable, fine. If not LEAVE IMMEDIATEY.

>The idea that you "can't have everything" just DOES NOT COMPUTE
>There are no real material constraints that she's ever had to deal with
LEAVE and it will compute. There will be material constraints.

These jew- shills want you to keep in a failing "relationship" to keep you paying out and eventually lose it all and be broken yourself.

Men need to stop tolerating this behaviour. This behavious has been taught to women through the jew-media and my advice negates that brainwashing.

Its not your job to raise women.

Quick rundown on my gf's tits:
>rothschilds bow to the tits
>in contact with aliens
>rumoured to possess psychic abilities
>control france with an iron fist
>own castles and banks all over the world
>direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Titdangrad will be be the first city)
>in the process of terraforming Pluto as their personal planet
>own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth
>first designer babies will be Tit Babies
>both tits said to have 400+ IQ
>ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>These are my gf's tits
>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Titbots inside you right now
>Every child has the mark of the Tit implanted in them at birth
>My gf's tits are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church
>Discovered the ark of the covenant
>They learned fluent French in under a week
>Zahi Hawass allows them full access to the evidence of Atlantis within the pyramids
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Tit
>Both tits are 67 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe
>They have been able to access the Akashic record since birth, and have spoken about what they saw while they were newborns
>My gf's tits will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace and love

Also this. Women always frame their real concerns within a "publicly acceptable" frame, and sometimes don't even know what they really want at the core anyway.

>After screaming every hurtful thing she can think of doesn't work, she'll pout for a while and act like you're a big asshole for treating her that way. This is phase 2 of her emotional attack. You have to stay strong here, too, and simply stick firmly to your point, just like before. Under no circumstances will you apologize or utter the word "sorry" in any way. Remember, she's essentially a child. She can pout all she wants.
>If you've done all this correctly, it's just a waiting game now. She'll think about all the shitty things she said to you, she'll apologize, she'll do the dishes, and later that night, she'll REALLY want to suck your cock.
Quote for ultimate truth. I've never had a girlfriend admits she's wrong. They jump straight from "I didn't do anything wrong, why are you being so mean to me," to "I know I screwed up why are you being so mean to me," thereby jumping from "victim role" to "victim role." There's never even an INSTANT where she expresses anything close to what I would consider accountability or reflection.


Wrong - tolerating womens materialistic demanding nature is whats fucking it up for everyone else. Just leave and women will have to up their game voluntarily. Stop putting them on a pedestal and stop trying to train them to be how you want them to be. Its an impossible task, and too much effort for this situation to be enjoyable for you. Why would you do such a thing and think you are winning?

Its the dumbest thing to do in my opinion.

>steamrolled pepperonis

dude if you are not banging your chick someone else is. she's cucking you bigtime. don't be a pussy and break up with her.

I truly believe women's rights is the biggest mistake humans have ever made.

Did you really have to marry her though? The prospect of marriage could have been another tool in the box.

This. All day everyday.

You can't be an relationship, as a man, that you don't have complete leverage over. If you lose the leverage then it's effectively over. She's unhappy because she has the power and has no idea what to do with it. You're unhappy because you have no control over the situation. If you're not willing to push your bitch out the front door the second she becomes useless to you, then you've already lost.

Maybe, you need to find a dumber chick that's easier for you to be in the dominant position.

And this all sounds mean and shit but this is actually what women want and women seek out. They want a daddy. They don't want some faggy little fuck buddy to mix his uncertainty genes with.

>if you expect to find the perfect female ou there ur a deluded useful idiot fucking it up for everyone else. in the end all you need is someone to have your offspring not find some cinderalla princess you stupid man child.

This is the proof this guy is a shill or doesn't realise hes shilling the Cultural Marxist agenda.

How can leaving women to improve on their own be " fucking it up for everyone else"

this guy is a SHILL POSTER

>don't eat this
>ate it anyways
>wants more
Women. The End.

Believe me, I understand where you're coming from. You shouldn't put up with awful bitches.

But part of the problem with society is that *men are not leading women* the way they should be and to just up-and-leave a relationship at the first messy bathroom is just as ridiculous as sending a toddler to military school for jumping in a puddle.

Now, if the child is 11 and killing cats regularly, then we can discuss escalation.

look women are very useful, but modern women arent, just like modern men.

this. many times.

shes not. ive even told she can do it, because i honestly dont care. if she did, she would hopefully not be as bitchy all the time.