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This is so idiotic.Niggers believe just because egypt is in africa that egyptians were black.I mean you dont see pajeets claiming to be japanese samarai warriors

Were the ancient Egyptians semitic?

The ancient egyptians werent arab, they were egyptian, the same people that live in egypt to this day




Praying for you South Africa

Um. but America was white before they ruined themselves. Is this supposed to be ironic?

Depends on if you think a Levantine nation can be semitic.

Easiest way to really think about it though is to look at the Coptics, who look pretty goddamn semitic.

The original Egyptians where the people of Khemet. Egypt over several thousands of years has gone through demographic changes. Just like the Mediterranean.I mean for the longest time they were "Black Africans" (Bantu, Nubian, Ethiopians, etc.) then later on became "brown African coptics" & near the end a combination of Greeco-Roman mixed with Phoenician-Arabs & Pars peoples. So the land area known as "Egypt" today has gone through at least 3 distinct demographic & ethnic transformations. Unfortunately most people haven't studied North African history all too well & end up resorting to either "WE WERE KANGZ" or "WE WERE PERSIANZ/ARABZ" levels of bs.

Well take it back then, Kangz

If it was yours, then make it yours again

What did Ancient Egyptians look like? Exactly the same as what Modern Egyptians look like. Invasions of a few hundred people (or even a few thousand people) are NOT going to genetically displace a population of MILLIONS of people, because genetics is NOT a fucking game of Lego. DNA tests have proven that Modern Egyptians are direct descendants of Ancient Egyptians and DNA doesn't lie. The ONLY things that are different about the Modern Egyptians is that the Arab conquest of Egypt forced the indigenous people of Egypt to accept Islam as their religion and to speak Arabic (however, the Copts preserved a Hellenised version of the Ancient Egyptian language to this very day).

Why do they insist that black people can create culture when we have African countries and we see what a shitfest it is?

What the fuck are talking about the ancient Egyptians were Semitic and so are the Egyptians now

It's funny how niggers don't know the history of their own beloved continent has there been a time when the majority of Saharan Africa was black? No simply no

The thing I don't get is why they don't embrace the tribal societies that their ancestors evolved into -- they work well enough, and are probably better for the environment as they couldn't multiply too much.

I'd be proud of that type of living if I were a Negro.

The original ones were though. Before the red man massacred them

Ironically, there's evidence that the Abos here weren't the first humans, and the Abos may have killed them off

Saying Ancient Egyptians were Africans is like saying Everyone on Earth came from Africa.

If you're talking about mungo man I'm pretty sure that's been debunked

Ancient egyptians weren't arab, they were north africans, and there seems to be european lineages. Modern egyptians are still north africans with some arab mixture.

And no, north africans weren't niggers, they were pretty much mediterraneans/berbers.

Except that last part is technically true.

Itt: Only shills

Egypt from The First and Second Kingdom where indo-european Nordics, emigrating gradually from the Black Sea basin after it got flooded 5900BC. First Kingdom Egyptians were those where the ones who built the biggliest pyramids.

>pharao and ruling class mummies had blonde hair, some red
>DNA tested to Nordic genotype
>Statues/pictograms of Egyptians with clear Nordic features, fighting coaldark Nubians and bignosed Semetics

>Gradually got assimilated by slaves, labourers, raiders and enemy conquerors
>Turning into the shitskin egyptianmix we know today

Further archeology pretty much banned by current Egyptians, wonder why.

I'm not even trolling, read Arthur Kemp - March of the Titans

Pharao 1250BC, holding enemies of the state by the hair

Same Pharao, having his eternal enemies embroided into his Sandals

Its even sadder. Even thoguh there was very limited trade, a lot of sub-saharan Africans came to the mediterranean area via slavery.

And does these Egyptian carvings of Nubians and Asiatic Semetics look anything like the Egyptian pictures of themselves?

Tldr, the Egyptians who actually made the epic discoveries and made the wonders were white, who gradually got zerged and turned into "egyptians"



also west african americans being proud of eastern african accomplishment is like italians being proud of russian accomplishment.

this is actually a very touchy subject in modern Arab Egypt

Italy brought the light of civilization to the far reaches of the world, all Russia did was get Drumpf elected.

Fuck Russia they have never achieved anything good.

The West will go the same path as egypt...

> Society succeeds with racial tribalism
> Brown savages start showing up to suck resources dry
> Races begin to mix over 2,000 years
> Too much brown blood gets mixed in
> Social unrest happens because the people smart enough to not mix start to hold all the wealth and are resented by the brown horde
> Wealthy light skins all flee or slowly genocided
> Mud race celebrates their "freedom"
> Mud race doesnt hold the foundations and infrastructure of previous light skinned leaders
> Society falls...

Egypt, Old Middle East, Rome, Europe, USA will all fall the same way...

and everytime it was the Jews that convinced the light skinned natives of the civilization to allow in the savages by weakening natural tribalistic nationalism..

They weren't Arab though. Arabic language didn't become the de facto middle eastern language until the middle ages.

Egyptians were Egyptians

Imagine in 2,000 years what Europeans will look like because of all the race mixing...

Europeans wont be what we know as Europeans

Egyptians race mixed themselves out of existence and its why their society fell...

Niggers have to prove that the Arabs wiped out the supposed native nigger population. Old world populations weren't as susceptible to new epidemics as the new world populations, who had no resistance, and there is zero evidence of any population replacement after the Arab conquest. They replaced the language, aristocracy and eventually the religion. Niggers are fucking retarded.
No, Semitic is a language family. They were their own people and their language group is usually just called Egyptian, although I have seen Hamitic used.

> be black
> believe you were kangz
> complain about slavery even though egyptian society was based on it

>be egyptologist
>dismiss water weathering on the sphinx as impossible
>find gobekli tepe
>still expect people to listen to you about dynastic race theory

Copt were descendant of ancient egyptians. They aren't arab.

Muh 18th dinasty


To be fair both of these sound like something a black person would do.

Egyptians aren't Arab though. They have some Arab admixture but so do Persians. They are dominantly still North African

Egyptians were African in the sense that Africa originally referred to what what we call North Africa today.

Ancient Egyptians had less sub Saharan African DNA than they do today. Ramses II and his descendants even had red hair. Race mixing with subhumans destroys empires. Also look at Rome and Greece

You should really stop labeling non scandi phenotypes as "nordic" because your kind isn't the only one who looks """nordic""".

its dependent on what youre looking at, all the we wuz are claiming that all of egypt was nubian when it was really just the kush empire which was really just spread along the nile. what theyre claiming was egypt that connected the Med which were more persian like than anything.

comparing a toy car to a monster truck. no one wants to be a tribe, the only admirable empire was Mali which most we wuz kangz should be proud of. but still i see your point but theyre going against the british empire, the egyptians whos landmarks are known everywhere, romans, greeks, french, spanish and pretty much all of western europe.

They didn't race mix, they got conquered by Muhammad and his buddies from the sand nigger areas in present day Saudi Arabia.

You'd be surprised.

I met a Pajeet that believes India brought martial arts to the rest of Asia.

>blond hair means they were nordic
just as dumb as saying they were black because they were tanned

you can find blond hair everywhere that has caucasian people. Used to be more common in that region before they got buttfucked by actual ayyrabs(saudi)

it depends on the dinasty
I think the first 2 were "nordic" but after that they got berbers and other shit
nowadays egyptians are supposed to be still very close to the ancient ones

They didn't race mix but most likely got replaced by arabs. Also coptic christians are the actual ancestors of ancient egyptians.

Reminder that the ancient Egyptians very clearly knew the difference between subsaharan blacks and themseles.


What do we do w/ Europoors who act like Ghetto West-African Americans? B/c this history revisionist bs is some cringe levels of sjw tier.

This. Most changes caused by invasions like this are cultural changes. Same here in Western Europe, majority of DNA is pre-indoEuropean.

we rly need to push arabs vs blacks. i mean arabs hate niggers already. for example in france they are furious about arab women dating niggers (those are all those race mixing couples in france, arabs not white women). niggers even openly laughs at arabic men for it. lmao. saw legit posts by arabs offering far right french nationalist help on the day of rope with niggers kek.



This. Womder why current Egyptians would refuse to release further DNA results. Would they hold back if it was the current mutt-we-wuz-egyptians mix?

>Leaves are like civilizations, they turn brown before they fall

Its sad because there actually was a black pharaoh and blacks did play a role in egypt, and not just at the lowest tiers of society. But these ahistorical people want to say it was all black, deny true egyptians their own heritage.

that makes no fucking sense

that retarded.

literally we wuz tier

We wuz Olmecs n sheit.
We discovered America n shit

stop your bs. nigger

The "we wuz" people are mostly coming from America who know jack shit about their own history. Which is situated in West Africa not the East or North. Nubians were just one of the groups that made up Khemet along w/ various Bantu group, & others. The pharaohs were always pretty much mixed ethnic groups. Regardless of which ethnic group was dominant demographically in the region. The Meds. & Pars. pretty much out rooted the native Egyptians from power. And then over the centuries a slow transformation of the populace took place. I mean Arabs are a mix of North Africans, Meds. & Pars. peoples in the first place. In varying degrees of course depending on location.

>the egyptians whos landmarks are known everywhere, romans, greeks, french, spanish and pretty much all of western europe.


>coptic christians are the actual ancestors of ancient egyptians.


no arabs arent a mix. NO NO no. Arabs are tribes between yemen and syria.
egypt are the most arabized population but they are egyptians.


North African is not the same as Western, Eastern, or Southern African. You're right, but the implication in the original picture is that the blacks of America (who are East African largely by descent) are the inhabitants of North Africa, an area vastly different in terms of race and culture.

Somewhat true. Ancient Egypt/Khemet was ethnically a diverse place.

Pretty much.

we were called arabs to refer to our language and neo culture and ISLAM mainly.

North african : a mix of berber tribes and arabs and a tiny bit of roman and nigger like 3% average.

Tbf I might be wrong about this. But going by genetics haven't brown & white people been on this planet for only about 50K years or less?

nope. they belong in sub saharan africa.

They're literally called coptic christians because they used to speak coptic, a direct descendant of the ancient egyptian language you fucking leaf

Kek. Everyone is mixed to varying degrees. Arabization happened b/c of competent Muslim leaders at the dawn of the religion. Except Egyptians have gone through various ethnic mixing over the many centuries. There is evidence to suggest perhaps at least 3 times over the last several millennia. Other than that I don not have any disagreement with your assertions.

>egypt are the most cucked population but they are megacucks

Fixed. How pathetic do you have to be to go "muh pharoah ancestors" but then speak arab instead of actual egyptian. And don't give me the "dead language" bullshit- Hebrew was also a dead language.

>4% are jewish

Holy shit, that's 3.6 million people

If they were white why do they depict themselves as brown?


meh, i told them.

i am not egyptian.

didnt egypt in a time turn into speaking greek.

They weren't Arab tho lol

In france? Then that's north africans not Arabs, you're talking about algerians and such right?

>what is a tan

You do realize they basically lived in the desert, right?

>we wuz kan-

Yeah. The Ptolemaic kingdom included what is today Egypt

Just another "We Wuz Kangz" shill.

The word "Khemet" isn't because the inhabitants were black, it's because the soil was black. It was fertile because of the nile and the flooding of the nile, as compared to the desert regions surrounding it. Please stop corrupting history.

"masr" is singular for "red soil land"
"amsaar" is plurale for "red soil lands"

they didn't

>men always painted red
>women always painted white
Same as the civilization they came from.

>nubians painted black
>semetics (an asiatic race which no longer exists in the pure form), painted brown or sickly grey with big noses and twisted features

Atleast during the first and second kingdom, before everything got muddy.
And I say again: The first and second kingdom were those who acually built the impressive stuff.

they arent whites. they are realists.
i am red and females are "white" because i go under the sun, the girls dont.


demographic explosion. caused by acces to healthcare.

My ancestor :)

What about the vandals?