Cant make this shit up.
Volker Beck, who has been busted with crystal meth before and signed some "sex with little boys is ok" declarations is calling for squads to protect muslim men.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Pedophile gay German Muslim
Why not just say German?

He's not muslim.
He's just a degenerate occultist pedo

And how are the normie Hans and Gretel responding to this?

What kind of men are we to let pedoscum rule over us when we know exactly what they are?

Voting for him.

They're a bunch of child abusing, drug abusing occultist lunatics who hate whites, cry for interracial breeding (on their party advertising too)
and germans gleefully vote for them

To clarify, those people are on the record having bragged about having raped children in kindergartens FOR DECADES NOW and nobody even batted an eye.
Theres this kind of open secret in europe that the elites are abusing children, even more open in the EU than in the US and nobody even cares.
People shrug it off and go back to wörk wörk to pay taxes to finance ali.

Well then, at that point i cant even be mad at the pedo meth user, when its the people who swallow this bullshit wholesale.

Probably a hetero

Germany is completely demoralized


Still they get loads of votes.
Not even a secret anymore and people still vote for them.
Mostly women and beta cucks.

Thank you for those links, it makes for a good read.

So... can we just grow beards and go stone degernates for aloha, snack bars be upon him?

Are you brown enough to pull it off?

>who has been busted with crystal meth before and signed some "sex with little boys is ok" declarations
How does he get elected with this kind of history?

I can grow a nasty beard and have dark hair.

>Boy raping pedo wants protection of gangs of boy raping pedos.

Big surprise.

He wants to protect turkish-german citizens who criticize Erdogan from turkish government institutes. It even says so in the article you posted. You're retarded and trying to misinform.

>mfw title wasn't a joke
What the shit? Seriously, fuck this timeline.

> protection squads

Literally the Schutzstaffel of the XXIst century. What are you complaining about? Dont you want to protect the Masterrace from populist subhuman rabble?

Ich würd mal den Artikel tatsächlich lesen bevor ihr rumschreit, ihr Idioten. Er setzt sich für Bürger ein die die Türkei *kritisieren*, nicht umgekehrt, und ist damit offensichtlich anti-islamischer Einstellung.

Seine Kinderficker-Scheisse ist davon unabhängig und sollte für sich bewertet werden.

>Sup Forums is too dumb to properly read an article

What a surprise. Just read what he said

Germans are perfect good goyims.

I don't speak Arabic

What's this say

Weil es dabei bleiben wird du Idiot.
>noch immer auf Salamitaktik reinfallen

fucking kikes every time

Oh yeah, protection squads for turks to protect them from erdogan.
Because it will stay just that.
You guys are insanely easy to fool.

How about expelling all muzzies instead of taking sides and importing their civil war to germany?
Fucking cuck bluepill idiots who can barely read let alone contextualize what they read and instantly take it for face value


So, a model German

>"...müsse man regelmäßig prüfen, „ob man nicht grundsätzlich unverzüglich auch ohne Beleg der Entlassung aus der Staatsbürgerschaft einbürgern kann"

So oder so sollte Beck aus allen öffentlichen/politischen Diensten verbannt werden.

>green party

Their brains are clogged with nigger semen.