Is it politically correct to cheat on your wife/husband , fiance , gf/bf ?

Is it politically correct to cheat on your wife/husband , fiance , gf/bf ?

Is it cheating if she's winning the race but you use the blue shell?

Cheating is one of the scummiest things a person can do. If you feel the need to cheat, grow some fucking balls and get rid of them instead, then fuck around.

There are probably dozens of Huffington Post and Salon thinkpieces arguing that it is indeed good to cheat.

unfortunately, yes
cheating is almost seen as normal now despite being scummy as fuck

Monogamy and fidelity are oppressive and privileged concepts user. Are you trying to trigger me with your microaggressive posting again? Fucking white people.

I used to know this shitty little Mexican guy with a white wife, who thought he was a hippie, who would constantly try to creep on my girlfriend and get her to cheat.

I would tell him to fuck off and he'd use this bullshit line about how people should just love, not hate, etc, just so he could self-gratifyingly fuck my girl.

Anyways, last I heard the stupid beaner filth ended up having an affair with an underage girl at his work, and when she found out he had a wife, tried to cut if off, and the guy tried to physically force himself on her. Everything came out and he went to jail and literally got raped by a group of black guys. His asshole had to be sewn up with 14 stiches, and he got syphilis.

Anyways, he's out now and his stupid wife is now fat and they have 4 kids. The oldest, now 13, is mentally deranged and turned lesbian and recently got in trouble for fingering another 13 yo girl. All the kids have fleas and child services are considering taking the kids.

Anyways, really makes you think.

It's immoral.

great story.

If I was president I would actually make polygamy illegal in all cases, warranting a fine of up to 2 million dollars or 1000 hrs of community service to ward anyone off from trying it

polygamy and polyamory are red-pilled

It's fucking degenerate and you should be shot for that post t b h

you kinda managed to trigger me
fucking internet

>not pooling resources together to give offspring the best possible options
>b-but muh personal genes

Why not?

Every girl you didn't fuck comes up as regret when you inevitably break up

Don't wife one unless your sure tho. There's plenty of women open to demands to where you can cheat without hurting her feelings

Cheating only hurts if you actually love the other person desu


Depends. What is your race and what is hers?

It's insulting to the other partner and completely devoid of actual love, 1984 style
But go ahead if you'd like to try and abolish the orgasm next lmao
It proves to the partner that they aren't good enough for them and that they aren't strong enough to save themselves for their partner, it's more robotic than human really

you're like an animal, get redpilled son

I have cheated in the past on my loved one . And after that i always fellt stressed of the continues feeling that she would find out . After all we broke up so i gues it wasn't that bad after all

truuuuuuu xDD

/nu/pol get out

The ancient Aryans understood that the ideal system of gender relations consists in polygamy for men and strict monogamy for women under pain of death, the only exception being prostitution, which often had a sacral character in the ancient world. Are you an Aryan Vir, or are you a timid modern beta cuck? You choose.

>nigger prison rape

Literally the stuff of nightmares. Does this only happen to child rapists and stuff? What if I get jailed in the future for misgendering a xir, will I get gang raped by a pack of niggers?

Doubt so. If you will, prisons would be filled with people like you, so you could easily bad together. Wait, you aleready have nazis there?


I know this isnt political related