7 year old black kid is smarter than you

Could you even contemplate teaching a college level physics class at 7?


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child prodigies fall off the cliff academically when they get to their teens.

E = KFC2

not bad, not bad

>inb4 it's from her white genes

E = MCpoo

not even once normie fuckface.

If E = MCpoo was true,
You liberal sheep shaggers would have been the first in line to get the fresh poo out of our brown asses for "Saving muh Environment" and "muh renewable energy"



says the cow fuckers.


netherlands aint rare you fucking pleb.

Yeah but I can still beat his ass in a fist fight.

We don't fuck cows, we worship them.

Do you guys fuck Jesus? Oh wait, Do you guys fuck Muhammad? (Just noticed your flag, sorry Ahmed)

>we worship cows
>tries to somehow say looking up to other human beings is degenerate
>they still worship cows

kek poo in loo keep on digging that hole son.

Well cows never fucked a 7 year old and they sure never conquered your country like Pookistan.

>Well cows never fucked a 7 year old

true, thats what indians do. i guess you're right, cows are better than indians.

>getting lucky with good genes

That's nothing to be proud of, user

Raping random girls is better than raping your own sister Ahmed. Take the poo pill.

guess what, I took college classes when I was in grade school, wanna know what i do now? smoke weed


It's funny that it's supposed to be positive but it's actually propaganda for how fall our education system has fallen into the gutter and how fucking stupid most people are.

Just like the little dindu that "made" a computer.

Yes it is.

>poo in loo is seriously trying to make out hes better

you forgot our country dominated yours. oh but i did make a mistake, you guys rape 4 yr olds, not 7 yr olds, my bad.


>"When I am 19 I want to make a star and put it in the Andromeda galaxy"
Wow, the first words that come out of his mouth and he sounds like a fucking idiot.

I hate you.

Lol dude you're losing that fight and by turning to nationalism you kind of sealed your rate

Shit slinger 1
Islam garage 0

Not at all, as you achieved nothing; you just put what you had no choice over into action.

It's like being proud of breathing.

Good looking is a social construct

To continue, it's only something to be proud of if it required struggle to achieve.

If you're a genius and something is simple for you due to such, then that's nothing to be proud of.

There's nothing to be proud of with being good looking, yes.

>hes throwing a trantrum because he has no response
dude im white. i know most of my country is asian, but not all of us. at the end of the day you are just hurting yourself as most people cant tell the difference between an indian, pakistani or any south asian person really.

>When I am 19 I want to make a star and put it in the Andromeda galaxy

In what world is this in any way intelligent? I was massively into space as a kid, I would have called him out on that shit as a 7 year old.


"""Black""", right. He looks like 25% black.

Looks mixed to me.

Just an anomaly, nothing to see here.

Lmao India bringin the bants

Britcucks stand no chance against India

say it with me now:

Never mind him... just a newfag catching up with Sup Forums trends...

Don't worry. Being in the public school system with the rest of the niggers will ruin any chance he's got to make something of himself.

Pretty stupid theory