How did Sub-Saharan Africans never manage to reach civilization status?

Every other group of people save for Australian Aboriginals, has shaped itself some sort of society, be it Aztec, Mayans in America and South America, be it middle Easterners with Assyria and Babylon, be it Whites with innumerable examples, be it Indians with the Indus Valley Civilization, be it East Asians with Ancient China, etc

All of these groups of people reached the status of civilization, while Niggers didn't even figure out how agriculture works.

Why are some people still in denial about race realism? Have they never talked with a nigger or seen him speak?

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Sub 80 IQ

Tbqh phamalam

niggers are wildlife
it is cruel and wasteful to pretend they're human

Because Blacks cannot create only destroy. If you have a Black farmer seed to plant, they would get hungry and eat the seed. There is no impulse control and no knowledge to accumulate. They are beasts.
Funny but true :))

That's like asking why Amazonian rain forest dwellers, never civilized. Apparently jungle environments prohibit sophisticated civilization development.

>Why are some people still in denial about race realism?
Because it's racist dummy

No Equatorial environments do that, because the environment doesn't encourage the selection for the capacity to delay gratification.

Think about it, Europeans and Asians had to prepare for winter and delaygratification selecting for a higher IQ, a similar thing happened in the Americas at least to some degree, flooding seasons in the Indus Valley and Mesopotamia.

If your climate is consistent 366 days of the year, and there is no change, you live day to day, instead of life getting harder on certain months and needing to adapt

They had no real pressures on them to innovate

Little tribal societies with more than enough of everything to survive reasonably well

Those that moved to colder climates had to adapt or die out; those that adapted were smarter ones, and they passed on their genes

the pc nazis came up with a theory
>1.they didn't make contact with other cultures
>2.the environment gave rise to all kinds of diseases
>3.there was not much trading going on because of waterfalls and shit
Blood for our tech...

>They were all Kangs.
>Kangs don't work, only servants do.
>No Servant because All of them were Kangs. >Sit idle, since Kangs don't work.

Because they were in equilibrium with their environment, having co-evolved with predators and diseases. They had their hands full just breeding enough people. Elsewhere in the world, humans mastered the environment because it wasn't ready for them.

Incidentally, this theory explains why black males don't stick around - Africa is rich enough in resources that a woman can feed her kids alone. The reason it's so rich relative to the population is that everyone dies (or used to die) so early. Blacks are r-selected instead of K-selected - ie, they breed fast, quantity instead of quality. Look up r/K theory if interested.

>They had their hands full just breeding enough people

Whites had this problem too through most of history, extremely high infant mortality. Yet we conquered the world, and niggers never even invented the wheel.

What about North America? They weren't much different from African life despite decent civilizations existing to the south

That's how.

>Why are some people still in denial about race realism?
If there are no differences between genders, then it goes there should be no differences between races.

>the pc nazis

So they are better than everyone else but failed to advance because they never met anyone else.


>The rational response to the African environment was simply to procreate more offspring whenever possible, even though you may well lose numerous children to disease and do a poor job of educating the others.

Good story, I had a similar experience

Intresting point

Oh yeah, because western Europe wasn't plenty dangerous with new diseases, horrendous winters, wolves, bears, and other predators.

Niggers literally think technology is magic.

>niggers are wildlife
>it is cruel and wasteful to pretend they're human

This. It's inhumane to expect them to do anything else.

Low IQ.

>How did


>Live on driest continent on earth
>Live in one the driest parts
>Get thirsty
>Turn on tap
>Get water

Why is one better than the other? An entire civilisation could be brought down if it relies on a complex system like plumbing, electricity, etc. I could probably bring a country to its knees myself as the internet is fairly fragile.

Because Islam:
>Aksum remained a strong, though weakened, empire and trading power until the rise of Islam in the 7th century. However, unlike the relations between the Islamic powers and Christian Europe, Aksum (see Sahama), which provided shelter to Muhammad's early followers around 615, was on good terms with its Islamic neighbors.[20][21] Nevertheless, as early as 640, Umar ibn al-Khattāb sent a naval expedition against Adulis under Alkama bin Mujazziz, but it was eventually defeated.[22] Aksumite naval power also declined throughout the period, though in 702 Aksumite pirates were able to invade the Hejaz and occupy Jeddah. In retaliation, however, Sulayman ibn Abd al-Malik was able to take the Dahlak Archipelago from Aksum, which became Muslim from that point on, though it later recovered in the 9th century and became a vassal to the Emperor of Ethiopia.[23]
>Eventually, the Islamic Empire took control of the Red Sea and most of the Nile, pushing Aksum into economic isolation. Northwest of Aksum, in modern-day Sudan, the Christian states of Makuria and Alodia lasted till the 13th century before becoming Islamic. Aksum, isolated, nonetheless still remained Christian.[8]

>After a second golden age in the early 6th century, the empire began to decline, eventually ceasing its production of coins in the early 7th century. Around this same time, the Aksumite population was forced to go farther inland to the highlands for protection, abandoning Aksum as the capital. Arab writers of the time continued to describe Ethiopia (no longer referred to as Aksum) as an extensive and powerful state, though they had lost control of most of the coast and their tributaries.

Everyone here is forgetting something extremely important and overlooked.


Almost all salt in everything we eat is fortified with Iodine, an incredibly important mineral directly correlating to development and intelligence.

This is why africa is still a shit, because they don't eat salted things or have salt mines

They did you're just clueless and uneducated enough to look for it, even on the net.

They didn't have a real need to evolve a lot. When you have water, animals to hunt and food to pick up every day, you wouldn't go out your way to think hard and make things easier. Neccesity is the mother of all inventions. Also their voodo religions make them do stupid stuff that sets them back. They are very unlucky and always have been

Exact, but what about the Abos? They don't live under the equator nor live in a rich environment... What kind of comportment is that?

the picture you posted is correct, except that the niglets will learn about rich western countries by (((NGO))) pamphlets an will be tricked to pay human traffickers to go where da white man will give him everything for free.

get out of here with your logic

In many cases, a complete lack of stone or metal and very little wood to work with. The savanah has an abundance of food but little else.

If I had to guess, it would be the economization of water. For egypt, it was the nile's regular flooding. It would give you all the water you wanted and more but if you weren't ready for it all it did was wreck your crops.

For mesopotamia , which was a lot wetter than it is now, you had a similar issue with flooding but also occasional raids from nomadic tribes.

Again, race is something of an abstraction. You really can't divide races scientifically since the boundaries are so blurred.

Leaving Africa meant facing new selective pressures. If they werent smart they died. They had to learn to cope with the harsh environment, and many did die. The ones who didn't leave were content with life of eating the fruit off the trees and out nigging your fellow nogs (bigger ones were alphas.) Essentially they have had to selected pressures.