So what's /po/ take on Trump vs Kim?

so what's /po/ take on Trump vs Kim?

Are we gonna see a new Korean war in our life time?

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I doubt it. Kim is just shitposting

>america wants to invade another country which minds its own buisness and is outside of their jewish overlords
Who could have guessed.

Go ask the origami boys yourself if you want an opinion.
>New Korean War
The first one never ended, it would be the same war.

*/po/ not ok

I really don't think there will be a war with NK. Kim does this shit every so often when he needs aid/food. He will get it, it will shut him up and we won't hear from him again for another year or two. Plus he always goes on rants about war when the annual war games are being held in SK.

Be trump said

>kim is acting very badly

about time this shithole was plowed

Kim is far more advanced than Trump. On many levels.


Implying the last one ever ended.

No peace treaty, just a promise to not cross the 38th by either side and they won't start the shooting again.

Attempts have been made, but they haven't panned out.

It would be a different engagement these days. As these autists said, the war never ended.

I think its a very touchy situation. I dont mind blowing the fuck out of lil Kim but Im not quite sure I would want to do it without China's participation.

Id prefer China did it themselves. Just ice Kim when he comes for a state visit and have men on the inside to grab the state and its nukes and kill any Kim loyalists that are in the government.

I dont trust that fuck with nukes. with that we need to take out Iran right fucking now before they get nukes.

My guess is we will be forced to attack North Korea or they will get a nuke and use it to threaten other nations.

I thought they already have nukes, just their problem is getting it the US

already have them

Iran would not last long in an engagement with the US. We took out Iraq's entire mobile infantry, armor and air force in four hours and they were the fourth largest in the world at the time.

Wrong board friend.

Well in terms of insane autocratic dictators, I can't tell the difference between Trump and Kim.

Going to war with North Korea would be suicide. The US would get invaded and occupied in 3 days, 1 week max.

Trump better play it safe and not start problems with North Korea, or he'l suffer big league.

Agreed. Which is exactly why it shouldve happened yesterday.


>communist state
>outside of jewish influence

Id say its the embodiment of Jewish influence

Probably folding paper and shit man.

Is America going to invade (country) flow chart
>1. Does country have oil?
If yes go to 2 if no got to 3
>2. Can America freely purchase oil at low cost
If yes go to 3 if no go to 4
>3. Country won't be invaded
>4. Country to be invaded

No Rothschild central bank not run by Jews just money grubbing Chinese

I was talking about the theology my man.

But yeah.. Youre right.... They just arent that different
