Be me

>be me
>being Economic Ultra Right
>live in germany

These are the 6 parties which are likely to enter the parliament in this year:
CDU: Mürkül
SPD: Gottkanzler Schulz (Socialdemocrats)
Greens: Cem Özdemir, literally the only turk in this country who dislikes Erdogan, but still a filthy Communist.
FDP:Christian Lindner (Pseudo-Libertarians)
Left: Sahra Wagenknecht (Former Government Party of Communist East Germany)
AfD: Frauke Petry (Used to be a good party once but it has become very leftists in economics, also its taken over by neonazis)

So in the End, no right-wing Parties for Germany

that's sad


I'm a right-wing Scottish nationalist. We have literally one political party and it's been run by the socialist wing for the last thirty years. You could have it far worse, Hans.

Why is Germany so fucking gay?

Vote AFD or you're a cuckold.

Vote AfD.

Once you're out of the EU, that'll open up new opportunities for alternative parties.

>Voting Socialists
>Good Joke

>muh taken over by neonazis

You deserve everything you cuck

adenauer write in

What happened to NPD?

Shitskins will always vote socialist though. First world policies require a first world population.

Considering the election at this point appears to be same shit vs. new same crap, I would have to pretty solidly agree that it's an ideal time to gun for AfD due to potential knock-off effects.

Im an AnCap, what the fuck could NationalSOCIALISTS do for me?

It has less then 1% , its not of important

How many muslim ancaps are there Fritz?

That's what I thought.

Most Sup Forumsacks can't comprehend politics besides
>muh immigrants
It's the same with Le Pen. Even if you just point out that she's a socialist retard you'll be accused of wanting to be raped by a nigger or some stupid shit.

They key to this is the CDU/CSU. Their inofficial motto is "rechts von uns darf nichts sein"
If you want your right party, you have to destroy the Union first

Economics can be undone. Demographic shifts not so much. That makes it a relative priority.

And when you have a limited number of choices, all of which aren't really what you want, sometimes you have to go for a tactical vote.

Too bad, Front National was very economic right when it was founded. But stupid Frenchs are even more socialism addicted than Germans

Or maybe people here grasp the concept that immigrants will outvote you and keep electing communists?

I thought AfD were lolbertarians?

I would honesty probably vote CDU in fear of Schulz coming in power and pray that AfD or some other party becomes more popular and has a legitimate chance at winning

Let me remind you

>immigrants tend to vote for leftist policies so let's elect a socialist
I'm not falling for your tricks, pinko.

>immigrants tend to vote for leftist policies so let's elect a nationalist
fixed that up for you britcuck

They used to be until 2015
since then the party gets more and more leftists to get votes in Eastgermany. Also they have got more authoritarian.

I need no reminder of what the 79 group have done to our movement.

You get Nationalism in Germany only coupled with Socialism

enjoy becoming a third world failed state that needs risulously high taxation to keep welfare chimps alive.

Better than turning into Venezuela

Vote afd if they gains support then other parties will be forced to the economic right to counter part of their base.

>Avoiding to become like Venezuela by electing Socialists
Oh Boy

There. I corrected it for you.

this is why Germany is so fucked and gay, all of you are leftist now.

losing two world wars

vota ALFA founded by Lucke, you cuckcold

kek. would love to see one for switzerland

Its renamed to LKR, but thats as pointless as voting PDV.
Goddamn 5% Barrier

then FDP is your best choice

Suck it up and vote for AFD, it's only money you can't bring it with you when you die

The problem with FDP is, they would do a Red-Green-Yellow Threesome

i think i have to move to Somalia :(

>there are people that still don't realize that leaving the EU would be enormously stupid for Germany

Yeah just go reverse from where all the shitskins come from there you can find your ANCAP paradise

People vote for the AFD to stop mass immigration. If the other parties wouldn't be retarded, then nobody would vote for the eurosceptics

There (you) go.

>liberal and conservative

Weird fucking choice for an axis.

Hey, I'm a fellow AnCap. Maybe I can help you with your problem. Obviously every party in Germany is fucking welfare state addicted, even the "right wing" ones, so it doesn't matter to not vote for a party because of that issue. What you have to do is vote for the party with the most potential of weakening the status quo, which is obviously AfD. This fact could change over the next years and if it does, I will reconsider who I will vote in the next election. Now here is the thing, on state level (2018 here in Bavaria) I will probably vote the Bavaria party . They only need 5% to utterly fuck up the establishment, since they demand a referendum over bavarian independence and that would be fucking ideal. So if you have any seperatist parties in your region, vote for those in the regional elections but vote AfD on the federal level to weaken the establishment. And don't hope for a "libertarian" option, there won't be a other option than the option of weakening the government.

>Liberal antagonistic of conservative is weird.
Indeed, if you look at it from an anglo perspective. The meaning of "liberal" is different in Switzerland (and in Germany, afaik) because it encompasses economic liberalism (as in the Austrian school of neclassic economics) along with social liberties. The opposite of that would be traditionalism in a social and a interventionism/keynesianism an economical sense.

One consequence of all this is that Swiss "liberalism" is against big government - in stark contrast to the anglo liberalism.

>socialism is bad
>national socialism is good

voting AFD would be a start...

European liberalism means basically libertarianism. The fact that anglo politics have become so popular recently didn't help either with seperating the two. Fucking lefties are calling themselves libertarians nowadays. It'S disgusting.

Of course i dont like big Government and i hate socialism.
Why not trying a nationalsocialist dictatorship

>Why not trying a nationalsocialist dictatorship
i dunno lol

I would honestly prefer CSU over AfD, if they would be independent and available in every state.

there's classical and modern liberalism. Classical is based on legal euality while modern one is about the welfare state giving people a standard of life. They aren't liberals. They're social democrats/ democratic socialists

So I went to check the wikijudea page on Sweden's parties to learn the logos. There is says:
>Social Democrats
>This is Sweden's hard right wing party


That would be nice.
I would vote AfD without Höcke and his fellowship
Alice Weidel should be boss

German parties are total crap. All of them.

I'd personally vote FDP because they're the most right leaning and liberal, so they just leave me fucking alone. Kek.

I think SD stands for Sweden Democrats
arent Socialdemocrats another party?

They are not, though. FDP suck the dick of every party that would get them into the government and are huge EU shills. No true libertarian would ever support the EU, so them calling theselves exactly that is incredibly hypocritical.

It's the same thing in Portugal and in a lot of Europe. Any party or well-known figure that takes a step over the line is destroyed by the media so no chance of recovery barring a Trump-level candidate blowing the whole system down. Unlikely to say the least.

I voted them in 2016
These are damn traitors.
In my federal state they made a Government together with Greens and SPD

Oh, you're correct. All the main parties seem to be some combination of social, democrat, and christian while all being basically communists.

And I am wrong as well on another point. After double-checking I see this is a "far-right" party, not just hard right.

This, but what is far more frightening is the fact that even black green is now a possibility. Everybody still calling CDU/CSU conservative is delusional, nobody in their right minds would partner with drug addict pedophiles that want to turn children into trannies and call themselves conservative doing so.

What the fuck?

Merkel is a fucking neo liberal capitalist you idiot.

How the fuck is she economically to the left.

I swear you children need to get out of your echo chamber once in a while. There are no real socialist parties in power in Europe. We're all capitalists.

The sickest thing is:
On the Sheet, there is no bigger difference between two parties than between FDP and Linke.
But i often see people who cant decide between these both. Also the AfD and the Linke are very common in some points, especially in the foreign Politics. Both Parties are full of Putin Fans

shill detected

AfD is the only option when you are pro-capitalist and anti-cuckold.

the only difference to the Left Party is, that the AfD wants a welfare state for Germans only.

Nah, all parties in Germany are anti capitalist, but hey, so are 99% of the people. And on the cuckoldry issue, well, they'd certainly reduce the immigration problem, but being cucked by the government to pay for Chantal and her 12 children is still a thing you can look forward to. I will vote for them, obviously, but there is not a single good choice in Germany, just one that is the least bad.

AfD is pro-capitalist? I want to believe.

>tfw in same position as SPD

remove germany when?

You should read their program for once instead of talking out of your ass, shill.
Even the evil gnatzi Höcke knows about the fiat money problem.

>There are no real socialist parties in power in Europe.

ahahaha mysides.xmp

The thing about the FDP/Linke problem is that lefties like to virtue signal support of freedom and anti establishmentarianism. Both the FDP and die Linke like to proud themselves with that image, while in reality neither of them are. But hey, who wants to change the status quo anyway, it's all about shoing how progressive and liberal you are for voting a hip and young party. Voting for the actual anti establishment party would be racist.

>socialism is bad
>national socialism is socialism

You realise that nationalist parties tend to be economically left leaning right?

How can you be for the free market but against immigration? You guys are fucking retarded.

Show me a European country where the people control the means of production.

I like you.

We got this

Someone who got it :)

>How can you be for the free market but against immigration? You guys are fucking retarded.

Read Hoppe, dumbass SP voter.

I'm a patriot. Nationalism is shit. Patriotism isn't.

I´m not against immigration
I´m against funding non-working and jihadist arabs with my hard earned money


hey guys don't you worry, we'll get a RED-RED-GREEN coalition.

prepare yourself for daily sharia and environment patrols, don't you forget to check your priviledge by giving 75% of your taxes to unvetted immigrants and our "female in cushy government and manager job" program. Also every white male of european decent has to convert to islam. It is not the REFUGEE'S that have to integrate, but us.

Praise allah and his prophet (pbuh) and don't forget to thank mother earth, YES MOTHER because she's a women you priviledge shitlord. for her fruits of your priviledge

>You should read their program for once instead of talking out of your ass, shill.

I did. It's pure socialism because they want to cater to the "gib more hartz iv" voters.

AfD was OK when it was founded. But then the media started calling them "le nazi party" and now you have idiots like Höcke running the show while the original founders left.

Nah thanks. AfD is like the Pirate Party. Overtaken by leftist idiots.

Who should we vote for then?

Are you an idiot? In many Euro area countries half the economy is under state control -- airlines, health/medical, energy/power, natural resources, insurance, all these are state owned in some places.

Give me the tl;dr

Explain to me how you can be nationalist and pro-free market.

You suffer from cognitive dissonance my friend.


you mean like in capitalism? xD

in leftist regimes the state controls the means of production. just take a look at the biggest German corporations: all partially state owned. the beloved "mittelstand" is just a glorified supply chain for those state corps.

The same in France, Italy and my guess is mostly everywhere outside the UK.


*nationalist leftist
Höcke is literally the worst shit in german politics

You're a confused cuck


>still using that fucking buzzword
M8, there is either a controlled market or a free market. It doesn't matter how much control the government has over the market, controlling it at all means economic leftism. Only a market without any influences is capitalism, everything else is interventionism at best, but since we've got all that spicy welfare I assure you there is not a single non socialist party in Germany.

>"Durch marktwirtschaftlichen Wettbewerb ergeben sich die besten ökonomischen Ergebnisse. Das unsubventionierte Angebot, von dem sich die Marktteilnehmer den größten Vorteil versprechen, setzt sich dauerhaft durch. Deshalb gilt für die AfD: Je mehr Wettbewerb und je geringer die Staatsquote, desto besser für alle. Denn Wettbewerb schafft die Freiheit, sich zu entfalten und selbst zu bestimmen, privates Eigentum an Gütern und Produktionsmitteln erwerben zu können, eigenverantwortlich Verträge zum eigenen Vorteil und zum allgemeinen Wohl zu schließen, zwischen erschiedenen Anbietern, Produkten, Dienstleistungen oder Arbeitsplätzen wählen zu können, ertragsbringende Chancen zu nutzen, aber auch ein mögliches Scheitern selbst zu verantworten."
>pure socialism

sure thing dude

What is your definition of Nationalism?

Nationalism is for Morons
Socialism is for lazy-asses
Nationalsocialism is for lazy morons
Anarcho Capitalism is for Gentleman

So you're saying we need the right kind of immigrants, not no immigrants at all. We agree then.

That's not socialism.

Show me a European country with a centrally planned economy.

Autistic version: No one because voting is immoral.

Non-autistic version: No one because there's nothing that deserves a vote. I'm not going to waste a Sunday just to cast my vote for some leftist career politician.